So Eli Dickens' story keeps getting more impressive. I have been to the Greenwood Mall quite often. My wife's parents are east siders and Christmas shopping would happen out there quite often because we would drop the kids off and continue south to that mall (Wife hates Castleton). Dickens was at the little cookie shop that is not too far in the door of the entrance behind Dick's and near the food court. The shooter walks out of the bathroom and starts shooting. Dickens tells girlfriend to get down and begins to engage the guy. It was 15 seconds between when the shooter started firing and Dickens had put him down. The impressive thing to me though is that he took on a guy with a semi auto rifle with I believe a 9 mm. He fired 10 shots and the coroner said that the shooter had 8 bullet wounds (none self inflicted). An 80% hit rate under that stress with a handgun is nuts.
in front of that cookie shop is a good distance from the food court restroom entrance, as it's clear across the entire food court area which is pretty big.
impressive shooting by the 9 mm guy to say the least..
being that area is always pretty crowded, i wonder if the bad guy ever had time to figure out where the incoming was coming from.