Socialism Sucks

You ever notice how the countries today who have free stuff like Healthcare do not have a large military? It's because they depend on us. Therefore I suggest those nations pay for our healthcare.
Let’s do it. We’ll protect Sweden from Russia for free health care…. Oh wait
While I agree with most of this, the reality is: our welfare state is a house of cards. The fact that it’s endured as long as it has without collapsing doesn’t mean its early critics were wrong.

The Soviet Union lasted almost 75 years. And then it was gone. For its first 25 or 30 years, many Western scholars and thinkers were very intrigued by it.

And, to this day, there are still people who blame its failure on the personalities who led it or specific mistakes that were made - rather than its fundamental flaws.

However much we may like things like Social Security and Medicare, any discussion about them that leaves out the fact that, according to Janet Yellen, they’re $175 Trillion underfunded over the next 75 years is a discussion that is disconnected from reality.

Our present situation is indisputably unsustainable.
The present situation is unfortunately sustainable as long as they control the currency. It will just lead to poor outcomes and most likely fewer freedoms for large swaths of the population.
The present situation is unfortunately sustainable as long as they control the currency. It will just lead to poor outcomes and most likely fewer freedoms for large swaths of the population.


That massive shortfall has nothing to do with the currency. The demographic problems facing the U.S. and most developed countries are not a currency issue.
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That massive shortfall has nothing to do with the currency. The demographic problems facing the U.S. and most developed countries are not a currency issue.
The massive shortfall is because the government spends more than they take in. Crazy claimed it can't continue. I disagree, they'll paper over it. Are you saying they can't paper over it?
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You ever notice how the countries today who have free stuff like Healthcare do not have a large military? It's because they depend on us. Therefore I suggest those nations pay for our healthcare.
Serious question to a pastor: do you think the Republican Party holds a position of moral superiority over the Democratic Party?

That massive shortfall has nothing to do with the currency. The demographic problems facing the U.S. and most developed countries are not a currency issue.

I partially agree with this. Obviously, demographic changes are playing a lead role in the degradation of entitlement finances. But, until and unless policymakers make the reforms necessary to address it, the impacts will be entirely borne by monetization. What other option is there?

And the effects of the currency dilution will put even more pressure on entitlement finances. So it's something of a vicious cycle.
On some issues I do it like abortion and promoting trans. Now this doesn't mean every dem and rep holds the same view but the majority.
Do you think these Dems can still make it to heaven?

And what do you think about people who pretend to be Christian. Christian clout seekers. God knows. But can they be saved? Or are they destined for hell?
The present situation is unfortunately sustainable as long as they control the currency. It will just lead to poor outcomes and most likely fewer freedoms for large swaths of the population.

I would argue that these poor outcomes on their own qualify as systemic failure.

But, either way, it's virtually impossible to conceive of a scenario where they just continue to monetize it, to the level they'll have to, without something more "official" taking place...whether that takes the form of a default or something else. I get the impression that a lot of people are just content to either say that it's the burden of the next generation or otherwise wave it off as much ado about nothing.

That's been the prevailing attitude for the 25 years since President Clinton said the famous words "Save Social Security First" in the 2000 State of the Union speech. It would be irrational to expect any kind of sudden change in outlook among policymakers -- because we voters demand the unicorn, or else.

On some issues I do it like abortion and promoting trans. Now this doesn't mean every dem and rep holds the same view but the majority.
Until I see any of the following from either party I’ll not believe that anyone has moral superiority: Galatians 5:22-23 NIV, the fruit of the Spirit is described as love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, against which there is no law
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Do you think these Dems can still make it to heaven?

And what do you think about people who pretend to be Christian. Christian clout seekers. God knows. But can they be saved? Or are they destined for hell?
The Bible says in Romans 10 all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. So this means Jesus did all the work for us by being the Holy Son of God and dying in our place because sins have to be paid for as a debt to God who is Holy Holy Holy. Calling upon Him is recognizing that we are sinners and He wasn't a sinner who died for us. Democrats and Republicans can do that. The issue is will they place their faith on Jesus as Savior or not.
The Bible says in Romans 10 all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. So this means Jesus did all the work for us by being the Holy Son of God and dying in our place because sins have to be paid for as a debt to God who is Holy Holy Holy. Calling upon Him is recognizing that we are sinners and He wasn't a sinner who died for us. Democrats and Republicans can do that. The issue is will they place their faith on Jesus as Savior or not.
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SC, curious as how you would define scocialism.
It's a subjective term and impossible to define, in my opinion. I classify people who are for government intervention as socialists. It's a wide umbrella 😁 Putting that aside, I'm more concerned with the amount of capital a government controls, especially since we don't operate under a sound money system.
Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway -- what do they have in common kraft?
JDM, one answer to your question would be they share the Nordic Model which is described in this essay in part as follows...

The Nordic model comprises the economic and social policies as well as typical cultural practices common in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden).[1] This includes a comprehensive welfare state and multi-level collective bargaining[2] based on the economic foundations of social corporatism,[3][4] and a commitment to private ownership within a market-based mixed economy[5] – with Norway being a partial exception due to a large number of state-owned enterprises and state ownership in publicly listed firms.[6]
You mean twenty and I funding UncleMark and his trips to Texas Roadhouse isn't a bad thing?
I want you to know I don't frequent the cheap steakhouses with your SS contributions.

I prefer the Capital Grill or Sullivans.

Next time I order the stuff mushrooms, I'll think of you.
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JDM, one answer to your question would be they share the Nordic Model which is described in this essay in part as follows...

The Nordic model comprises the economic and social policies as well as typical cultural practices common in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden).[1] This includes a comprehensive welfare state and multi-level collective bargaining[2] based on the economic foundations of social corporatism,[3][4] and a commitment to private ownership within a market-based mixed economy[5] – with Norway being a partial exception due to a large number of state-owned enterprises and state ownership in publicly listed firms.[6]
Don't forget huge taxes on alcohol.