QAnon is the new Teaparty


All-Big Ten
Jan 7, 2017
While Republicans are told to beware of socialists, Antifa and BLM protestors, a few truly crazy humans are running for Congress as Republicans. These nutters are QAnon and, as far as I can understand their lunacy, believe that Trump is some sort of god like being who will be putting a bunch of Democrat pedophiles in Gitmo. I tried learning a bit more about these loons awhile ago and just couldn’t. So congratulations to my GOP board buddies. These are yours to claim.

These people believe that numerous celebrities are either in Gitmo or have been executed and replaced with clones. And of course, that Trump is playing 9-D chess.

While Republicans are told to beware of socialists, Antifa and BLM protestors, a few truly crazy humans are running for Congress as Republicans. These nutters are QAnon and, as far as I can understand their lunacy, believe that Trump is some sort of god like being who will be putting a bunch of Democrat pedophiles in Gitmo. I tried learning a bit more about these loons awhile ago and just couldn’t. So congratulations to my GOP board buddies. These are yours to claim.

I was at a golf scramble at the Air Force Academy last year and this old guy in the group ahead of ours was wearing a Trump hat with a QAnon shirt. He was obnoxious and a terrible golfer. I really wanted to ask him a few questions but it's hard to communicate with that level of delusion.
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While Republicans are told to beware of socialists, Antifa and BLM protestors, a few truly crazy humans are running for Congress as Republicans. These nutters are QAnon and, as far as I can understand their lunacy, believe that Trump is some sort of god like being who will be putting a bunch of Democrat pedophiles in Gitmo. I tried learning a bit more about these loons awhile ago and just couldn’t. So congratulations to my GOP board buddies. These are yours to claim.

They started on 4chan and believe an insider is giving them secret messages. Pizzagate was their baby. They also believe JFK jr is still alive and the head of a secret group along with Trump that are hunting down a deep state pedo ring, and that Obama is a clone, and the real Obama was beheaded at Gitmo after admitting he's was a muslim. This is generally accompanied by MAGA-bation fantasies of him crying and begging for his life..

It's fan fiction rube porn. With a lot of subscribers. Some of their less fantastic rhetoric is posted here by the usual suspects.

I would say that Qanon is the new Moonies.

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While Republicans are told to beware of socialists, Antifa and BLM protestors, a few truly crazy humans are running for Congress as Republicans. These nutters are QAnon and, as far as I can understand their lunacy, believe that Trump is some sort of god like being who will be putting a bunch of Democrat pedophiles in Gitmo. I tried learning a bit more about these loons awhile ago and just couldn’t. So congratulations to my GOP board buddies. These are yours to claim.

If you're a sensible GOP Candidate, or even a rational Trumper (if that animal even exists) in CO, GA, TX, and even OH these victories by Qidiots have to scare the bejeebus out of you. Because it points to reasonable GOP voters staying home and letting the loonies run wild and drag you and the GOP down with them in Nov...

The CO GOP just basically surrendered a House seat. Normal people aren't going to vote for a QAnon candidate, so if you're Cory Gardner this is a nightmare. Your core voters either stay home or vote Dem in that district, then you have to count on them to split the ticket and vote for you, and to accomplish that, you have to excite them and give them a reason to do so. You can't even count on Boebert's supporters to vote for you because they likely consider you a RINO. It's like being "primaried" in your Senate race by the lunatic vote in a House district...
If you're a sensible GOP Candidate, or even a rational Trumper (if that animal even exists) in CO, GA, TX, and even OH these victories by Qidiots have to scare the bejeebus out of you. Because it points to reasonable GOP voters staying home and letting the loonies run wild and drag you and the GOP down with them in Nov...

The CO GOP just basically surrendered a House seat. Normal people aren't going to vote for a QAnon candidate, so if you're Cory Gardner this is a nightmare. Your core voters either stay home or vote Dem in that district, then you have to count on them to split the ticket and vote for you, and to accomplish that, you have to excite them and give them a reason to do so. You can't even count on Boebert's supporters to vote for you because they likely consider you a RINO. It's like being "primaried" in your Senate race by the lunatic vote in a House district...

Gardner’s goose has been cooked for a while. And with Hickenlooper on the other side in the primary, he’s all but done.

ditto for Susan Collins and Martha McSally. I believe Thom Tillis will also go down. Hell, Joni Ernst is having issues in Iowa. All bad signs for the pubs hanging on to the senate. You know, the institution that is literally the poorest representation of our actual demographics as a country. It’s seriously out of balance, and Trump is going to make a difficult election for them even worse.
There is a Q Anon crank that will likely win a Georgia house seat.

The House always needs a few nutters. Makes America interesting.
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There is a Q Anon crank that will likely win a Georgia house seat.

The House always needs a few nutters. Makes America interesting.
Load up the "Both parties vote for weirdos" theme song from the GOP defenders.

Might be true, but only one party puts nutjobs like this in office. QAnon make AOC look like Socrates.
Load up the "Both parties vote for weirdos" theme song from the GOP defenders.

Might be true, but only one party puts nutjobs like this in office. QAnon make AOC look like Socrates.

QAnon is special, I agree. But our history is full of crazies that have been elected. It's good for the country's soul to have crazy people. Only sucks when they get elected President
This is your second post about this. WTF are you talking about?
Not to speak for TMP, who can easily speak for himself, but a lot of the nonsense conspiracy theories put out there by QAnon have been referenced here by, umm, well, posters such as yourself, as mainstream right-wing thought. So my guess - again, not to speak for him, but my strong guess - is that he's talking about, well, you.
QAnon is special, I agree. But our history is full of crazies that have been elected. It's good for the country's soul to have crazy people. Only sucks when they get elected President
Sometimes crazy people come up with revolutionary ideas that change the world.

Sometimes they just shit all over the furniture and then blame the Democrats in the House for not cleaning it up.
QAnon is special, I agree. But our history is full of crazies that have been elected. It's good for the country's soul to have crazy people. Only sucks when they get elected President

LOL. Trump's behavior is crazy in thousands of ways. His accomplishments are mainstream GOP with the possible exception of criminal justice reform.
Sometimes crazy people come up with revolutionary ideas that change the world.

Sometimes they just shit all over the furniture and then blame the Democrats in the House for not cleaning it up.

I'm pretty non- partisan these days. I think political parties have worn out their welcome, and don't offer any real solutions. They are experts at theater, not much else.
I'm pretty non- partisan these days. I think political parties have worn out their welcome, and don't offer any real solutions. They are experts at theater, not much else.
That's kind of their job, isn't it? But if you have to align yourself against the guy shitting all over the furniture, you might as well pick the party that says, "Hey that's good furniture!" and not the party that says, "Hey that's good shit!"
That's kind of their job, isn't it? But if you have to align yourself against the guy shitting all over the furniture, you might as well pick the party that says, "Hey that's good furniture!" and not the party that says, "Hey that's good shit!"

I think you know my opinions.
The GOP was a party of free trade and open immigration when I was coming up.

Trump is a closed trade, anti immigrant position.

What are you?

The US was never an "open immigration" country under any president until Obama. We always had controls and strong border enforcement. Trump has always supported legal immigration of the kind that supports our interests. That is our historical position.

USMCA took effect yesterday. Trade is mostly only inhibited with China. I think you would agree China is a special circumstance. Trump has aggressively pursued many bi-lateral and multi-lateral trade deals. Hell, he even tried to pry open the NK market. He still might do that.
The US was never an "open immigration" company under any president until Obama. We always had controls and strong border enrichment. Trump has always supported legal immigration of the kind that supports our interests. That is our historical position.

USMCA took effect yesterday. Trade is mostly only inhibited with China. I think you would agree China is a special circumstance. Trump has aggressively pursued many bi-lateral and multi-lateral trade deals. Hell, he even tried to pry open the NK market. He still might do that.
The US was never an "open immigration" country under any president until Obama. We always had controls and strong border enforcement. Trump has always supported legal immigration of the kind that supports our interests. That is our historical position.

USMCA took effect yesterday. Trade is mostly only inhibited with China. I think you would agree China is a special circumstance. Trump has aggressively pursued many bi-lateral and multi-lateral trade deals. Hell, he even tried to pry open the NK market. He still might do that.

This is downright hysterical....... you are seriously a lost soul.
This is downright hysterical....... you are seriously a lost soul.

Im really looking forward to reading Stuart Stevens’ book “It was All a Lie“. The flexibility alleged conservatives have shown in the Trump era has certainly made me think that maybe it was all bull shit. My own introspection has moved me from right of center to more left of center.
The US was never an "open immigration" country under any president until Obama

Never? As in never? Perhaps you can tell us the year the US first put ANY restrictions on immigration? Unless it is 1787, I think there is plenty of evidence you are wrong. the answer is 1819 and the law just required captains of vessels to turn over manifests of passengers. Then in 1882, and that law only required immigrants be charged 50 cents and that any found to be felons or lunatics be denied entry. So, how does that fit the narrative of "never"?
Never? As in never? Perhaps you can tell us the year the US first put ANY restrictions on immigration? Unless it is 1787, I think there is plenty of evidence you are wrong. the answer is 1819 and the law just required captains of vessels to turn over manifests of passengers. Then in 1882, and that law only required immigrants be charged 50 cents and that any found to be felons or lunatics be denied entry. So, how does that fit the narrative of "never"?

Good point marv.

I'm talking about modern history, say, the last 100 years give or take during the time of comprehensive immigration law and process. I should have been more precise.
Im really looking forward to reading Stuart Stevens’ book “It was All a Lie“. The flexibility alleged conservatives have shown in the Trump era has certainly made me think that maybe it was all bull shit. My own introspection has moved me from right of center to more left of center.

What is wrong with flexibility in politics? That is what is needed now more than ever. Your point seems to presuppose that Trump is guided by conservatism. He most definitely is not.
This is downright hysterical....... you are seriously a lost soul.

What are you talking about? Posting in the style of T.M.P. and goat is not your style. Neither of them explained their q anon point. Probably because they can't.
What is wrong with flexibility in politics? That is what is needed now more than ever. Your point seems to presuppose that Trump is guided by conservatism. He most definitely is not.

Trump is not a conservative for certain. However, the GOP claims to be guided by conservative principles which is clearly not the case. Take the deficit. The GOP doesn’t care about the deficit anymore and openly says that. So did they ever care?
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However, the GOP claims to be guided by conservative principles which is clearly not the case.

It's mostly the case. But there is no purity in politics.

he GOP doesn’t care about the deficit anymore and openly say that. So did they ever care?

The deficit is not a conservative economic issue. The issue with government and economics is the amount of intervention and control, not the amount of spending. Read Friedrich Hayek for starters.
The deficit is not a conservative economic issue. The issue with government and economics is the amount of intervention and control, not the amount of spending. Read Friedrich Hayek for starters.

The amount of spending directly relates to intervention and control.
Good point marv.

I'm talking about modern history, say, the last 100 years give or take during the time of comprehensive immigration law and process. I should have been more precise.

Then let us tackle the Obama question. Progressives were very angry with Obama's immigration policy. It was far from any concept of "open immigration".
The amount of spending directly relates to intervention and control.

That's true. Conservatives use the deficit as a surrogate for griping about more Democratic programs. Those programs carry varying degrees of intervention and control. But I'd argue that this is not an argument based upon ideological ideas. Instead it's mostly about current politics and campaigns.