ooh, from the prestigious Chalfont Research Institute in Jackson MS. With a HOME ADDRESS for a fake institute, "published" not in any recognized journal and without peer review
The specific paper you (and Kennedy) cited — which claims to have found that “[v]accinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed” with autism and a variety of other neurodevelopmental disorders — is not rigorous.
“I have read this paper carefully, and it has so many severe methodological issues, it clearly would never have passed any legitimate peer review,” Jeffrey S. Morris, director of the division of biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, told us.
The paper was published on Jan. 23 in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law, an outlet that claims to be a peer-reviewed journal, but as we have noted before, is not available on PubMed Central, the National Institutes of Health’s database of biomedical research, nor indexed on MEDLINE, which requires some evaluation of journal quality. The editor-in-chief and other board members, including the section editor for the paper, are well-known spreaders of vaccine misinformation.
The two authors, including lead author Anthony Mawson, are affiliated with Chalfont Research Institute in Mississippi, which does not have a website and appears to use a
residential home as a mailing address, based on IRS records. Both authors have previously published work on vaccines that has been retracted. The paper was funded by the
National Vaccine Information Center, an anti-vaccine group.
In his second day of confirmation hearings, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, refused to say that vaccines do not cause autism -- despite a large body of evidence showing there is no link. He also pointed to a flawed paper...
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