The Black Boom

Dear Bulk VanderHuge:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding opportunities at COH U. At this time we are working on establishing a competitive athletics program, the COH Red Indians, beginning with men's soccer. Once completed, we will turn our attention to course offerings and majors. Rest assured, HVAC will be an integral part of the COH U education experience.

At this time, I am excited to share that we are accepting donations for our capital campaign, as well as deposits to hold your spot in our inaugural class (year tbd)! Don't miss your opportunity as seats (or logins) will fill up fast!

Unapologetically yours,

Co. Hoosier,
Any hillbilly can handle HVAC issues.
Wire this, solder that.
If that doesn’t work…open a window or build a fire
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Dear Bulk VanderHuge:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding opportunities at COH U. At this time we are working on establishing a competitive athletics program, the COH Red Indians, beginning with men's soccer. Once completed, we will turn our attention to course offerings and majors. Rest assured, HVAC will be an integral part of the COH U education experience.

At this time, I am excited to share that we are accepting donations for our capital campaign, as well as deposits to hold your spot in our inaugural class (year tbd)! Don't miss your opportunity as seats (or logins) will fill up fast!

Unapologetically yours,

Co. Hoosier,
Will mixed dating be allowed? That could be a deal breaker.
Will mixed dating be allowed? That could be a deal breaker.
Thank you for your follow up, Mr. VanderHuge. "Mixed dating" is indeed allowed. We are rolling back the clock, but not that far.

Kindly limit future correspondence to donations and deposits. As you know we are busy creating a a new educational experience....

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Dear Bulk VanderHuge:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding opportunities at COH U. At this time we are working on establishing a competitive athletics program, the COH Red Indians, beginning with men's soccer. Once completed, we will turn our attention to course offerings and majors. Rest assured, HVAC will be an integral part of the COH U education experience.

At this time, I am excited to share that we are accepting donations for our capital campaign, as well as deposits to hold your spot in our inaugural class (year tbd)! Don't miss your opportunity as seats (or logins) will fill up fast!

Unapologetically yours,

Co. Hoosier,
First vocational program will be truck driving

Commencement exercises will be a parade at the National Mall.
How many "Likes" do I need to donate to get the Student Union named after me?

And I want UncleMark to be in charge of student housing.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Gold re Unclebulk. He'd put them all in glass trailers so he could spy on them. Then he'd have one with guys, only one, to do the work he needs done around his place
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So are black people applying to be appraisers and are being denied? Did the other 2 appraisers list items that brought down the value of the Indy home that third did not? Was there any other comparisons done between the two appraisals other than the pictures changed?

I don't know what you think the government solution would be here. "So we do nothing?" No, if you get an appraisal you don't like, you do what the lady did and get multiple opinions. Do you want the government to force industries to make representation more reflective of the populace at large? "Says here that 13% of the country is black so I need 13% of your workforce to reflect that." What if black people don't want that job? We force them to take it? "I am sorry ma'am, but we have met our 13% quota of engineering degrees, can I interest you in appraisals?"

This whole topic is a needs more info type of conversation. Kind of like the pay gap conversation where free will and selection account for the majority of the discrepancy but you are not supposed to dig past the headline to get to the details.

You say the GOP wants to do nothing, well what would you like Washington, DC to do to get more black appraisers? What would you like them to do to make sure the appraisals are higher? Do we just increase all black owned properties appraisals by 10% and call it reparations? But then every buyer knows that the government inflates values and the question for white homebuyers becomes whether or not the initial appraisal was a low ball that needed brought up or if the 10% is now an overvaluation in which each buyer should offer 10% below what they would offer any other race of homeowner. So what would you do?
The big, controversial statement of this thread was 'does black ownership equate to devalued property'.

Goat made a comment about it existing, Floor said hogwash and then trolled on about liberal policies like he always does without ever offering a counter pov/republican solution....I provided him an anecdote right out of Indy that was a national story about how two separate appraisers low balled the property...but when she whitewashed it and actually took herself out of the equation by having a white, male friend pose as the owner....the appraisal came back over twice the value of the other two.

Not just a little higher, over twice as high.

Which is what goat was getting at (imo).

Dig a little deeper and yeah, the appraisal profession nationally turns out consists of mainly white dudes (and I have no idea how to remedy that, just stating the current make up).

The actual issue is not flat out selling the property (then just do what she did, grt rid of everything that seemed blackish and hire a white dude to act as the owner if so), it's getting equity loans and credit.

It's tough when the unspoken reason why you are denied a loan, or why your personal equity is less than those around you is because of you. You are the anchor.

That's demeaning because you can't escape you.

Wanna pull people out of ownership is one of the central pillars of generational wealth. It's still harder than others to get along with the fact that certain people have had a massive head start (along with we have had a tendency historically to violently snuff out signs of prosperity. We seem to be past that so...USA!! USA!!)

How do we make those opportunities available for everyone fairly? I don't know.

I don't see republicans offering any solutions. Hell I don't see republicans even acknowledging that there is an issue.

Only thing I see are republicans bitching about liberal policies.

The party should change it's symbol from an elephant to an internet troll.
I have an honest question. Do you actually believe that US government officials enacted a policy exclusively to distribute crack pipes to underserved communities? Did you read the RFA for the grant or did you just gobble down the red meat Tom Cotton threw out there for you?
The Biden administration, after being rightfully excoriated, has changed the program so that it will no longer include actual pipes. But it most certainly did originally.

So, yes, the Biden administration WAS going to supply crack pipes to minority neighborhoods.
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So are black people applying to be appraisers and are being denied? Did the other 2 appraisers list items that brought down the value of the Indy home that third did not? Was there any other comparisons done between the two appraisals other than the pictures changed?

I don't know what you think the government solution would be here. "So we do nothing?" No, if you get an appraisal you don't like, you do what the lady did and get multiple opinions. Do you want the government to force industries to make representation more reflective of the populace at large? "Says here that 13% of the country is black so I need 13% of your workforce to reflect that." What if black people don't want that job? We force them to take it? "I am sorry ma'am, but we have met our 13% quota of engineering degrees, can I interest you in appraisals?"

This whole topic is a needs more info type of conversation. Kind of like the pay gap conversation where free will and selection account for the majority of the discrepancy but you are not supposed to dig past the headline to get to the details.

You say the GOP wants to do nothing, well what would you like Washington, DC to do to get more black appraisers? What would you like them to do to make sure the appraisals are higher? Do we just increase all black owned properties appraisals by 10% and call it reparations? But then every buyer knows that the government inflates values and the question for white homebuyers becomes whether or not the initial appraisal was a low ball that needed brought up or if the 10% is now an overvaluation in which each buyer should offer 10% below what they would offer any other race of homeowner. So what would you do?
I have lived in high end hoods and low end hoods. Housing was approximately equal. The difference in housing values was not bricks, mortar or acreage. It was other factors like schools, transportation, crime, red light camera …etc. so equalize the underlying drivers and housing prices will equalize. Eliminate the unspoken, but real, hood taxes.
I have lived in high end hoods and low end hoods. Housing was approximately equal. The difference in housing values was not bricks, mortar or acreage. It was other factors like schools, transportation, crime, red light camera …etc. so equalize the underlying drivers and housing prices will equalize. Eliminate the unspoken, but real, hood taxes.
Respectfully, part of the differences is in bricks, mortar, and acreage. Namely the upkeep of the same.

Schools and crime (particularly violent crime), are a reflection of your neighbors in the area. Transportation only comes into play in heavily populated areas or if someone lacks the money to own it. Red light camera? That's another discussion altogether, but the experience in Chicago with those touches on some of those inconvenient data points.

Look racism does play a part in some of this but I will just go ahead and throw out the thing that people are afraid to talk about. If you erased all other information about an area and forced someone to choose where to live strictly based on demographics, I would lay money that the vast majority of people, no matter their color, would probably have a ranking system whereby highly black concentrated neighborhoods were at the bottom of the list. Some of that would be racism but even more of it would be rationally evaluating likely behavior of at least a not statistically insignificant percentage of your likely neighbors.

There will be disagreements about why that is the case and each side will have valid points, but that is reality. The real question is how do you fix that. And that is where the dividing line is drawn by people who care about the problem.
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Next time we get a big snow I'm gonna have snow shoveling class in my driveway. :) :)
You as a kid?
So are black people applying to be appraisers and are being denied? Did the other 2 appraisers list items that brought down the value of the Indy home that third did not? Was there any other comparisons done between the two appraisals other than the pictures changed?

I don't know what you think the government solution would be here. "So we do nothing?" No, if you get an appraisal you don't like, you do what the lady did and get multiple opinions. Do you want the government to force industries to make representation more reflective of the populace at large? "Says here that 13% of the country is black so I need 13% of your workforce to reflect that." What if black people don't want that job? We force them to take it? "I am sorry ma'am, but we have met our 13% quota of engineering degrees, can I interest you in appraisals?"

This whole topic is a needs more info type of conversation. Kind of like the pay gap conversation where free will and selection account for the majority of the discrepancy but you are not supposed to dig past the headline to get to the details.

You say the GOP wants to do nothing, well what would you like Washington, DC to do to get more black appraisers? What would you like them to do to make sure the appraisals are higher? Do we just increase all black owned properties appraisals by 10% and call it reparations? But then every buyer knows that the government inflates values and the question for white homebuyers becomes whether or not the initial appraisal was a low ball that needed brought up or if the 10% is now an overvaluation in which each buyer should offer 10% below what they would offer any other race of homeowner. So what would you do?
I think we need another government commission to study it and then pass a bill to authorize more affordable housing.

That's worked so well the last 55+ years.

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