Take a break from gov hate to spread the hate to nike


I rotate about 30 into my trunk for golf every year. I rotate the previous ones back into the storage boxes. It’s a system. I have thrown out some as well.

When I was the Assistant Engineer on my second ship in Bahrain every Navy ship that visited usually needs a part or some assistance that we could provide and it quickly became known that part of the deal was one of their ship ball caps. Usually some Officer or Chief showed up with one in hand.
That’s real neat
  • Haha
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I have a little extra bone that juts out of my heels on both feet. My Fred Flintstone feet — 13 1/2ers which means I wear 14s —- can rip through the backs of sneakers in a few weeks. $100+ sneakers of most brands and New Balance are the only shoes that I don’t shred.

My dorm buddies at IU said it was a vestigial sixth toe. lol. Luckily, women are fascinated by tall guys with big feet….
Your mom loves my little extra bone.

I rotate about 30 into my trunk for golf every year. I rotate the previous ones back into the storage boxes. It’s a system. I have thrown out some as well.

When I was the Assistant Engineer on my second ship in Bahrain every Navy ship that visited usually needs a part or some assistance that we could provide and it quickly became known that part of the deal was one of their ship ball caps. Usually some Officer or Chief showed up with one in hand.
You ever buy one of those Americana ones I posted about a few years ago?
@DANC ? Are you a croc guy? It takes an IDGAF attitude at a higher level than most to pull them off.
Carroll County men don't wear crocs. You should know that.

I have 1 pair of black Sketchers that can double as dress shoes under the right circumstances. I wear them to the gym, too, and they're fine on the treadmill.

I have a pair of regular black shoes that I use for funerals, weddings, and church (when I go).

I do have a pair of hiking shoes that I bought before going to Glacier National Park and Banff last year. I never wear them.

I grew up in an environment where we put cardboard in our shoes to make up for the hole in the soles. I wear shoes until the soles come loose. Kind of like jeans, only I don't have to cover the holes with patches anymore - I can afford new ones now.
Personally speaking at 22 I was incredible. Pro athlete. Deciding between grad and law school. Banging one hot chick after another. It’s almost shocking to think such a spiral could happen and there be a god. How fleeting that time was. Not much longer than a rhino is pregnant really
Napoleon Dynamite 2: Staring McMurtry as Uncle Rico

Napoleon Dynamite Rock Throw GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Carroll County men don't wear crocs. You should know that.

I have 1 pair of black Sketchers that can double as dress shoes under the right circumstances. I wear them to the gym, too, and they're fine on the treadmill.

I have a pair of regular black shoes that I use for funerals, weddings, and church (when I go).

I do have a pair of hiking shoes that I bought before going to Glacier National Park and Banff last year. I never wear them.

I grew up in an environment where we put cardboard in our shoes to make up for the hole in the soles. I wear shoes until the soles come loose. Kind of like jeans, only I don't have to cover the holes with patches anymore - I can afford new ones now.
I know you've seen this before. One of my great-grandmothers put bread sacks over her feet before she put her winter boots on because they had holes in and around the soles and her feet would get wet otherwise.
I know you've seen this before. One of my great-grandmothers put bread sacks over her feet before she put her winter boots on because they had holes in and around the soles and her feet would get wet otherwise.
Oh hell yes. Standard foot prep.