The Fighting Alfords Advance!

They looked pretty good today. They have been playing well the last month*

They've got a good final 4 chance. I like them against Iowa or Gonzaga and Duke tends to get upset and play down in the tourney as of late.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Congrats.., they beat UAB! Whooohoo. About equivalent of beating northwestern.

They'll get drilled in their next game
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Keep seeing this straw man argument

Is anyone really arguing that Crean is better than Alford? Most are just arguing Alford still isn't good enough.

I guess if one believes newpapers print "truth" instead of "what people say" one can argue he tried to help a scumbag sexual assaulter/rapist/player who was undeserving and who lied to him (and everybody else). But I learned the difference between "truth" and "what reporters write" a long time ago. And coaches almost always believe their players the first time - especially in he said/she said things. Maybe I should ask Kobe Bryant. Either he had consensual anal sex or he anally raped a girl. Only they know for sure. But it seems like his coach and team and fans and endorsement deal payers believed him.

We shoulda hired Alford instead of Coach Davis after 2001, and everbody would have been spared a lot of misery - except Paul Pierce would have maybe assaulted different people instead of people at Iowa.

If Alford was recruiting in Indiana in 2001, we would have been getting ALL the best Indiana players. Every coach in the state then knew he was and what he did. Now all the punks on my lawn say 'Who? The raper lover from Iowa? Why you want him?"

I guess toughness and shooting is overrated .
Re: In 2 years Alford has accomplished as much as Crean in 7**

Alford is a better coach than Crean, no question about it. Also, I do agree if he'd been hired in 2001, IU would be in a much better spot than now...and the last 15 years would have been a lot more enjoyable
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I still think he'd be great at IU....

I think he'd lock down state recruiting.

You are way too far out over your skis on this one....

You value toughness and shooting over not enabling a "scumbag sexual assaulter/rapist/player".


Just wow.

You on meds?
Start with this article...

and see if you're on thin ice or not.

Alford is scum, and I lost all respect for him based on this.

Now, mayhaps if IU had hired him Pierre would've been someone else's problem, but that's revisionist history, no?

Regardless, I'll take twenty years of IU basketball misery over enabling a scumbag who values winning basketball games over caring for a women who was sexually assaulted.

Just one of dozens...
It must be a

Liberal plot, right? Pierce is scum and when Alford supported him AND tried to get the victim to change her version, I was done with Alford.
2 Sweet 16s and a fan base that wants him are correct.

Not to mention a very one sided contract.

I'll start and end with this:

Have YOU ever been accused of sexual assault?
Have YOU ever been sexually assaulted?
Have YOU ever been a close friend/family member of a person accused of sexual assault?
Have YOU ever been a close friend/family member of a person who was sexually assualted?

A person cannot get even an inkling of an idea of what is involved by reading articles.

Love ya bro.
Not gonna fight about it.

And I sure hope no one close to you is ever sexually assaulted, or accused of it, and you must decide what to believe.

And God forbid that, on top of it all, some "article writer" ever asks you to let them put your words in print so folks can take sides about you.
Am I missing something?

"A person cannot get even an inkling of an idea of what is involved by reading articles."

How else are you supposed to know anything about anything, less you were there? Were you there?

I'm not fighting, just discussing. In this case, I disagree with you. My beef with Alford is he used his influence to try to get the alleged victim to not press charges.

Coercion. Abuse of Power. Whatnot. Not sure what an article writer had to do with that.
Come on man.

You're defending him solely because he went to IU.
Yep - have always maintained that at that time......

Steve would have ridden into Blommington on the proverbial White Horse. Just one of now several "timing" misses on the B-ball coaching front. Are we poised for yet another?

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