Thanks, GOP & NRA! 384 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 09/4/24)

Wait, you are mad that the state is passing a law that would allow Denver to make discharging a weapon illegal and allow a rural county to keep it legal? That is what has you upset?
No that is not what I am mad about. Denver already has a law banning the discharge of guns, it also includes dangerous weapons like pea shooters. Municipalities have that authority . So do counties for areas of dense residential development. If you would read my post, you would quickly see that I’m not talking about urban areas.

Here)s the problem. Gunfire is routine in Denver. Hell, I heard three shots as I was going to bed last week. Unless someday gets shot, that prohibition is not enforced. Not enough cops.
As we await the details of the horrific event at MSU, I was saddened, but not shocked, to learn that in just 45 days of this new year, this is the 67th mass shooting in our country. The majority of Americans want reasonable gun regulation, but nothing is done because of the power and the money of the NRA, and how it pulls the strings of the GOP.

The recent bipartisan legislation is a start, but we need to stand up to the fearmongering that the government is coming to take away guns. There many measures that could be passed that would dramatically lessen this epidemic:

- banning many assault weapons. People do not need weapons that fire these many rounds that quickly in order to protect themselves, hunt for need/pleaseure, etc.

- better regulate over where and who can see arms

- permits and training requirements for gun owners. My friends in law enforcement agree that if we can mandate having to qualify for a driver's license, there is nothin wrong with doing the same for gun ownership. Why are people afraid of mandating better informed, qualified and capable gun users?

It is a disgrace that the NRA and GOP allows these events to continue.
12,000+ gun deaths year, 400.000+ abortion deaths per year both aren't good
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I'm not fully on the same page as the OP. But there were 2 other measures listed, beyond the Assault Rifle one.
Is it not a worthy exercise to try to tackle ALL gun problems?

Making the vetting process for gun permits more rigorous, making the process of buying guns more regulated, etc... will not immediately solve the issues you bring up. Which I whole heartedly agree is a larger issue than mass shootings are. But the more we plan, regulate, manage, who ends up with new guns in their possession...eventually, that will have a positive impact on the problems you mention.

Raise the percentage of responsible, knowledgeable, gun owners vs overall gun owners...and you lower the percentage of guns that will get into the hands of bad actors illegally. No? The answer is yes. And if we had started these measures yesterday, we'd be further along in the process today. Every day we just throw our hands up and point our fingers at the "other" people that are causing the problems, is one more day until less illegal guns are in bad peoples hands...AND yes, less Auto/Semi auto, high powered, high capacity guns are available to carry out these mass shootings.
Making gun purchases more rigorous, or increasing training, won’t solve the problem. The kids on the street with hand guns operate in a different place tgat those laws don’t touch. Last week a 12 your-old black kid was killed because of a gunfight over a stolen car he was in. The gun fight happened in an area where residents say gunfire is a regular occurrence . But to target the problem we have to face the fact that this is predominately a black juvenile problem. We don’t meet that problem. We can’t address this with more rigor in law-abiding people buying a gun.
What does that last paragraph means? You think Republicans are less corrupt?
Only one party even pays lip service to devolving federal authority. You want less government corruption? Give the legislature less money to spend and the executive less administrative authority.

But you don’t support that. You support the conditions in which corruption thrives and then act like a child when you see it.

Because you are not a smart woman.
And a lot of people don’t go through any hoops to illegally drive a vehicle.

So lets just take away the hoops then. In fact, since some people break the law, lets just do away with laws too.

Great idea uni.
No that is not what I am mad about. Denver already has a law banning the discharge of guns, it also includes dangerous weapons like pea shooters. Municipalities have that authority . So do counties for areas of dense residential development. If you would read my post, you would quickly see that I’m not talking about urban areas.

Here)s the problem. Gunfire is routine in Denver. Hell, I heard three shots as I was going to bed last week. Unless someday gets shot, that prohibition is not enforced. Not enough cops.

You said the law allows local governments to ban shooting on private land, then you say such laws already exist. Color me confused.

Your telling is that local governments MAY. I would 10p% agree if that were must. But if a town feels it has a problem, what is wrong? If the people do not like it, they will vote them out.
This would be an interesting solution.

Any hurdle that is placed on people considering an abortion should also be placed on people considering a gun. People who are really pro-life shouldn't object.

“How about we treat every person who wants to buy a gun like every woman who wants to get an abortion:

1. Mandatory 48-hour waiting period, parental permission, a note from his doctor proving he understands what he’s about to do, a video he has to watch about the effects of gun violence…

2. Close down all but one gun shop in every state and make him travel hundreds of miles, take time off work, stay overnight in a strange town to get a gun.

3. Make him walk through a gauntlet of people holding photos of loved ones who were shot to death, people who call him a murderer and beg him not to buy a gun.”
You can do number 3 now if you want.
You said the law allows local governments to ban shooting on private land, then you say such laws already exist. Color me confused.

Your telling is that local governments MAY. I would 10p% agree if that were must. But if a town feels it has a problem, what is wrong? If the people do not like it, they will vote them out.
You are picking an irrelevant nit. The point is that we have an urban black youth crime crisis and the Colorado liberal democrats are focused on bubba plinking beer cans in rural Colorado. The liberals are dumb as f*ck when it comes to gun laws.
You are picking an irrelevant nit. The point is that we have an urban black youth crime crisis and the Colorado liberal democrats are focused on bubba plinking beer cans in rural Colorado. The liberals are dumb as f*ck when it comes to gun laws.
So state legislators can only do one thing at once, nice to know. Does that hold true for Congress? War in Ukraine, inflation, and we are investigating a laptop. If they can just do one thing, is the laptop the most important?

What law do you want them to pass to end urban crime?
This is a tough topic because the debate truly will never end. All I know is that in my and my wife’s family, multiple people have been shot and killed over my lifetime …….and it f’n sucks - trust me.
Only one party even pays lip service to devolving federal authority. You want less government corruption? Give the legislature less money to spend and the executive less administrative authority.

But you don’t support that. You support the conditions in which corruption thrives and then act like a child when you see it.

Because you are not a smart woman.
Oh bless your stupid little heart. Your party doesn’t even pretend to care about corruption anymore. Speaking of acting like a child….. look who you support? Trump, MTG, Gaetz, Boebert. Children all. Yes, I’m the ignorant one. Got a mirror there, whatever your name is today?
As we await the details of the horrific event at MSU, I was saddened, but not shocked, to learn that in just 45 days of this new year, this is the 67th mass shooting in our country. The majority of Americans want reasonable gun regulation, but nothing is done because of the power and the money of the NRA, and how it pulls the strings of the GOP.

The recent bipartisan legislation is a start, but we need to stand up to the fearmongering that the government is coming to take away guns. There many measures that could be passed that would dramatically lessen this epidemic:

- banning many assault weapons. People do not need weapons that fire these many rounds that quickly in order to protect themselves, hunt for need/pleaseure, etc.

- better regulate over where and who can see arms

- permits and training requirements for gun owners. My friends in law enforcement agree that if we can mandate having to qualify for a driver's license, there is nothin wrong with doing the same for gun ownership. Why are people afraid of mandating better informed, qualified and capable gun users?

It is a disgrace that the NRA and GOP allows these events to continue.

What a piece of shit you are. The disgrace is an asshat that rushes to politicize a tragic event. I hope you get run over by a bus tomorrow.
So if proper etiquette calls for a cordial response to being thanked, when the OP thanks the NRA and Republicans in the thread title I am left feeling somewhat obliged.

You're welcome, I guess?
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As we await the details of the horrific event at MSU, I was saddened, but not shocked, to learn that in just 45 days of this new year, this is the 67th mass shooting in our country. The majority of Americans want reasonable gun regulation, but nothing is done because of the power and the money of the NRA, and how it pulls the strings of the GOP.

The recent bipartisan legislation is a start, but we need to stand up to the fearmongering that the government is coming to take away guns. There many measures that could be passed that would dramatically lessen this epidemic:

- banning many assault weapons. People do not need weapons that fire these many rounds that quickly in order to protect themselves, hunt for need/pleaseure, etc.

- better regulate over where and who can see arms

- permits and training requirements for gun owners. My friends in law enforcement agree that if we can mandate having to qualify for a driver's license, there is nothin wrong with doing the same for gun ownership. Why are people afraid of mandating better informed, qualified and capable gun users?

It is a disgrace that the NRA and GOP allows these events to continue.
Someone posted on Twitter that after Sandy Hook, where nothing was done, the debate about any meaningful gun reform was over. If the murder of children was acceptable nothing else would come close to moving the meter. Sadly, that’s proven to be true.

What a messed up society we live in. Can you imagine, if there are aliens, having to explain that to them??
Oh bless your stupid little heart. Your party doesn’t even pretend to care about corruption anymore. Speaking of acting like a child….. look who you support? Trump, MTG, Gaetz, Boebert. Children all. Yes, I’m the ignorant one. Got a mirror there, whatever your name is today?
Responding to your own posts now to feel important?

As for this one , it's funny everyone that sees through the sh!t you post is a stalker or they are the ignorant one.
Go buy a bottle of glass cleaner, scrub your bathroom mirror and take a good look at yourself. Also seems there are more people that don't like you than you seem to think doesn't it?
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Oh bless your stupid little heart. Your party doesn’t even pretend to care about corruption anymore. Speaking of acting like a child….. look who you support? Trump, MTG, Gaetz, Boebert. Children all. Yes, I’m the ignorant one. Got a mirror there, whatever your name is today?
You quickly retreat to your tit for tat “look at the people you support” nonsense. It’s where you are most comfortable. Nevermind I don’t “support” any of those people.

You once again misunderstand my position entirely, even after I’ve laid it out to you. I don’t deny corrupt Republicans in the federal government, how could anyone?

The problem is centralized authority, lack of transparency and bureaucracy. Under those conditions corruption will thrive and a persons political party has nothing to do with it.
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Someone posted on Twitter that after Sandy Hook, where nothing was done, the debate about any meaningful gun reform was over. If the murder of children was acceptable nothing else would come close to moving the meter. Sadly, that’s proven to be true.

What a messed up society we live in. Can you imagine, if there are aliens, having to explain that to them??

This country had a good run, but it's circling the drain quickly.
Actually there is. You complain about the handgun deaths but blow off infant deaths.
You don’t understand the pro choice position then. The pro choice position is that abortion is not a death because a fetus is not alive and holds no intrinsic value. You may disagree, but that’s the rub and they earnestly believe it.
The "cars kill people" argument has always been stupid. Guns have one purpose, to kill or maim. Sure you can use them for target practice, and that's fun. But they are designed solely to kill.

Obviously cars are not designed to kill people.
42k killed in auto accidents in 2021. 45k by guns in 2020

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When it comes to gun control issues the Liberal Democrats are just f*cking dumb. There is no other way to describe them.

Case in point: the heavily Liberal Democrat Colorado state legislature is about to pass a bill allowing local county authorities to ban shooting on any and all private land. If you want to shoot a beer cans on your ranch, that could be illegal. The mostly urban (remember that one man one vote thing) legislature believes that gun fire is such an issue that we must have tools to ban it. That ol’ “one more tool in the toolbox“platitude. The reports of gunfire deaths in rural Colorado are as rare as plant-based meat.

The real gun problem is found on the urban streets of every city. It’s largely a juvenile problem. It’s largely a Black problem. It’s largely an illegally possessed gun problem. It’s a gang problem. It is largely a drug problem. Gun fights are a regular occurrence in Denver. Gun deaths are only slightly less common. The gun problem significantly increased in the wake of the George Floyd riots. That was the time when the Liberals and Democrats worked overtime to convince Black youngsters cops were out to kill them. That was a time the liberal legislature stripped some of the public official protections afforded to cops. That was the time when cops were removed from schools. That was a time when cops were removed from public transportation. That was the time cops were so disrespected that the employment plummeted and is yet to recover.

We all are paying the wages of that liberal anti-cop sentiment today.

There are laws that could be passed to address the black-juvenile-gun-drug problem. There are procedures (like random stop and frisk) that could be employed. But none of that will happen because we cannot stigmatize black youngsters. We will just turn them into violent gangbangers instead.

So keep on believing we can stop everyday gun problems with bans of certain kinds of rifles, more background checks, and shooting bans where shooting is not a problem. Meanwhile street guns, street shooters, street drugs, go along unabated. After all guns are a white bubba problem.
Incidently, the liberal notion that only white guys are mass killer was disproved in the Michigan State shootings.

Hell, that's a slow weekend in Chicago.
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As we await the details of the horrific event at MSU, I was saddened, but not shocked, to learn that in just 45 days of this new year, this is the 67th mass shooting in our country. The majority of Americans want reasonable gun regulation, but nothing is done because of the power and the money of the NRA, and how it pulls the strings of the GOP.

The recent bipartisan legislation is a start, but we need to stand up to the fearmongering that the government is coming to take away guns. There many measures that could be passed that would dramatically lessen this epidemic:

- banning many assault weapons. People do not need weapons that fire these many rounds that quickly in order to protect themselves, hunt for need/pleaseure, etc.

- better regulate over where and who can see arms

- permits and training requirements for gun owners. My friends in law enforcement agree that if we can mandate having to qualify for a driver's license, there is nothin wrong with doing the same for gun ownership. Why are people afraid of mandating better informed, qualified and capable gun users?

It is a disgrace that the NRA and GOP allows these events to continue.
First of all, one needs to define what an assault weapon is. T
He didn’t call you specifically. But you haven’t answered the question why you still support them. I’d think another group who actually was in favor of some common sense gun laws, AND wanting to protect second amendment rights, AND not corrupt, would have an opening to do an abundance of good.
We have common sense gun laws. They aren't enforced. They often aren't enforced by progressive DAs who, because of equity, don't like throwing the book at criminals.

About that MSU shooter...

We have common sense gun laws. They aren't enforced. They often aren't enforced by progressive DAs who, because of equity, don't like throwing the book at criminals.

About that MSU shooter...

Had that guy been a Proud Boy, we'd have known it before he was dead.
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Someone posted on Twitter that after Sandy Hook, where nothing was done, the debate about any meaningful gun reform was over. If the murder of children was acceptable nothing else would come close to moving the meter. Sadly, that’s proven to be true.

What a messed up society we live in. Can you imagine, if there are aliens, having to explain that to them??
Yes something was done about Sandy Hook. There are other ways to address problems than relying on a dysfunctional Federal Government.

Someone posted on Twitter that after Sandy Hook, where nothing was done, the debate about any meaningful gun reform was over. If the murder of children was acceptable nothing else would come close to moving the meter. Sadly, that’s proven to be true.

What a messed up society we live in. Can you imagine, if there are aliens, having to explain that to them??
We have more school shootings and mass shootings, by far, than any other developed nation on earth. And every time it's just "thoughts and prayers," rinse, repeat. Country's going to hell in a handbasket.
We have common sense gun laws. They aren't enforced. They often aren't enforced by progressive DAs who, because of equity, don't like throwing the book at criminals.

About that MSU shooter...

We have common sense gun laws. They aren't enforced. They often aren't enforced by progressive DAs who, because of equity, don't like throwing the book at criminals.

About that MSU shooter...

Charge the DA with Manslaughter
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