Oh, wow, that isn't even supportable at this point.I think alot of people agree with you. After what woodson and quinn have done to the program the last four years it is very hard to root for them to have any sort of success at this point. Quinn especially deserves to fall on his face as this whole thing was made possible because of him.
Both Woodson and Buckner have already fallen flat on their face. Didn't you notice? What the hell can you personally do to make them fall on their faces again? They were wrong and everyone knows it.
Woodson is gone and embarrassed. He won't be back. At all. Ever.
Don't keep acting like you're the only guy that has to do something about him. Every time I see Leal on the floor, I view that as an admission by Woodson that he was wrong in not playing Leal at all previously.
Every time I see Ballo starting (but Reneau on the bench) at the start of the game, I view that as an admission by Woodson that he was wrong in trying to play them together.
Your post is particularly insensitive to our players who are still trying to win, despite having no hopes of ever playing in the NBA. You're saying you don't want Galloway, Leal, Goode, etc. ever to win again in their basketball careers, just because you think you hate Woodson.
That's bullshit. What a little boy you are.