Questions to Investment experts: Effect of BREXIT

Buy equities.

Buy them today, tomorrow, the day after, and every single day until you actually need the money to live on.

Timing the market is for suckers. Vast majority of money magagers can't beat the index. I turned my portfolio to 100% equities 15 years ago, have never changed it, and buy in every 2 weeks. I'll bet my left nut I've beat 90% of pros.

That said, I did buy some long term calls this morning for fun. And I buy 2-3 rental properties a year.

Individual I've analyzed the crap out of them....and they are totally at the whim of what's hot or not. Fundamentals be damned.
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Individual I've analyzed the crap out of them....and they are totally at the whim of what's hot or not. Fundamentals be damned.

Plus you end up with so many unmatched pairs. #sockjoke
Yep, mine is down by 20K! Ouch! But then, as you say, I gained that much in the last week or so. Still ouch!

See if you just enjoyed the ride, you'd already be cashing in on this rally.

Unless you are @sglowrider and went deep into the bunker.