Thanks, GOP & NRA! 384 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 09/4/24)

Are you suggesting people aren't using guns to settle disputes better settled in other ways? Or are you saying there is zero need for guns for safety because the fears and need of everyone in your party be armed and familiar with the Rolling T are overblown?
You are the one that called it a national motto. Im saying that I’m not seeing people in my area shooting people because they are cut off in traffic. Dubois Co and Bloomington are not that far apart. I’m my area… we have a drug problem enabled by government programs not a gun violence problem.
That’s interesting. The violent crime spree we have at the moment here are between 12-17. That really stresses the system as it didn’t really contemplate same
Youth crime is an increasingly vexing problem. Short term solutions are not the same as for adults. Longer term, we need to begin with better, more rigorous, and accountable public education. I don’t think we get there with more and younger ECE that the liberal democrats are in love with. That might even be counterproductive as it decreases the importance of family structure.
A smash and grab is a violent frightening act. It’s materially different than the chrisley’s filling out fraudulent bank docs. So now they are punished. Their kids are punished. And we pay for them. Has to be a better creative way
No victim , no crime?
You know what the doc said then I showed you the article where other well known mental health professionals posted similar comments. They don't fit your narrative so you don't agree and neither does your npr link because it doesn't talk about long term effects. As I suggested to you previously go ask a mental health professional yourself. Or keep searching the internet.

None of that is data. It's all opinion, which was my point.

All I'm asking for is a simple study, any study, that points to what you said, yet you haven't provided one. I provided a study for my side, why can't you provide a STUDY, not a article with opinions in it.

I'm starting to think that the reason you haven't is because they don't exist.

Edit: I went back and read the Fox News article a little further in depth and clicked on some of the links they had. I'm calling bullshit on the studies they were sighting. In one of them they have in there and I quote:

"Thus, from the studies published on the characteristics of woman seeking abortion, it can be estimated that up to 70% of all abortion patients fall into the high risk category, because of coercive pressure and/or ambivalent feelings at the time of abortion."

You would be surprised to find out that the author of the report the leader of a pro life ministry.
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You are the one that called it a national motto. Im saying that I’m not seeing people in my area shooting people because they are cut off in traffic. Dubois Co and Bloomington are not that far apart. I’m my area… we have a drug problem enabled by government programs not a gun violence problem.
We have a drug problem, what government program is causing it?

We have a violence problem. Some of it is caused by drugs, the number one way to be shot and killed is to be involved with drugs. But it doesn't appear that caused Sandy Hook, Michigan State, El Paso WalMart, etc.

And we have a road rage problem. Hek, google Road Rage, and watch the videos. It is incredible how freaking stupid people are while driving a huge and dangerous vehicle.

So are you saying there is ZERO reason for anyone in Dubois county to have a gun for protection? I've never in my life felt the need to own a gun for protection, but others tell me how dangerous Bloomington is and I should have one and they have one. Are you on my side, the vast majority of us have no self defense reason to own a gun (not saying anything about sport, collecting, etc)?
Youth crime is an increasingly vexing problem. Short term solutions are not the same as for adults. Longer term, we need to begin with better, more rigorous, and accountable public education. I don’t think we get there with more and younger ECE that the liberal democrats are in love with. That might even be counterproductive as it decreases the importance of family structure.
Education of course but doesn’t comport with reality. Many of these kids are in dire financial distress, broken homes, etc. When Rap Snacks are all you had to feed your little brother sitting in school for 8 hours doesn’t seem smart. Many thinks need fixing. I do believe Dems care more and save the vote whoring politicians the ones on the street are trying. They just don’t always have the best process
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We have a drug problem, what government program is causing it?

We have a violence problem. Some of it is caused by drugs, the number one way to be shot and killed is to be involved with drugs. But it doesn't appear that caused Sandy Hook, Michigan State, El Paso WalMart, etc.

And we have a road rage problem. Hek, google Road Rage, and watch the videos. It is incredible how freaking stupid people are while driving a huge and dangerous vehicle.

So are you saying there is ZERO reason for anyone in Dubois county to have a gun for protection? I've never in my life felt the need to own a gun for protection, but others tell me how dangerous Bloomington is and I should have one and they have one. Are you on my side, the vast majority of us have no self defense reason to own a gun (not saying anything about sport, collecting, etc)?
When you can come to a pharmacy and get #120 Norco for no charge every month then you have a government program enabling a drug problem. I see it all the time. 30 year olds that will fill these every month for the rest of their lives. Consequently, they will never have a job. How do they afford not to work?
We are now seeing the same thing happening with amphetamines. Kids started on these in school and now can’t live without them as adults.
If they are not working, why should the taxpayer fund their lifelong “need”?
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Education of course but doesn’t comport with reality. Many of these kids are in dire financial distress, broken homes, etc. When Rap Snacks are all you had to feed your little brother sitting in school for 8 hours doesn’t seem smart. Many thinks need fixing. I do believe Dems care more and save the vote whoring politicians the ones on the street are trying. They just don’t always have the best process
I’m sure the Michigan AG “cares,” as do many like her. But caring is not addressing the problem.
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I’m sure the Michigan AG “cares,” as do many like her. But caring is not addressing the problem.
I know this will turn your stomach but you could tether guaranteed income to school attendance. Involve the schools. Ameliorate some of the obstacles. Incentivize parental involvement.

I’m poor shouldn’t be a threshold. I’m poor and disabled. Okay. I’m poor and trying to get my kids through school. Well maybe
I know this will turn your stomach but you could tether guaranteed income to school attendance. Involve the schools. Ameliorate some of the obstacles. Incentivize parental involvement.

I’m poor shouldn’t be a threshold. I’m poor and disabled. Okay. I’m poor and trying to get my kids through school. Well maybe
Ah. The old fashioned American way— bribery!
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Ah. The old fashioned American way— bribery!
You know I’m a conservative. And a man’s man. My masculinity is TOXIC. And I detest wokeism. But the problem with conservatives, some conservatives, is they think we are all in an equal race. In truth some were endowed with hamstrings that go from their ass to their achillles and are faster than shit. Others got webbed feet. The race isn’t completely fair. So if we’re giving out money anyway let’s do it in a fashion that is smart
When you can come to a pharmacy and get #120 Norco for no charge every month then you have a government program enabling a drug problem. I see it all the time. 30 year olds that will fill these every month for the rest of their lives. Consequently, they will never have a job. How do they afford not to work?
We are now seeing the same thing happening with amphetamines. Kids started on these in school and now can’t live without them as adults.
If they are not working, why should the taxpayer fund their lifelong “need”?

Isn't that a problem with overprescribing by doctors, something we have known about for a long time? We actually had this problem before, in the 1800s, long before any government programts:

There is a lot to blame on the opioid issue, Purdue Pharma basically lying about the addiction possibility is one example:

I agree that we shouldn't fund people who don't need opioids. On the other hand, I know people who have chronic pain and working is difficult for them (one has been through multiple surgeries). I don't have an answer. We need people to avoid opioids as far as possible as one can't get addicted if they never use them, we need doctors to be careful in prescribing them. If there is a government solution about paying, fine. But I'd hate to think we are going to cut off everyone as some people legitimately need pain relief. Tough luck isn't a great answer. We need to get better at differentiating the fakers from the real. Heck, I don't know, maybe require pharmacies to administer lie detector tests (yes, that is meant as a joke but it may be something government programs could require).
You know I’m a conservative. And a man’s man. My masculinity is TOXIC. And I detest wokeism. But the problem with conservatives, some conservatives, is they think we are all in an equal race. In truth some were endowed with hamstrings that go from their ass to their achillles and are faster than shit. Others got webbed feet. The race isn’t completely fair. So if we’re giving out money anyway let’s do it in a fashion that is smart
A true story.

At my 60th HS reunion the year before last I sat with a classmate who has earned a reputation of playing Santa Clause. He has a wide following in Northern Indiana and parts of Illinois. I asked him about some his experiences. One he told about was a time he was in Gary playing for a group of kids, all black, in abject poverty. One little girl said she wanted new shoes that match. He noticed she was wearing old shoes that didn’t match. He asked his wife to go to the nearby Walmart (I think) to pick up a pair of shoes. one of those in charge of the event stopped her and said don’t. He said the girls mom will trade the shoes for drugs.

The problems in these areas are incomprehensible for most of us. I don’t mind providing incentives for education, but I don’t think GI, is the answer. Like the SSI, and SNAP benefits already paid to homeless and almost homeless, a substantial portion ends up in Mexico in the hands of the cartels.
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A true story.

At my 60th HS reunion the year before last I sat with a classmate who has earned a reputation of playing Santa Clause. He has a wide following in Northern Indiana and parts of Illinois. I asked him about some his experiences. One he told about was a time he was in Gary playing for a group of kids, all black, in abject poverty. One little girl said she wanted new shoes that match. He noticed she was wearing old shoes that didn’t match. He asked his wife to go to the nearby Walmart (I think) to pick up a pair of shoes. one of those in charge of the event stopped her and said don’t. He said the girls mom will trade the shoes for drugs.

The problems in these areas are incomprehensible for most of us. I don’t mind providing incentives for education, but I don’t think GI, is the answer. Like the SSI, and SNAP benefits already paid to homeless and almost homeless, a substantial portion ends up in Mexico in the hands of the cartels.
I totally understand that concern. And as a lawyer how many times have you cautioned not to throw good money after bad. But like a bar with skimming there will be some loss but you can still incorporate safeguards and mitigate same. Want more money get piss tested. Whatever
Isn't that a problem with overprescribing by doctors, something we have known about for a long time? We actually had this problem before, in the 1800s, long before any government programts:

There is a lot to blame on the opioid issue, Purdue Pharma basically lying about the addiction possibility is one example:

I agree that we shouldn't fund people who don't need opioids. On the other hand, I know people who have chronic pain and working is difficult for them (one has been through multiple surgeries). I don't have an answer. We need people to avoid opioids as far as possible as one can't get addicted if they never use them, we need doctors to be careful in prescribing them. If there is a government solution about paying, fine. But I'd hate to think we are going to cut off everyone as some people legitimately need pain relief. Tough luck isn't a great answer. We need to get better at differentiating the fakers from the real. Heck, I don't know, maybe require pharmacies to administer lie detector tests (yes, that is meant as a joke but it may be something government programs could require).
Like the gun issue…there is no common ground on this issue.
So in other words, "trust me."

Yeah, going with the actual studies that have been performed on the subject over a doc you heard it from.
I’m not sure if you guys are talking past each other or not but an abortion being “the right decision” for a woman at the time is not the same as whether or not they regretted the decision.

I can make a decision I feel is necessary and still regret having had to make it.
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I’m not sure if you guys are talking past each other or not but an abortion being “the right decision” for a woman at the time is not the same as whether or not they regretted the decision.

I can make a decision I feel is necessary and still regret having had to make it.

I fully believe there are woman who regret having a abortion.

When he said "the majority of those expressing remore begins in year 10+", I'm calling bullshit on that one.
A true story.

At my 60th HS reunion the year before last I sat with a classmate who has earned a reputation of playing Santa Clause. He has a wide following in Northern Indiana and parts of Illinois. I asked him about some his experiences. One he told about was a time he was in Gary playing for a group of kids, all black, in abject poverty. One little girl said she wanted new shoes that match. He noticed she was wearing old shoes that didn’t match. He asked his wife to go to the nearby Walmart (I think) to pick up a pair of shoes. one of those in charge of the event stopped her and said don’t. He said the girls mom will trade the shoes for drugs.

The problems in these areas are incomprehensible for most of us. I don’t mind providing incentives for education, but I don’t think GI, is the answer. Like the SSI, and SNAP benefits already paid to homeless and almost homeless, a substantial portion ends up in Mexico in the hands of the cartels.
It's Santa Claus. The Santa Clause (you know, like "clause" in a legal document) is the title of a series of movies starring Tim Allen, and only the first was any good.

And why was your Santa Claus friend asking kids living in abject poverty what they wanted for Christmas, when it was unlikely they were going to get anything? Pretty cruel trick.

This whole story sounds suspect. Is it some twisted variation of that "Christmas Shoes" song that came out about 20 years ago?

P.S. Mrs. Claus should have made the run to Walmart.
And the system keeps failing. The cops had already give to the Michigan shooter’s house bc he was shooting in the backyard. That should have been game over
Im going to assume that is an offense is his location. What would have been the charge?
Was he prosecuted to the full extent of the law?
Progressive DAs are a problem but so too is the reality of incarcerating more than we have the infrastructure to handle. In one week in a city of under 300k we had 150 stolen cars and 31 car jackings. The math doesn’t work. And the notion people are sitting in jail on pot charges in urban areas is silly. The system requires deals and probation. So if we are going to get aggressive and throw away the key, which I’m fine with, we need to decriminalize more stuff or have more alternative sentencing programs. Progressive DAs are a problem but certainly not THE problem
Yeah, THE problem is whatever issues cause the criminals to be criminals to begin with.
We decriminalize lotsa stuff by default. In many cases, if it’s just a “harmless” property crime, a victim is told to file a report and the cops will get to it when they can. Denver has spent big bucks on gunfire detection technology, but unless there is actual victims, those calls don’t receive priority. In our neighborhood I see more temporary message signs reminding residents to lock your cars, don’t leave valuables in your car, keep houses locked even when home, etc. That is what passes for law enforcement. Soon we might be like San Fran where people actually leave vehicles with open doors to avoid smash and grabs.

We need.more cops and we need to move our culture into backing the blue.

We need to respond to all crimes.

We need broken window enforcement.

We need more active policing with checkpoints and stop and frisk.

We need alternatives to sentencing and less expensive methods of incarceration.

We need better classification of criminals to separate out violent prisoners.

We need more prosecutors, judges, courts, public defenders and prison beds.

We need more of everything in criminal justice.

The people should expect and receive safety and security— not violent anarchy.
You need a better culture that doesn't produce all that.
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How do we define “dangerous people”?

There are ways to identify many. For example, we started restricting people with domestic abuse convictions but a court has stepped in and said that for that circuit, no.

I would also suggest people convicted of cruelty to animals.

I would suggest people who commit certain crimes while carrying a gun. For example, these smash-and-grabs may not be felonies, but if one is stupid enough to have a gun on them while carrying it out, they are a danger.

This MSU guy, he was accused of firing a gun out his back door. Maybe in nowhere, not a problem. In a city, he's a danger. Just about any reckless behavior with a weapon qualifies. If someone doesn't take the danger of a gun seriously, they are dangerous. We follow that rule with drivers.

Reports of credible threats and intimidation should be strongly considered. If someone tells their neighbor they will kill them, we should take them at their word.
There are ways to identify many. For example, we started restricting people with domestic abuse convictions but a court has stepped in and said that for that circuit, no.

I would also suggest people convicted of cruelty to animals.

I would suggest people who commit certain crimes while carrying a gun. For example, these smash-and-grabs may not be felonies, but if one is stupid enough to have a gun on them while carrying it out, they are a danger.

This MSU guy, he was accused of firing a gun out his back door. Maybe in nowhere, not a problem. In a city, he's a danger. Just about any reckless behavior with a weapon qualifies. If someone doesn't take the danger of a gun seriously, they are dangerous. We follow that rule with drivers.

Reports of credible threats and intimidation should be strongly considered. If someone tells their neighbor they will kill them, we should take them at their word.
If you are convicted of a felony…no guns.
If you’re on Clozaril or Lithium or another antipsychotic…no guns.
I wonder why we don't see the same concerns for illegal drug related deaths? It appears that drug related deaths are much higher than gun related deaths.
Because people choose to take drugs and they don’t choose to get shot. Obviously drug addiction is much more complicated but that’s the short answer.
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We have common sense gun laws. They aren't enforced. They often aren't enforced by progressive DAs who, because of equity, don't like throwing the book at criminals.

About that MSU shooter...

We have some. We need more.
The majority of those expressing remorse begins in year 10+, not the early years when they are young or where people are telling them they did the right thing. Years of refection and experience eventually add up. Ask a doc in the mental health field about this especially when it happens in the last trimester.
And, two important things you didn't mention -- 10 years later allows a woman to build up financial security to enable her to finance a child, either with or without another supporting wage earner. The passage of time also allows her to distance herself from any bad actor/sperm donor who may have been part of her original decision,

We've all heard enough stories about crazy ex-girlfriends in their late 20s/early 30s to make me think that the passage of 10 years does not automatically "add up" to make a woman's supposed "reflection and experience" the only reason for a possible change of opinion.

When you finally have a little money and security, and when you finally rid your life of harmful assholes in your life, it's easy then to forget the valid reasons that led you to make the original decision 10 years earlier.

It's impossible to make correct assessments 10 years after the fact, because all the original conditions and reasons cannot be accurately recreated. No number of degrees in psychiatry or mental health can correct the inability of the patient to inform her provider 10 years later about all the real influences on her decision 10 years previously. (Education and training does not = clairvoyance, except on the Supreme Court.)
We live in a society in which the suicide rate has risen 30(!) percent since the year 2000. There are more people suffering from depression than ever before and that number rises every year.

You are right that the country is going to hell in a hand basket but it ain’t because of guns

Hoping to fix these issues with gun control is like giving an aspirin to a man with a bullet in the head.

It’s just not going to work.
Wonder how many of those suicides are … by guns??? It’s obviously not just a one pronged problem but guns certainly are a part of the problem.
Increasingly I’m starting to believe this and I say that as someone who isn’t unilaterally opposed to any and all gun control.

It’s the fundamental dishonesty of the gun control movement that bothers me. It’s not about getting guns out of the hands of criminals or the mentally ill. It’s about getting rid of guns period.

The most honest of them will straight up admit it. COH is one. He wants to sue the gun manufacturers out of existence so that NO ONE would have guns. It’s insanity, but at least he’s honest about it.

The worst are those who just emote. We hAve tO dO soMethiNg!!!!

Let’s try to do more to keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them like increasing background checks and enhanced waiting periods. I don’t really have a problem with that.

Oh, and let’s also stop letting criminals like this guy off the hook in the name of equity or because not doing so is rAyciSt. If you break the law, you pay the price.

But banning the scary looking long rifles, which is where the conversation inevitably begins, isn’t going to do anything.

And when it doesn’t, it would be on to the next scary thing to ban. Of that, I am 100 percent certain.

Maybe there really is no middle ground.
I think very few actually want to get rid of guns period. Everyone knows that’s impossible.
There are exceptions to what I am about to say because quite a few of the mass shootings have been suburban kids, but...we have an urban cultural issue that impacts poor people, particularly the black community. If you could wave a wand and turn the black crime and murder rate comparable to the white one, this country becomes vastly improved overnight. And it isn't a systemic racism problem. The problem got worse when systemic racism was removed from the system.

Single moms are generally bad for society. Hook up culture is bad for society. If you don't grow up in a traditional nuclear family and you turn out as good as a kid who did, you beat the odds. The worst thing Progressives have done is remove the concept of shame from the culture.
Sorry I disagree that shaming is the answer. To much of anything.
The majority of those expressing remorse begins in year 10+, not the early years when they are young or where people are telling them they did the right thing. Years of refection and experience eventually add up. Ask a doc in the mental health field about this especially when it happens in the last trimester.
Do you have a link for that? Because hopefully we all know that the large majority of abortions in the last trimester are to save the life of the mother or for a severely I’ll or disabled child. I find it hard to believe anyone regrets that 10 years down the road.
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The only way you can legislate a fix is to completely take them away from everyone. They always compare to other countries and the countries being compared to are always almost a complete restriction or regulations so strict as to make owning a gun next to pointless. Like the idea of having to lock it up at some facility you would need to go to to get access.

Progressives never express the end point early on. They always boil the frog slowly. Anyone who believes them on their face is an idiot who has failed to observe how they operate.
Not necessarily.

We'd definitely improve the situation if we eliminated only, say, one-quarter of the guns. There are a couple ways to start doing that, such as criminalizing the failure of police departments to destroy the illegal guns they have already confiscated legally,

Like other things they've done wrong, police departments have routinely sold confiscated guns (just like abandoned bicycles) as a money-making activity, thus ensuring that those same guns eventually migrate to future murderers, fostering a cycle of death.

Lawabiding gunowners have no legitimate complaint against the destruction of illegal guns that used to belong to someone else.
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Personal protection is covered in the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence.

And this was during a period of our country when our leaders, and most all of the people, believed in the importance, no, the absolutely necessity of limited big Fed government. The federalist principle, give the power to the states (not the swamp), that way the power in our nation is closest to the people in this country who casts the votes. We've since lost our way badly. We've relinquished too much power to a body who has written $32 Trillion in checks that our bank account can't cover, and colludes with all media (both tv print and virtual) to control perceived reality to everyday Americans.

The Declaration of Independence was never law. Never.

Don't try to fool us with mistatements of history. The Second Amendment mentions militias but does not ever mention personal protection.
Yep! I think if we got serious about guns we would spend a decade of aggressive alternative sentencing for a host of crimes and throwing away the key on gun charges to make a dent in the guns in circulation being used. Then for uncle Ken who loves his guns make him keep them at an AFFORDABLE gun club. Make licensing and permits and registration difficult. That’d be my three pronged approach if I were king for a day. Oh and lift immunity.
"Make a dent in the guns in circulation," you wrote.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Guns should not be as accessible as candy bars,