So who's wanting UCLA to bow out in their opener tonight?

I know Alford checks some of the proverbial boxes per Glass's statements regarding ideal candidates, but I would think if Glass and Co have to wait a few weeks in order to get a definitive answer from Donovan and Stevens, then I would be surprised if they tried to pull the trigger on Alford so soon.

At least that is what i hope.
We want Steve to win it all. UCLA is much less likely to make it easy to buy him out if he brings them a title. If he doesn't make it out of the first weekend they'll probably pay us to take him.

Godspeed Steve.
If UCLA made it to final four or championship game would it change your opinion? I mean you have to look past the warts of previous underachieving seasons at Iowa and everything but who the heck could win at Iowa anyways besides Tom Davis. I think he could recruit at the same level or better at IU. Im not saying Alford is #1 on list just asking the question if it would change anything for you.
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In Alford's defense...he did extremely well at Manchester (.729), fair at SWM (.619), and extremely well at NM (.749). Iowa is a blackhole for anyone. Even there, he won the B1G tourney a couple times. His record at UCLA has been good, not great (.681). He isn't my first choice, but to say he is "mediocre" seems a little off.

Career: 557–278 (.667), 6 conference titles, 14 top 3 conference finishes, 10 NCAA appearances. That is not "mediocre". If you want to cite his lack of NCAA success, that's fair and I would agree that it is less than desirable. Guess it depends on how you define "mediocre"...
10 NCAA appearances but 0 deep runs in the tourney. I don't recall him ever getting past the Sweet 16, usually doesn't make it out of the first weekend
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LOLOL.... although I still appreciate what RMK did for IU... I do not really want Alford to be the next coach... I would take an unproven newbie coach before him. Just hope they don't get beat in the first game...
Why would we expect Alford to get past the Sweet 16 at New Mexico? They've only been to the Sweet 16 twice... Iowa is career suicide and he survived there... His performance in the tourney this year will help me decide whether or not I would like him at IU. I'm guessing he won't go that far because the Ball family won't keep their mouth shut.
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I want Alford to go to the Final Four and win it all and play either Marshall, Archie Miller, Holtmann, Sean Miller, Bennett in the Final. Let's make it an IU future coaching playoff. I would ask Brad Stevens and Billy Donovan first as they are the two NBA Home Run hires. No to Hoiberg, no to Lon Kruger.
Alford and Holtmann would make it a high priority to recruit the state of Indiana's top high school talent.
According to DD, a popular and influential radio show host, the contract is ready for Alford to sign once UCLA is done.

Thankfully this allows us to save time and aggravation over kvetching who the coach will be. Now that we know, we can relax and enjoy the tourney.
According to DD, a popular and influential radio show host, the contract is ready for Alford to sign once UCLA is done.

Thankfully this allows us to save time and aggravation over kvetching who the coach will be. Now that we know, we can relax and enjoy the tourney.
DD never knows what is going on within a coaching staff he is on let alone one he is not involved with. If glass considers Alford a home run hire Iu is doomed to ever return to a blue blood program.
I know most of you will say "rubbish", but did you know that...

Every recruit that signed with Alford at SMS and stayed past his Soph season was part of that schools only Sweet 16 appearance and owns 2 of the schools 3 NCAA Tournament wins.

Every recruit that signed with Alford at Iowa and stayed past his Soph season was part of a Big Ten Tournament Champion... except for Pierre Pierce. His very first Iowa class + Pierre Pierce the following class are the only ones not to earn a #3 seed in the NCAA Tournament

Every recruit that signed and stayed past his Soph season at UNM was part of at least 1 Regular Season Title, 1 Conference Tournament Title, 1 Final AP Top 10 ranking and 1 #3 seeding.

Every recruit that signed and stayed past his Soph season at UCLA has now been part of a AP Top 10 team and a #3 seeded team except for Noah Allen, who played at Hawaii this season. As of yet, non have graduated without a Conf. Tourney Title.

With the exceptions of Pierre Pierce and Noah Allen, every player that has singed and stayed past his Soph season, since his class in 2001, has been a part of a Top 3 seeded NCAA Tournament team and none have graduated without a Conf Tourney Championship

Alford may not be among the elite, but calling him mediocre makes one look ignorant, incredibly biased or both.
I know most of you will say "rubbish", but did you know that...

Every recruit that signed with Alford at SMS and stayed past his Soph season was part of that schools only Sweet 16 appearance and owns 2 of the schools 3 NCAA Tournament wins.

Every recruit that signed with Alford at Iowa and stayed past his Soph season was part of a Big Ten Tournament Champion... except for Pierre Pierce. His very first Iowa class + Pierre Pierce the following class are the only ones not to earn a #3 seed in the NCAA Tournament

Every recruit that signed and stayed past his Soph season at UNM was part of at least 1 Regular Season Title, 1 Conference Tournament Title, 1 Final AP Top 10 ranking and 1 #3 seeding.

Every recruit that signed and stayed past his Soph season at UCLA has now been part of a AP Top 10 team and a #3 seeded team except for Noah Allen, who played at Hawaii this season. As of yet, non have graduated without a Conf. Tourney Title.

With the exceptions of Pierre Pierce and Noah Allen, every player that has singed and stayed past his Soph season, since his class in 2001, has been a part of a Top 3 seeded NCAA Tournament team and none have graduated without a Conf Tourney Championship

Alford may not be among the elite, but calling him mediocre makes one look ignorant, incredibly biased or both.
No, he's mediocre. You're only going to all this trouble to spin this because he played here. He's Crean without a Final Four.

And now you're going to say that "I just don't get it," which is meaningless.
With the exceptions of Pierre Pierce.../QUOTE]

That's one hell of an exception.

Don't know how things are now but back in the mid-70s campus was pretty PC/left leaning.

The PP baggage might raise all kinds of hell among faculty members.

Something Glass may have to consider.
Why would we expect Alford to get past the Sweet 16 at New Mexico? They've only been to the Sweet 16 twice... Iowa is career suicide and he survived there...
Schools that people used to say this about: Butler, Gonzaga, Wright State

A good coach can perform well even at a schools like New Mexico or Iowa.
Schools that people used to say this about: Butler, Gonzaga, Wright State

A good coach can perform well even at a schools like New Mexico or Iowa.

Uhhhhh.... define perform well. He performed pretty well at New Mexico. Just don't want to shoot my wad because a candidate made an Elite 8.
I think Alford has to pay UCLA $7.2 million this year if he opts out of his contract. Add another $3 million plus in salary and this whole thing does not make any sense. IU needs someone who can recruit the state as opposed to drive prospects away.
I think Alford has to pay UCLA $7.2 million this year if he opts out of his contract. Add another $3 million plus in salary and this whole thing does not make any sense. IU needs someone who can recruit the state as opposed to drive prospects away.
I've not heard it mentioned lately, but at one time there was talk that Alford had a "dream job" clause in his earlier contracts that eliminated any huge buyout if he landed the IU job. May have all been nonsense at the time.
That might be the only way Alford would leave the state.... and in a quick hurry too....
Wait, so if his 3 seed (with incredible talent) gets beat by a 14 seed you're okay with that? Remember that Alford has only been to the Sweet 16 three times in 22 years of coaching. He also has missed the tourney 12 of those 22 seasons. Mediocrity!

Frankly, if ucla losses it just proves what a bad coach he really is and IU shouldn't even consider him as a candidate.
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In Alford's defense...he did extremely well at Manchester (.729), fair at SWM (.619), and extremely well at NM (.749). Iowa is a blackhole for anyone. Even there, he won the B1G tourney a couple times. His record at UCLA has been good, not great (.681). He isn't my first choice, but to say he is "mediocre" seems a little off.

Career: 557–278 (.667), 6 conference titles, 14 top 3 conference finishes, 10 NCAA appearances. That is not "mediocre". If you want to cite his lack of NCAA success, that's fair and I would agree that it is less than desirable. Guess it depends on how you define "mediocre"...
I don't think you should dismiss Iowa as a black hole. Iowa is without a doubt Alford's biggest failure.

You have to remember what Iowa was. This was a program experiencing it's first ever run of sustained basketball success. The admin, in all its brilliance, got greedy, decided this wasn't enough, and sent Dr. Tom packing, to be replaced with the Next Big Thing, the guy that would lead Iowa to the next level. Alford was tapped to be that guy. He wasn't being asked to rebuild a ruined program or start a new one from scratch. He was handed the reins to a program that was as healthy as it had ever been, and asked to make it even greater. He failed utterly, and when he finally skipped town (while he still had a say in the matter), he left behind a smoking ruin.
It would be a step down for Alford. He was born to be IU's coach but the Admin fumbled the ball. IU is the new Illinois. Mediocre in Sports, also rans. It happens.
I don't think you should dismiss Iowa as a black hole. Iowa is without a doubt Alford's biggest failure.

You have to remember what Iowa was. This was a program experiencing it's first ever run of sustained basketball success. The admin, in all its brilliance, got greedy, decided this wasn't enough, and sent Dr. Tom packing, to be replaced with the Next Big Thing, the guy that would lead Iowa to the next level. Alford was tapped to be that guy. He wasn't being asked to rebuild a ruined program or start a new one from scratch. He was handed the reins to a program that was as healthy as it had ever been, and asked to make it even greater. He failed utterly, and when he finally skipped town (while he still had a say in the matter), he left behind a smoking ruin.
I don't think you remember how things were when SA took ove. Davis being a lame duck coach really hamstrung SAs roster his first year. Tom had a good run but the run had ended well before he was done
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