Terry Hutchens Talks I.U. Basketball Ahead of Big Ten Tournament . . .

FG is just waiting for TC to find a place to land and then the announcements will be made. Patience.
Not ready to let go of a guy that won the Big 10 2 out of the last 4 years? How about letting go of a guy that missed the NCAA Tournament TWICE in the same period?
Not really going out on a limb to say he won't be back unless he leaves on his own. Isn't that the definition of a soft landing?
save your ears. they both think Crean will be back next year unless he leaves on his own.

I will take a pass on listening then. All these media types are the same and are either delusional or lying on purpose as to not rock the boat.

1. Kravitz- Crean is the second coming of Jesus Christ. He can do no wrong and IU should love having him.

2. DD- Crean is a great coach and IU is lucky to have him.

3. Hutch- delusional and a homer.

4. Vitale- delusional and senile at the same time. Probably has no idea what he even says anymore.

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