Only bad stuff


Sep 7, 2023
Consider this the outrage thread. Does it turn your stomach? Post it here. Maybe we can decrease the number of such threads and just put all the "what the **** is wrong with the world" articles here.

All prompted by this:

WTF Germany? 7.5 years for murdering a newborn?
  • Wow
Reactions: JamieDimonsBalls
In iRacing during an open practice session, check your goddamn relative for oncoming traffic before driving out of the pits. Nothing burns me more than some jackoff lumbering out of the pit lane on cold tires and meandering right onto the racing line when I'm just starting a hot lap. A best I have to lift and abort the lap, at worst I actually need to veer off line to avoid your stupid ass. I get it. There's nothing in the official iRacing Sporting Code that says you can't do this, but JFC do you need an official document telling you not to be a dipshit? Would you drive off a highway off-ramp onto the interstate without looking for someone approaching at speed. Don't be an asshole.
Dog Reaction GIF by ProBit Global

Even dogs despise dirty fiat currency.