Senior Trump administrator pens anonymous op ed to NYT

No matter how bad it gets, you can always do more good from inside. That doesn't mean we should assume someone working for Trump is doing it for the right reasons. Obviously, we shouldn't. Many people are, in fact, self-serving. But it's simply not justifiable to demand that anyone with scruples would walk away - or torpedo himself. I'm sure some of the people in the White House are good public servants (and I have an idea who those people likely are), and we're better off with them staying right where they are.

Whilst I agree that it's better to stay in, particularly those 'country first' folks. But in time I think most people will get co-opted (like the tariffs) or are worn down -- like Kelly who, its been reported, now spends a lot of his time at the gym during working hours. Then no one is guarding the coop.

Ultimately, there are no good solutions despite the fact that its obvious that Trump is steering the country down a sink-hole. I can see more rats scrambling to find life vests on the sinking ship, Trumptanic in the near future.
The only question is how long it will take the country to recover from this.
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I agree with you, but Trump is not the type to leave on his own accord with his tail between his legs. He will never do it.

Yep (except the military coup possibility). Invoking the 25th would be ruinous. It was never intended for a situation like the present. Trump somehow must be swayed to leave on his own accord.
Pence is the one guy who doesn't fit the NYT description of the author, because he's the one guy whose job can't technically be "jeopardized" by this.
My only thought is Pence creating a diversion by saying that. Hell, who knows, but it sounds like a true conservative that has been there a while.
My only thought is Pence creating a diversion by saying that. Hell, who knows, but it sounds like a true conservative that has been there a while.
I would not be surprised if the author is a Pence fan, but I just don't think it's Pence himself. I take the NYT at their word when it comes to the description of the author, and that description doesn't fit Pence.
Who isn't as interesting but why now. It just reinforces the stuff that Woodward wrote.
The start of a more concerted effort to curtail Trump or a rallying call to tbose like minded folks within the WH.
Oooh new twitter theory that it’s actually a group that got together to write it and one person, who knows he’s going to lose his job, presented it. The Agatha Christie Murdee on the Orient Express Theory. I like it, but doubtful.
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Everyone misses the obvious. Trump wrote it.

Oh, wait, grammar was present and big words were used. Trump ghost wrote it. What better way to crack down than to have a perceived soft coup waiting to happen.

No, I don't actually believe that. Trump could not come up with such a Machiavellian plan. Ivanka wrote it - vbg.
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And THIS is all his base needed to hear (even if in this case, he hired this swamp!)

The fact it's complete bullshit doesn't matter. It was so obvious he would go for this line of defence, but at the same time it's obvious his base will lap it up too.
Anyone coming out against Trump will be seen as a traitor. Any efforts made to remove Trump will be seen as the Deep State at work and it will result in violence.
White House officials agree with NYT op-ed: ‘Dozens and dozens of us’ wish we’d written it

“I find the reaction to the NYT op-ed fascinating — that people seem so shocked that there is a resistance from the inside,” one senior official told Axios. “A lot of us [were] wishing we’d been the writer, I suspect … I hope he [Trump] knows — maybe he does? — that there are dozens and dozens of us.”
Numerous current White House officials have told the website they consider the president unstable and dangerously slow, and they revealed that Trump is so paranoid about his staff that he carries a handwritten list of suspected leakers.
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Nah, Nixon's White House leaked like a sieve . . . Haldeman and Ehrlichman's entire jobs were to keep discipline within the White House staff and they had to resort to fairly draconian measures to do so, only to have Deep Throat undermine them.

What's new is that the NYT is complicit with the administration official to give this administration official space for his/her message rather than the NYT pointing its reporters in the direction of the official and then independently reporting news - confirmed by multiple sources, of course, in accordance with good journalistic standards. What we've ended up with isn't news or even information; we have a political advertisement under the paper of record's editorial byline.

This is screwy. I'm not sure that it's a soft coup against Trump so much as it's more like a soft coup against the very institutions that the op-ed professes to want to protect.

I ain't taking this bait, at least not until we know who the author is and what his/her motivations are and maybe not then. In the meantime, I'd ask for the resignations of the entire NYT editorial staff for their lack of good judgment in making this op-ed available on its op-ed page.
I couldn’t agree more. This anonymous OpEd strengthens his autocratic hold on the office and unless the writer unmasks themselves, will likely have to prove his/her loyalty to Trump during the ensuing witch hunt and thus give in to Trump’s nonsense even more than before. The self-congratulatory tone of the OpEd is also a major turn off.
Why? To build your forces within the White House without prematurely falling on your own sword.
Hmmmm . . . you mean to suggest that s/he hasn't already "built his/her forces" within the White House before publishing this anonymous op-ed? That the op-ed is the opening move in this gambit?

Hmmmm . . . I don't think I can buy that one, Noodle. If that is in fact the case, then the op-ed piece is woefully unhelpful, and will likely backfire.
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The beginning of the end? I think we will know with certainty the identity of the author within a week or less. And the person who wrote this piece understood that would happen.
My prediction is that it’s a virtual nobody and they’re loosely using the term “senior”.
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Yeah this doesn’t get me all warm and fuzzy. This is like a member of a bank robbing gang anonymously claiming that they are a “good” member of the gang.

This person seems to be trying to save the reputation of the party and themselves. I don’t see a patriot here.
Removing Trump from office via the 25th would be one of the few events that could happen that would damage the country even more than electing the unfit imbecile in the first place. If Trump truly needs to be neutered to save the country, the sort of soft coup described by the op-ed is the only politically feasible way to do it (although in that case, publicizing the fact they are doing it was not a smart move).
Actually removing him via the 25th would be fine. But just invoking it and then not getting the requisite 2/3 votes to make it permanent would amount to a failed coup and give Trump the ammunition he would need to assume even more power without fear of retribution. Look at Turkey.
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I would not be surprised if the author is a Pence fan, but I just don't think it's Pence himself. I take the NYT at their word when it comes to the description of the author, and that description doesn't fit Pence.
I've seen reasonable arguments for a Pence assistant (speechwriter?) named Ford, I believe.
All I know is that whomever the Op-Ed's author, this is one F'd up administration. This HAS to end...and soon.
All I know is that whomever the Op-Ed's author, this is one F'd up administration. This HAS to end...and soon.
The problem is that there is no mechanism by which "this"
has to end any time soon. In fact, it doesn't have to end soon.

If we had a parliamentary system we could have a vote of no confidence - which, given the make up of congress today, I'm not sure would be availing anyway.

The mid-terms will be an important event. So will Mueller's continued investigation and report.
Maybe it was Stormy Daniels? She seems to be familiar with the "Load Star". Perhaps it was just a misspelling?

The thought of explaining to someone a decade ago that the statement “Mother’s Marlon Bundo is my lodestar.”could fairly easily be understood as describing the Vice President of the United States sends an unstoppable shiver down my spine.
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While not really speculating on who wrote it, I feel like this article from Esquire - biting commentary and all - really nails how I feel about this anonymous op-ed author.

Yeah, his behavior in office has shocked the hell out of me, too. Who could've guessed that a raving know-nothing with a gold commode might turn out to be a tacky president*?

Enough of this stuff. Stand up in the light of day and tell your stories. All of them, right from the beginning. Admit that what you're confronting now is the end result of 40 years of conservative politics and all the government-is-the-problem malfeasance you've been imbibing since you were wingnuts in swaddling. The fire's licking at your ankles at last. Come out of the cupboards, you boys and girls. None of you are heroes​
You nailed it.

While not really speculating on who wrote it, I feel like this article from Esquire - biting commentary and all - really nails how I feel about this anonymous op-ed author.

Yeah, his behavior in office has shocked the hell out of me, too. Who could've guessed that a raving know-nothing with a gold commode might turn out to be a tacky president*?

Enough of this stuff. Stand up in the light of day and tell your stories. All of them, right from the beginning. Admit that what you're confronting now is the end result of 40 years of conservative politics and all the government-is-the-problem malfeasance you've been imbibing since you were wingnuts in swaddling. The fire's licking at your ankles at last. Come out of the cupboards, you boys and girls. None of you are heroes​
Does Trump really represent a threat to the overall health of the Republic as the op-ed states?

By stating this, isn't the author exaggerating his importance as a resistor? Wow look at me, I am sticking my neck out to save the Republic.

Having said that, I would like to believe the administration does have a good many people willing to stand up to Trump and perform their duties with the interests of the country foremost in their minds.

Finally, how important are presidents anyway to the health of the Republic except in matters of using our military power? The Republic was great when Trump took office and will continue to be great in spite of him.
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Do you really think Trump is psychotic? Really? Remember what he said he'd do after losing the election? Take a long vacation. I don't think he wants to commit suicide.
He was going to refuse to concede the election results. He was going to make a big deal about how the election was stolen from him by illegals voting, etc. but then he won. Don’t think for a minute Trump will do what is best for this country it’s all about him and power.
He was going to refuse to concede the election results. He was going to make a big deal about how the election was stolen from him by illegals voting, etc. but then he won. Don’t think for a minute Trump will do what is best for this country it’s all about him and power.
Promise. ;)