To me it isn't the territory. Honestly, facts on the ground have dictated for awhile that was going to be the case. To me it is some of the leaks about pulling back in Eastern Europe or threatening to leave NATO completely if the deal isn't accepted, no questions asked, and that isn't even touching on the fact that the "deal" now appears to be that Russia gets everything on its wishlist and in return we get a promise from them to stop a war in which the only thing we have lost is some treasure and equipment.
We have come this far, I would expect we could extract some other concessions from a "Power" using North Koreans as gun fodder and horses to move equipment. I still don't believe that Ukraine would be able to regain that territory militarily but they could definitely bleed Russia for some time. And continuing the conflict does have the added threat for the Russians of facing more attacks on their home soil. The opening offer should have been you withdraw or I set a plan to invite them into NATO. If you don't want that, I suggest you have a seat and talk.