Sporting News says 3 BT Teams Won't Go To A Bowl Game In 2024:

red hornet

Gold Member
Dec 17, 2019
Greg McElroy picks NW, PU, & Indiana as Big Ten teams who won't go to the postseason. "If these teams get to a bowl this year, it would be a great accomplishment. If Curt Cignetti can get Indiana to a bowl game in year 1, that would be an incredible achievement."

I'm sure Coach Cig is shaking in his boots.:)
Greg McElroy picks NW, PU, & Indiana as Big Ten teams who won't go to the postseason. "If these teams get to a bowl this year, it would be a great accomplishment. If Curt Cignetti can get Indiana to a bowl game in year 1, that would be an incredible achievement."

I'm sure Coach Cig is shaking in his boots.:)
He recruited McElroy and was WR coach at Bama while Greg was there. I’m sure it’s definitely not personal and doubt CCC even cares where pundits rank us.
Greg McElroy picks NW, PU, & Indiana as Big Ten teams who won't go to the postseason. "If these teams get to a bowl this year, it would be a great accomplishment. If Curt Cignetti can get Indiana to a bowl game in year 1, that would be an incredible achievement."

I'm sure Coach Cig is shaking in his boots.:)
Maybe he is just setting it up so he can say it was an incredible achievement later.
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The prognosticators are running a risk doubting this coaching staff and our players. Noone will know until the season goes along how successful IU will be. It is good to hear the players buying into what the coaches are selling.
The prognosticators are running a risk doubting this coaching staff and our players. Noone will know until the season goes along how successful IU will be. It is good to hear the players buying into what the coaches are selling.
CCC and the staff he brought with him seem to know how to conduct practices efficiently. They seem to know how to turn a team around and have it be successful in its first year (based on CCC's history). They obviously know how to get a quiet, confident buy-in from the players in a new situation (with the help of portal guys from the last place they coached at).

I always thought that CTA improved the basic talent-level at IU, but didn't always use/develop that talent as well as they could have (partially because they had the usual IU burden of not being able to keep good coordinators).

The Spring Game alone (& the fact that it was openly televised, with no chicanery around that fact involved) gave me hope that this team will be much improved this year.

We will see. The proof is in the pudding.

But I have - to mix metaphors - drunk a fair amount of the kool-aid already....🤷‍♂️....👍
Greg McElroy picks NW, PU, & Indiana as Big Ten teams who won't go to the postseason. "If these teams get to a bowl this year, it would be a great accomplishment. If Curt Cignetti can get Indiana to a bowl game in year 1, that would be an incredible achievement."

I'm sure Coach Cig is shaking in his boots.:)
I hope he's right about NW and PU. They're on our schedule.
CCC and the staff he brought with him seem to know how to conduct practices efficiently. They seem to know how to turn a team around and have it be successful in its first year (based on CCC's history). They obviously know how to get a quiet, confident buy-in from the players in a new situation (with the help of portal guys from the last place they coached at).

I always thought that CTA improved the basic talent-level at IU, but didn't always use/develop that talent as well as they could have (partially because they had the usual IU burden of not being able to keep good coordinators).

The Spring Game alone (& the fact that it was openly televised, with no chicanery around that fact involved) gave me hope that this team will be much improved this year.

We will see. The proof is in the pudding.

But I have - to mix metaphors - drunk a fair amount of the kool-aid already....🤷‍♂️....👍
I’m pretty certain with this staff that they won’t be running a 5’10” 160 lb guy between the tackles. Pure insanity.
Greg McElroy picks NW, PU, & Indiana as Big Ten teams who won't go to the postseason. "If these teams get to a bowl this year, it would be a great accomplishment. If Curt Cignetti can get Indiana to a bowl game in year 1, that would be an incredible achievement."

I'm sure Coach Cig is shaking in his boots.:)
I’ve listened to McElroy on sports talk. While he’s an ex-player and will talk a lot about Alabama and a handful of top teams, he doesn’t do much homework on personnel and potential of anybody not in the top 10. He kind of does a very cursory drive-by and reaches a conclusion.
Greg McElroy picks NW, PU, & Indiana as Big Ten teams who won't go to the postseason. "If these teams get to a bowl this year, it would be a great accomplishment. If Curt Cignetti can get Indiana to a bowl game in year 1, that would be an incredible achievement."

I'm sure Coach Cig is shaking in his boots.:)

At least he got one right... Those who shall not be named will be lucky to win 3... 😎
I’ve listened to McElroy on sports talk. While he’s an ex-player and will talk a lot about Alabama and a handful of top teams, he doesn’t do much homework on personnel and potential of anybody not in the top 10. He kind of does a very cursory drive-by and reaches a conclusion.
Which only offers additional support to my long held claim, talking heads don't have to think very deep or exert much work to come up with their superficial predictions.
With this schedule we really should get 6. If we don't this season will be a failure.
All the prognosticators seem to think Northwestern will go like 1-8 or 2-7 in conference.

They said this last year with Northwestern. Said they’d be terrible and wouldn’t win a game.
They do this many years with them. They must not value good coaching in their analysis.