With all due respect, there's a world out there outside of yours. I went through a divorce as well, and while going through that divorce, one time, after having cross-cut the lawn, paid the bills, vacuumed the house, cleaned the kitchen and gotten everything in immaculate order, a police officer showed up at the door. When I went to the door he just looked at me. I finally said, "What's going on?" and he gave me a look and asked me in a confrontational manner, "I don't know. Why don't you tell me?" It was then that I looked over and saw my soon to be ex-wife sitting with my 10-month-old son on one side and my two-year-old son on the other, trying to muster some crocodile tears. There had been absolutely nothing going on, but the nightmare was playing out: she was really going for it. I couldn't believe it. Lucky for me I was calm and truly bewildered and the house was immaculate. The officer asked me if there had been an argument or if I'd been yelling and I said simply, "No." He asked my ex if I'd argued with or yelled at her and she replied, "No, but he was saying things sarcastically and making me feel uncomfortable."
The officer was stunned. He told her that was not a reason to call the police. He apologized to me and told me watch my back. He's seen it a million times and not all officers are interested in the man's explanation no matter how plausible and/or evident it is.
It turns out her attorney, my attorney and the judge were not very happy with her and she had to formally apologize to all of us at the judge's insistence.
She's not like that generally speaking but she got caught up in the bitterness of divorce and rode a wave of cheerleading from her friends and family.
I also had a good friend who had a good friend whose career as a schoolteacher was ended by a female student who falsely accused him of sexual misconduct. Even when it was proven she was lying the school district would not take him back and he was unable to find a job in teaching.
My experiences didn't teach me to just say all women are whack job liars who deserve it. It taught me to block out the tidal wave of knee-jerk reactions, uneducated conclusions and immense noise and judge what happened and make a reasoned guess as to why.
It all matters.
Maybe Beard is a scumbag. But if he is I don't know of any incidents that prove it. This one is murky at best. And it doesn't bother me at all to say so.