OT - NFL Kickoff Rule

The new KO just needs to be tweaked a bit and coaches figuring out the best returns. Give it time, as it does stop the full running hits on players. Back when it was first put in fans didn't like the pass either.
Can’t start running until the ball hits the ground or is caught … a standing start until the ball is kicked would have been enough.
I like the rule of waiting until the ball hits the ground or is caught as it eliminates full running hits. Teams will find a way to adjust and find ways to return for TDs.
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Personally, I'd prefer they just spot the ball at the 25 for each team until the 4th quarter. In the 4th I'd give the trailing team the option of using the new rule style kickoff or just taking the ball at the 25...

Now that would seemingly cut kickoff injuries by 3/4's (and I know that wouldn't actually purely correlate numbers wise but it would have to cut injuries significantly...).

Edit: I'd amend the above to include the some version of the new style kickoff at the start of the game and the start of the 2nd half just as a nod to tradition (and reward a team who has honed their Special Teams craft).
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