T Hill


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2024
Here we go again…. Now that the footage has been released, please someone explain to me why the Miami police were wrong.
Here we go again…. Now that the footage has been released, please someone explain to me why the Miami police were wrong.

The police camera film I watched, showed an argumentative Hill that wouldn’t roll his window down. He was also breaking the speed limit, running 100mph. There is a reason he was stopped!
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They were quick to drag him out of the car. However, hill had plenty of time to comply with rolling down his window.

Hill played stupid games and got his prize. Next time maybe he will comply
Looked like a pissing contest between two assholes. Tyreek lost the match but that doesn't make the officers right.
Pretty much my take here.

Hill was less than cooperative - which escalated a routine traffic stop.

But the cops went too far in yanking him from the vehicle and handcuffing him face down on the pavement.

Both parties were in the wrong. A lot of people are saying Tyreek Hill did nothing wrong here. And I don’t agree with them.
Pretty much my take here.

Hill was less than cooperative - which escalated a routine traffic stop.

But the cops went too far in yanking him from the vehicle and handcuffing him face down on the pavement.

Both parties were in the wrong. A lot of people are saying Tyreek Hill did nothing wrong here. And I don’t agree with them.
Just roll the f—-ing window down and quit being an asshole
Just roll the f—-ing window down and quit being an asshole
I agree entirely.

But I also think the cops could’ve and should’ve exercised more patience and civility. The one cop immediately instructs the other one to just break the window - like 5 or 6 seconds after Hill rolled it up. And then they just forcibly remove him onto the ground.

That’s an awfully quick fuse…especially for a traffic stop. The cops were in no imminent danger.

But, yeah, I’m not letting Tyreek off the hook here. If they’re going to “use the platform” to create social good from this, then Hill and the NFL should admit that he acted poorly too.
I agree entirely.

But I also think the cops could’ve and should’ve exercised more patience and civility. The one cop immediately instructs the other one to just break the window - like 5 or 6 seconds after Hill rolled it up. And then they just forcibly remove him onto the ground.

That’s an awfully quick fuse…especially for a traffic stop. The cops were in no imminent danger.

But, yeah, I’m not letting Tyreek off the hook here. If they’re going to “use the platform” to create social good from this, then Hill and the NFL should admit that he acted poorly too.
You know as well as I do that’s not how this is going to play. It’s already being spun all over the “world leader in sports” as black man good cops bad…. We’ve seen this movie too many times before. Unfortunately too many times the scenario is true to form but T Hill was just flat out being an asshole. I think people forget just how much these police officers have to put up with on a daily basis. Just because there are some bad apples doesn’t spoil all of them. If I was in their shoes I would have reacted the same way. How were they to know that behind those tinted windows that asshole wasn’t reaching for a concealed weapon??
I think people forget just how much these police officers have to put up with on a daily basis.

How were they to know that behind those tinted windows that asshole wasn’t reaching for a concealed weapon??

These are both very good points - especially the second one. I hadn’t considered that. And I can certainly understand why a cop would consider it.
Also don’t forget these 2 cops belong to the Hispanic voting bloc.
Pretty much my take here.

Hill was less than cooperative - which escalated a routine traffic stop.

But the cops went too far in yanking him from the vehicle and handcuffing him face down on the pavement.

Both parties were in the wrong. A lot of people are saying Tyreek Hill did nothing wrong here. And I don’t agree with them.
Tyreek was a prick from the get go. He is not innocent. However the police are trained and paid to deal with pricks.
If it was me, the officers would be required to go through more training in deescalating a situation and hill would get his reckless driving and resisting arrest charges.
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I haven't seen the video yet, but if he was going over 100mph, he was reckless driving (+25mph over), which means he was getting arrested, period. The cops had already mentally walked down the path of knowing that they were going to be putting the driver in handcuffs and knew that there was significant potential for a struggle.
Maybe they acted a little hastily, but when you are in arrest mode, and the perp is not immediately acquiescing, their stress levels start increasing exponentially.
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Seems like both sides made mistakes. I’m guessing at least one of those cops are getting fired, especially if they KNEW who they were dealing with.

On the other hand, if Hill was driving over 100 mph, he should face consequences as well.

politics will most definitely color the way everyone sees this.
politics will most definitely color the way everyone sees this.

You know as well as I do that’s not how this is going to play. It’s already being spun all over the “world leader in sports” as black man good cops bad….

I get it. I'm not naive.

But every single situation and interaction is unique. That's why bodycams are such a great thing. We can all see for ourselves what really happened -- rather than just hearing what each side says to defend themselves or accuse the other guy...and then giving the benefit of the doubt to whichever side we're inclined to support.

I don't have the slightest problem going after cops when they deserve it. And unfortunately they often do deserve it.

I also don't have the slightest problem going after a citizen when they deserve it. Their race is entirely immaterial to me on that. If a citizen is black and does things to provoke cops into reactions, etc., then I'm going to defend the cops...even if they're white. Right and wrong don't shift because of the races of people involved in something. Not in my view, anyway.

The NFL seems interested in trying to wade into this situation to take a social stand. If so, I think they would be very wise to acknowledge that Tyreek Hill did not handle this situation appropriately from the start -- along with saying that the police overreacted. If they aren't going to do that, then I'd advise them to let it go.

If they just defend Tyreek, then they're telling everybody that it's OK to be defiant of police officers during an encounter. And it's not.
You know as well as I do that’s not how this is going to play. It’s already being spun all over the “world leader in sports” as black man good cops bad…. We’ve seen this movie too many times before. Unfortunately too many times the scenario is true to form but T Hill was just flat out being an asshole. I think people forget just how much these police officers have to put up with on a daily basis. Just because there are some bad apples doesn’t spoil all of them. If I was in their shoes I would have reacted the same way. How were they to know that behind those tinted windows that asshole wasn’t reaching for a concealed weapon??
Cops have no idea what’s behind that window
You know as well as I do that’s not how this is going to play. It’s already being spun all over the “world leader in sports” as black man good cops bad…. We’ve seen this movie too many times before. Unfortunately too many times the scenario is true to form but T Hill was just flat out being an asshole. I think people forget just how much these police officers have to put up with on a daily basis. Just because there are some bad apples doesn’t spoil all of them. If I was in their shoes I would have reacted the same way. How were they to know that behind those tinted windows that asshole wasn’t reaching for a concealed weapon??
This story will be out of the zeitgeist in about 1 day. It's already off the front pages of ESPN. I think once everyone saw the body cam it was "meh. Hill is an asshole and those cops probably need to chill on the coffee. Everyone was a little too high strung in that encounter".
I agree entirely.

But I also think the cops could’ve and should’ve exercised more patience and civility. The one cop immediately instructs the other one to just break the window - like 5 or 6 seconds after Hill rolled it up. And then they just forcibly remove him onto the ground.

That’s an awfully quick fuse…especially for a traffic stop. The cops were in no imminent danger.

But, yeah, I’m not letting Tyreek off the hook here. If they’re going to “use the platform” to create social good from this, then Hill and the NFL should admit that he acted poorly too.
Guy behind dark tinted glass not complying. Cop has no way to know who’s in car and if they have a gun. Waiting can get you shot.
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If it was me, the officers would be required to go through more training in deescalating a situation and hill would get his reckless driving and resisting arrest charges.
they deescalated it pretty quick. from their standpoint. Hill is an entitled asshole and the black community defending him is just making things worse.
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Guy behind dark tinted glass not complying. Cop has no way to know who’s in car and if they have a gun. Waiting can get you shot.
Mistakes were made on both sides. And with the benefit of hindsight, its obvious both sides could have done things differently.

But its important, I think anyways, to recognize that both sides did some things right too.

-Hill wasn't combative. I'm sure he was embarrassed, probably raging inside. After he rolled his window up on them, he handled the rest of the encounter very well.

-The police didn't "dig in" and arrest him, and take him away. Outside the guy at the end feeling like he needed to force Hill to the ground (that was a bit much)...but other than that, I think they showed restraint in what was probably a very tense situation for them for a minute or two.

Some perspective that none of us can relate to, to also consider...

-A possible reason why Hill rolled his window up... he didn't want his face all over social media. You can tell from the transcript he was telling them to give him the ticket and move on. He wasn't really contesting anything, he probably was just trying to avoid the dozens of cameras (phones), that he felt were on him.

-A more obvious reason the Police got very amped up... Its Miami, not Cleveland...there are tons of cars similar to that one in Miami, owned by dudes you wouldn't want rolling the window up and not knowing what they could be doing inside the car. In Cleveland, probably a lot more obvious outside the stadium like that, that it would probably have been a football player. In Miami, I bet if you panned out and showed a 5 minute clip, there would be a handful of other similarly fancy cars going this way and that in that area.

-And to my comment on the officer at the end that pushed Hill to the ground...who's to say that Officer hasn't had experiences where other detainees have taken off running in that situation, or kicked someone...there are probably procedural reasons why they want them sitting, and not standing. Did he "have" to rush to him, obviously frustrated, and force him down? Maybe not, but again, none of us know what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

All in all, I think it was handled well. And I wish Hill's camp and the Police, could somehow get together and admit their mistakes, but praise each other for the restraint they both showed.
All he had to do was say, hi officer, I was speeding. What do you need.
or he could have bought one of those I support the F.O.P badges and hung it by his license plate like my grandpa used to have. he went through life without 1 traffic stop, and he was rumored to be the leading moonshiner in the area.
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If it was me, the officers would be required to go through more training in deescalating a situation and hill would get his reckless driving and resisting arrest charges.
You guys are so dumb. The window staying down is a safety issue for the cops. They have no idea what he’s reaching for in the car with those heavily tinted windows up. How anyone doesn’t understand that immediately is insane to me. Common sense ain’t that common anymore.
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Seems like both sides made mistakes. I’m guessing at least one of those cops are getting fired, especially if they KNEW who they were dealing with.

On the other hand, if Hill was driving over 100 mph, he should face consequences as well.

politics will most definitely color the way everyone sees this.
No chance that cop gets fired.
Mistakes were made on both sides. And with the benefit of hindsight, its obvious both sides could have done things differently.

But its important, I think anyways, to recognize that both sides did some things right too.

-Hill wasn't combative. I'm sure he was embarrassed, probably raging inside. After he rolled his window up on them, he handled the rest of the encounter very well.

-The police didn't "dig in" and arrest him, and take him away. Outside the guy at the end feeling like he needed to force Hill to the ground (that was a bit much)...but other than that, I think they showed restraint in what was probably a very tense situation for them for a minute or two.

Some perspective that none of us can relate to, to also consider...

-A possible reason why Hill rolled his window up... he didn't want his face all over social media. You can tell from the transcript he was telling them to give him the ticket and move on. He wasn't really contesting anything, he probably was just trying to avoid the dozens of cameras (phones), that he felt were on him.

-A more obvious reason the Police got very amped up... Its Miami, not Cleveland...there are tons of cars similar to that one in Miami, owned by dudes you wouldn't want rolling the window up and not knowing what they could be doing inside the car. In Cleveland, probably a lot more obvious outside the stadium like that, that it would probably have been a football player. In Miami, I bet if you panned out and showed a 5 minute clip, there would be a handful of other similarly fancy cars going this way and that in that area.

-And to my comment on the officer at the end that pushed Hill to the ground...who's to say that Officer hasn't had experiences where other detainees have taken off running in that situation, or kicked someone...there are probably procedural reasons why they want them sitting, and not standing. Did he "have" to rush to him, obviously frustrated, and force him down? Maybe not, but again, none of us know what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

All in all, I think it was handled well. And I wish Hill's camp and the Police, could somehow get together and admit their mistakes, but praise each other for the restraint they both showed.
This is pretty simple actually. The police have procedures to keep themselves and the public safe. Hill didn’t comply with those procedures. They took action. That’s the whole story. Nothing else to see or discuss here.
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A) I can't seem to find confirmation of exactly what the traffic stop violation was. Someone earlier was citing 100mph+, but I don't think that is correct. So my previous statement about reckless driving is likely incorrect (ie, he was going to be arrested anyways).
B) Was able to watch the bodycam footage. IMO, I have no problem with the cops actions up and through the time where they put him in cuffs. Hill was not complying and was being elusive. Cops have the right to maintain their own safety and a solid argument can be made that Hill's actions were being resistive.
C) After that time (when he was cuffed), when the one cop pulled Hill down from behind (semi-choke hold) forcibly while he was in cuffs, and then when someone kicked him while he was on the ground, THAT was excessive and should result in someone getting suspended / fired.
A) I can't seem to find confirmation of exactly what the traffic stop violation was. Someone earlier was citing 100mph+, but I don't think that is correct. So my previous statement about reckless driving is likely incorrect (ie, he was going to be arrested anyways).
B) Was able to watch the bodycam footage. IMO, I have no problem with the cops actions up and through the time where they put him in cuffs. Hill was not complying and was being elusive. Cops have the right to maintain their own safety and a solid argument can be made that Hill's actions were being resistive.
C) After that time (when he was cuffed), when the one cop pulled Hill down from behind (semi-choke hold) forcibly while he was in cuffs, and then when someone kicked him while he was on the ground, THAT was excessive and should result in someone getting suspended / fired.
Once he resisted he lost his rights to not be roughed up a bit
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In 2014 arrested for assaulting his pregnant girlfriend. Yeah he’s your typical.

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