The issue I have with the post-modern left is that they believe that everything is power politics, all the way down. That is one of the underlying premises of CRT and anti-racism. As a result, they believe language is just a tool to wield power, that there is no objective truth, and so most means are just as legitimate as any other, if you achieve your goal (ending oppression).
Trump and MAGA display the same underlying assumptions. Truth matters less than what the other guy did, or what levers are available to achieve one's goals. When someone objects about the importance of the process, the rule of law, some type of independence or objectivity, the response is typically that such things are fig leafs as proven by whatever the Dems have done recently. That is the same assumption as the post-modernist left, and it leads to similar results that corrode our institutions and civic organizations.
Psychologically and argumentatively, because both sides don't believe objectivity and non-biased action is meaningfully possible, they both resort to blinded loyalty to their side and believe that yabbuts are logically sufficient responses to criticism of their preferred politician's overreach or bad acts. This abject tribalism also usually results in very heated, hateful rhetoric and name calling towards the opposite political tribe.
Case in point for Trump here:
This is just a naked perversion of the criminal justice system and DOJ. It is the worst offense Trump has committed so far this term to the constitutional order and rule of law. For those who care about the justice system and it being used in a fair and objective way--as devoid of politics as possible--this is a bad development and should be condemned. For some conservative discussion and condemnation of this,
Trump and MAGA display the same underlying assumptions. Truth matters less than what the other guy did, or what levers are available to achieve one's goals. When someone objects about the importance of the process, the rule of law, some type of independence or objectivity, the response is typically that such things are fig leafs as proven by whatever the Dems have done recently. That is the same assumption as the post-modernist left, and it leads to similar results that corrode our institutions and civic organizations.
Psychologically and argumentatively, because both sides don't believe objectivity and non-biased action is meaningfully possible, they both resort to blinded loyalty to their side and believe that yabbuts are logically sufficient responses to criticism of their preferred politician's overreach or bad acts. This abject tribalism also usually results in very heated, hateful rhetoric and name calling towards the opposite political tribe.
Case in point for Trump here:
Seventh DOJ official resigns, warns Trump could use charges as leverage over NYC mayor Eric Adams
A letter from one federal prosecutor explains why the new administration is facing one of the largest Justice Department mass resignations since Watergate.
This is just a naked perversion of the criminal justice system and DOJ. It is the worst offense Trump has committed so far this term to the constitutional order and rule of law. For those who care about the justice system and it being used in a fair and objective way--as devoid of politics as possible--this is a bad development and should be condemned. For some conservative discussion and condemnation of this,
The Adams Case
Eli Lake joins the podcast to discuss the resignation of the interim U.S. attorney in New York and her argument that she could not in good conscience carry out the
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