Re Allegations against Dr Bomba….

Wow! A Dr here in Ft Wayne recently wrote a letter to the editor in the Journal Gazette in support of Dr Bomba. Basically he said that digital rectal exams were commonplace for years in through physical exams.
Likewise, during my grade school years a kid couldn’t go to summer camp without a MD signed validation of having passed a physical exam that always included a hernia check, a two-fingered digital exam into the upper scrotal sac. “Now cough for me, abraxis.” Cough, cough, I did, shamelessly without reservation.
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There are distinct indications for doing a rectal exam and it is NOT done in the absence of signs and symptoms, especially in children and adolescents. It is not a routine screen. Further, the examiner should explain the reasons for the procedure and obtain verbal consent.
  • Change in bowel habit
  • Prostate evaluation
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Urinary or fecal incontinence
Calling these guys "dead beats" looking for a payday is pathetic.
The "good" doctor was part of the RMK machine and one need remember the players were at the mercy of the physician who has the ability to keep them off the court. We all heard the same invective language with the wrestlers that Gym Jordan didn't protect at OSU before an investigation was done.

I would suggest we all learn the facts from a honest investigation before we pontificate.
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There are distinct indications for doing a rectal exam and it is NOT done in the absence of signs and symptoms, especially in children and adolescents. It is not a routine screen. Further, the examiner should explain the reasons for the procedure and obtain verbal consent.
  • Change in bowel habit
  • Prostate evaluation
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Urinary or fecal incontinence
Calling these guys "dead beats" looking for a payday is pathetic.
The "good" doctor was part of the RMK machine and one need remember the players were at the mercy of the physician who has the ability to keep them off the court. We all heard the same invective language with the wrestlers that Gym Jordan didn't protect at OSU before an investigation was done.

I would suggest we all learn the facts from a honest investigation before we pontificate.
If these guys were so traumatized why didn’t they come forward years ago? Calling what I said was pathetic, what do you know. Your a nothing more than clickbait!
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If these guys were so traumatized why didn’t they come forward years ago? Calling what I said was pathetic, what do you know. Your a nothing more than clickbait!
Why you ask? You already know the answer. You think it's easy to publicly admit some dude had his way with you. Especially when you're an athlete who has a very public persona.
Sorry, but this isn't about you, your words, nor your total lack of insight as much as you'd like it to be. Let's wait for all the facts.
In the meantime feel free to unleash your ad hominem attacks if that feeds your ego.
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There are distinct indications for doing a rectal exam and it is NOT done in the absence of signs and symptoms, especially in children and adolescents. It is not a routine screen. Further, the examiner should explain the reasons for the procedure and obtain verbal consent.
  • Change in bowel habit
  • Prostate evaluation
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Urinary or fecal incontinence
Calling these guys "dead beats" looking for a payday is pathetic.
The "good" doctor was part of the RMK machine and one need remember the players were at the mercy of the physician who has the ability to keep them off the court. We all heard the same invective language with the wrestlers that Gym Jordan didn't protect at OSU before an investigation was done.

I would suggest we all learn the facts from a honest investigation before we pontificate.
Oh, I’ve got a more accurate word for what I believe they are but I’ll keep it to myself for now. Let’s see who this third “John Doe” is.
There are distinct indications for doing a rectal exam and it is NOT done in the absence of signs and symptoms, especially in children and adolescents. It is not a routine screen. Further, the examiner should explain the reasons for the procedure and obtain verbal consent.
  • Change in bowel habit
  • Prostate evaluation
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Urinary or fecal incontinence
Calling these guys "dead beats" looking for a payday is pathetic.
The "good" doctor was part of the RMK machine and one need remember the players were at the mercy of the physician who has the ability to keep them off the court. We all heard the same invective language with the wrestlers that Gym Jordan didn't protect at OSU before an investigation was done.

I would suggest we all learn the facts from a honest investigation before we pontificate.
Are you an MD?
The last few sentences are very damning. As if IU, IU basketball fans, and the reputation and legacy of Bob Knight need any more negativity surrounding the late nineties.

Tim Garl, and I'm sure, Brian Evans, will be part of the defense of the "culture".
Why you ask? You already know the answer. You think it's easy to publicly admit some dude had his way with you. Especially when you're an athlete who has a very public persona.
Sorry, but this isn't about you, your words, nor your total lack of insight as much as you'd like it to be. Let's wait for all the facts.
In the meantime feel free to unleash your ad hominem attacks if that feeds your ego.
Okay Charlie, we wait for you to present the facts.
I'm going to sue my high school. They lined up about 40 - 50 of us prior to football season in our underwear so a doctor could feel my nads while I coughed. I'm pretty sure he lingered a little longer with me than the others. Just kidding, but it wasn't fun for me and I'm sure the doctor didn't get a thrill either.

College seems a little early for a prostate exam. His patients might be able to weigh in on if this was part of his routine exam or maybe there was something in their medical history or that of their parents that warranted a closer look.
I'm going to sue my high school. They lined up about 40 - 50 of us prior to football season in our underwear so a doctor could feel my nads while I coughed. I'm pretty sure he lingered a little longer with me than the others. Just kidding, but it wasn't fun for me and I'm sure the doctor didn't get a thrill either.

College seems a little early for a prostate exam. His patients might be able to weigh in on if this was part of his routine exam or maybe there was something in their medical history or that of their parents that warranted a closer look.
A digital rectal exam isn’t just a health screening for a possible large prostrate gland. The microscope slide smear can also detect red blood cells which may indicate something more serious internally, more serious than an inflamed hemorrhoid exacerbated by a difficult bowel session, ie. the square peg through round hole analogy.
A digital rectal exam isn’t just a health screening for a possible large prostrate gland. The microscope slide smear can also detect red blood cells which may indicate something more serious internally, more serious than an inflamed hemorrhoid exacerbated by a difficult bowel session, ie. the square peg through round hole analogy.
What the heck is a "prostrate" gland?
Screening exams are done in people who are in a demographic that is at a higher risk than the general public.
It is a basic tenet of medicine that screening healthy populations can lead to net harm (False positives which lead to more invasive testing and treatments, which can be detrimental to health and false negatives which can lead to preventable death or unwarranted reassurance, which can cause people to ignore symptoms that develop later.)
Teenagers are not at risk of BPH nor occult GI bleeding.
What the heck is a "prostrate" gland?
Screening exams are done in people who are in a demographic that is at a higher risk than the general public.
It is a basic tenet of medicine that screening healthy populations can lead to net harm (False positives which lead to more invasive testing and treatments, which can be detrimental to health and false negatives which can lead to preventable death or unwarranted reassurance, which can cause people to ignore symptoms that develop later.)
Teenagers are not at risk of BPH nor occult GI bleeding.
“Prostrate” was an honest spell check correction I didn’t catch. Having been in the healthcare profession I know the difference. My dad had prostate CA and I always laughed to myself when supposedly learned people asked about his prostrate.

If Bomba was just doing digital exams for the slide smears, I predict he’ll be found not guilty as within the boundary “standard of care”. Other physicians will testify in his behalf it’s not an unheard of practice to perform during a thorough exam. I imagine this latest chicken-sh*t “Doe” is just part of the money-seeking gravy train. “All-aboard the MeToo movement!” Now, if these belated accusers can all agree to testify it appeared Bomba had a bulge in his pants with a wet spot…IU is the next Michigan State.
What the heck is a "prostrate" gland?
Screening exams are done in people who are in a demographic that is at a higher risk than the general public.
It is a basic tenet of medicine that screening healthy populations can lead to net harm (False positives which lead to more invasive testing and treatments, which can be detrimental to health and false negatives which can lead to preventable death or unwarranted reassurance, which can cause people to ignore symptoms that develop later.)
Teenagers are not at risk of BPH nor occult GI bleeding.
Have you ever thought a rectal exam could have been performed for the insurance money? Every possible procedure comes with a price and every box checked on an insurance form adds to the coffer. It’s like a dentist checking the “oral CA screening” box each time a hygienist cleans your teeth. Every profession has its lower life’s who buck the system for more money. Maybe this is what motivated Bomba, rather than the “pervert” tag. I certainly hope so, for his family’s sake.
Have you ever thought a rectal exam could have been performed for the insurance money? Every possible procedure comes with a price and every box checked on an insurance form adds to the coffer. It’s like a dentist checking the “oral CA screening” box each time a hygienist cleans your teeth. Every profession has its lower life’s who buck the system for more money. Maybe this is what motivated Bomba, rather than the “pervert” tag. I certainly hope so, for his family’s sake.
It's part of a physical exam so you can't bill for inserting your finger (assuming that was the appendage used). I imagine there could be a fee attached to doing a hemoccult test if it were a routine doctor-patient relationship. But the "good" doctor under contract with the University. He was being paid to do team H&P's so he would not be able to game the system.
Physician's can't bill like dentists, not even close.
If he had to do surgery for an injured player, that would be a different story.

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