Guys, this is a pointless argument. First, none of us were there. While the detailed stories I have gotten puts the situation as she is a known drinker, who had been "over served," and she instigated a physical confrontation. It appears that with her athletic build and alcohol fueled mindset, that she engaged Beard, and he fought her off. I will not assume how or why he bit her on the arm, but I would assume her arm was across his face, or she was doing something that he was trying to prevent. If he simply wanted to knock the sh!* out her he could have. Sometimes there are situations that force your actions to escape. I do not think Beard if a woman beater.
With that said I do not think it matters. Because there is too much ambiguity, I am of the opinion that Indiana will most likely look elsewhere, end of story.
Trying to debate, defend or condemn Chris Beard is pointless. There is simply nothing that will give Indiana enough comfort here to make that hire. IMO.