Copyright and trademark protection like the above would be useless.
First, the verbs "copyrighting" and "trademarking" are oxymorons. You don't copyright something, as copyright exists the moment a work is created (you can register a copyright). Likewise, a trademark is a thing - a source identifier - that you use in selling goods or performing services. A trademark exists when the mark is used in commerce (and a trademark can be registered, but not before it has already become a trademark).
For copyrights, there is no infringement without proof of copying. There is no point in registering the copyright in "all musical note combinations, or lyric combinations, all book plots, all possible movie plots, or any and all possible components therein." If I write a song and no one ever hears it, it would be impossible for someone to infringe my copyright in that song. Even if I upload my song to YouTube, there can be no infringement if no one ever listens to the song.
For trademarks, no trademark rights exist without actual use of the mark in commerce - i.e., selling products or performing services under the mark. Having said that, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of seemingly random letter trademarks that have been registered in the U.S. recently by Chinese nationals. However, they've accomplished this by outright fabrication of images purportedly showing the random letter marks being used in commerce simply to obtain the registration. The Trademark Office has cracked down on this, but one net result is that there is a huge backlog of pending trademark applications. Up until about 2 years ago it took 2-3 months from filing before a trademark examining attorney (i.e., examiner) examined a new application. Currently, it's taking 10 months, and the delay is still slowly increasing.
Patents? Way too expensive for someone to do this. In the US, at least, one product already can generate numerous patents. But, there is a limit to how much someone is willing to spend. Outside of the US, it is unusual for one product to generate more than 2 patents in any given country. Plus, you can't simply patent "every possible mix of minerals or elements or chemicals." For starters, you have to establish that the thing you are seeking to patent has some real life use - not to mention that it is not an obvious variation of something already known.