RFK measles cure

Somehow we recovered from that bad 1962 water and measles cases dropped by 99.98% and deaths dropped by 99.99%

It's a miracle!

The water got better for rubella patients 6 years later!

The water got good for polio patients 8 years before!


Source: Roush and Murphy, 2007, Historical comparison of vaccine preventable diseases, before and after vaccine introduction. Journal of the American Medical Association, 298, 18, 2155-2163.
Whoa. How dare you introduce facts in a fact free zone. 5 demerits for you.
I’m a simple man. I look at data and I see a surge in autism rates every time a new vaccine is introduced.

And “well we just screen for it better now” is one of the larger crocks of shit I’ve ever heard.
You declaring that you’re a simple man is the only thing you got right.
Somehow we recovered from that bad 1962 water and measles cases dropped by 99.98% and deaths dropped by 99.99%

It's a miracle!

The water got better for rubella patients 6 years later!

The water got good for polio patients 8 years before!


Source: Roush and Murphy, 2007, Historical comparison of vaccine preventable diseases, before and after vaccine introduction. Journal of the American Medical Association, 298, 18, 2155-2163.
Hey you forgot that better water cured cancer. Oops. I should have left yhat for the Googly guy I guess.
What did he say that isn't true? The CDC website says the same thing, and has said the same thing before he ever showed up and said it.

Parents already have an out. There have been vaccines that I opted my kids out of here in Indiana. Does my developmentally disabled daughter really need the HPV vax? No, she doesn't.
It doesn’t matter to these folks what he said, only that he said it.