The board is getting infested with spam posts.

I didn’t know there was a new Peegs. Maybe we should take the Dream Team over there. This place is getting to be like playing the Washington generals
New Peegs is working, but the Civil Discourse board seems to be down.
The mods are all in an emergency meeting to try and come up with a strategy to deal with the dominance of the dream team. They’re panicking.

Except Stoll. Stoll is out on his luxury yacht with his new bride.
If i could catch on to posting pictures I’ve got the perfect one in that yacht at sunset. This morning before I left for golf I woke the neighbors yelling from the front porch that I loved her. 😂
If i could catch on to posting pictures I’ve got the perfect one in that yacht at sunset. This morning before I left for golf I woke the neighbors yelling from the front porch that I loved her. 😂
I love this stoll!!! That’s young love. I often woke my neighbors with screeching tires and a trail of flying F*UCK YOUssss
I love this stoll!!! That’s young love. I often woke my neighbors with screeching tires and a trail of flying F*UCK YOUssss
Yep I remember those days of neighbors hearing her screaming at me or my son.

The last time my best friend walked up to the front door to take me to golf she was screaming. He walked away and called me to drive to his house. When I got there he handed me the key to his lake cottage and told me to divorce her now. He and his wife never went out to dinner with us as a couple again. Happened with many friends.
The mods are all in an emergency meeting to try and come up with a strategy to deal with the dominance of the dream team. They’re panicking.

Except Stoll. Stoll is out on his luxury yacht with his new bride.
Is this the Cruising with Thomas vacation package?