Pre Charlotte national stats


Feb 15, 2019
New Orleans
Most of us probably saw these numbers on the IU site.
We were 110th in penalties. That I sort of expected after all the flags against UCLA. Is there a “smart aggression”?
What did surprise me were the red zone stats. Offense 57th and defense 101st. Anyone have an idea of the why?
Special teams was 66th. Maybe brought down by the kickoff man being out?
I ignored the poor 4th down conversion rank. It seems to me that if you are behind and have to go for a fourth and short you may have a good conversion rate but the stat may not mean a good team.
Most of us probably saw these numbers on the IU site.
We were 110th in penalties. That I sort of expected after all the flags against UCLA. Is there a “smart aggression”?
What did surprise me were the red zone stats. Offense 57th and defense 101st. Anyone have an idea of the why?
Special teams was 66th. Maybe brought down by the kickoff man being out?
I ignored the poor 4th down conversion rank. It seems to me that if you are behind and have to go for a fourth and short you may have a good conversion rate but the stat may not mean a good team.
For defensive red zone I'd make a guess it's because the other teams have scored when they've gotten into the RZ. But I don't sweat that number because it's a very small number of times they've gotten that far. Like, I don't care if other teams' offenses have 100% RZ TD rate if they're only getting to the RZ once per game.
For defensive red zone I'd make a guess it's because the other teams have scored when they've gotten into the RZ. But I don't sweat that number because it's a very small number of times they've gotten that far. Like, I don't care if other teams' offenses have 100% RZ TD rate if they're only getting to the RZ once per game.
Yeah, our opponents over three game are 5 for 5 in the red zone, with FGs on 3 of the 5. We're impressively limiting red zone opportunities.
For defensive red zone I'd make a guess it's because the other teams have scored when they've gotten into the RZ. But I don't sweat that number because it's a very small number of times they've gotten that far. Like, I don't care if other teams' offenses have 100% RZ TD rate if they're only getting to the RZ once per game.
Good point. Might be an interesting stat. How many times per game do you or the opponent reach the red zone.
Most of us probably saw these numbers on the IU site.
We were 110th in penalties. That I sort of expected after all the flags against UCLA. Is there a “smart aggression”?
What did surprise me were the red zone stats. Offense 57th and defense 101st. Anyone have an idea of the why?
Special teams was 66th. Maybe brought down by the kickoff man being out?
I ignored the poor 4th down conversion rank. It seems to me that if you are behind and have to go for a fourth and short you may have a good conversion rate but the stat may not mean a good team.
Red zone offense ranking reflects the two series at the end of Western Illinois game when we turned it over On downs instead of kicking a FG and then kneeled on that last play of the game. Otherwise we are 15 for 15 with 14 TDS and 1 FG.
For defensive red zone I'd make a guess it's because the other teams have scored when they've gotten into the RZ. But I don't sweat that number because it's a very small number of times they've gotten that far. Like, I don't care if other teams' offenses have 100% RZ TD rate if they're only getting to the RZ once per game.
5 times in RZ, 3 scores
Think about that, in 3 games only 5 times in the RZ.
That is very good defence.
The stat I like the most.
3 games ZERO turnovers. The offense is doing a great job also.
Will get much tougher going forward, but good so far.
If I am being honest with myself, I would rather say 4 red zone trips over 2 games because Western Illinois wasn't even a practice squad. It feels dirty but even 4 over 2 games is unlike much I can ever remember seeing from IU. Imagine going into a game and knowing your opponent would only see the red zone twice, all game. That's video game type numbers.

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