That she/women bait men into DV. That they do it bc they know they can't retaliate. Which is certainly true in some cases...a vast minority of cases.
There's very few good reasons to put your hands on a woman. Her being the aggressor, unless it's with a deadly weapon, isn't one of them, IMO.
I've said before and will say again. UT conducted their own internal investigation, even after she recanted her story, and found that he was no longer fit to be their HC. We're not deciding whether he goes to jail or not, we're deciding if he's the right guy to coach our basketball team. Texas decided he wasn't, which tells me there was plenty of information there to suggest he wasn't some victim of a raging lunatic baiting him into DV.
I disagree slightly in that you can put your hands on a woman to subdue them if needed. In the course of doing that, of course, cuts and bruises could happen.
I don't trust Texas' evaluation because, as I generally alluded to earlier, I don't think they cared to even know if he was innocent because of the noise and the cancel bullying. It's much easier for them to distance themselves from him than it is to keep him. In these cases, I seriously doubt if the man's innocence is even considered. PR and blowback are all that matters and, frankly, there are probably a lot of people involved that will never even consider anything other than him being guilty - just as there are here.
I don't think framing the discussion in terms of baiting someone into domestic violence is correct. Rather domestic violence is one of the outcomes of women not being afraid to get in men's faces or physically confront them. And while most don't do that just as a general rule of societal etiquette, there are plenty of ones that do.
Trew admitted to starting the whole incident by breaking Beard's glasses. Who knows what happened before or after that.
You and I are usually on opposite sides of things, I think. I'd be interested to get your take on my take of the following:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline says that 35% of women and 28% of men have been the victim of domestic abuse from their intimate partner via rape, physical violence or stalking at some time in their life.
That makes zero sense to me, and I don't buy it for a second. Two-thirds of the adult population of America? No chance. The way my mind works, then, is that I go to the thresholds they're using to define domestic violence are way too low. I think that harms their cause. It's important enough that it doesn't need any embellishing. While we don't want men just out there pushing around women generally speaking, the penalty for domestic abuse is severe and because it is, so too should the threshold of action.
If you're standing in line somewhere and somebody accuses you of cutting and you get in an argument and the guy gets in your face and you push him away a there are people who say he or she could press charges for assault. I'm not one of them. That's a serious charge and a shove doesn't warrant that. If you get shoved like that, even if you weren't in someone's face, but especially if you were, you may be mad or embarrassed but that's life. There are jerks everywhere. You have to put it in your pocket.