One of the good guys - Sope - needs some positive thoughts/vibes/blessings directed his way.

Sorry to hear of Sope's challenges. Hope he kicks whatever it is and gets back here post haste.
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Without breaking any confidences and HIPAA deals, Steve is going in tomorrow morning for some testing.

I told him there is strength and power in numbers and that even though he hasn’t been around for a while he is the one among us who has burned the fewest bridges.

We need his loquaciousness around here. He can skewer any of us with his rapier wit with the deftness of a pickpocket and we need that back.

So, use any power you have and get some good energy headed to Atlanta.
Prayed, praying and will pray more today. I'm with you Sope.
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Best wishes, hope whatever news you are waiting on ends up being good news.
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Sorry if I overreacted. I thought you were using his thread to make a swipe at me, when I shouldn't be the subject. Apologies.
He was taking a swipe at you. DANC is in reality an ass, the same as he is here. At least I’ve seen no evidence to suggest he isn’t.
Without breaking any confidences and HIPAA deals, Steve is going in tomorrow morning for some testing.

I told him there is strength and power in numbers and that even though he hasn’t been around for a while he is the one among us who has burned the fewest bridges.

We need his loquaciousness around here. He can skewer any of us with his rapier wit with the deftness of a pickpocket and we need that back.

So, use any power you have and get some good energy headed to Atlanta.
Good luck, Sope.
My prayers will be with him.

May he be comforted by any spiritual beliefs he holds. May medical science and good fortune assist him to good health. 😀
Well, he is Presbyterian.

Methodists are Baptists who can read. Presbyterians are Methodists who drink.
  • Haha
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Methodists don't drink?
That’s what we said, when I was a Methodist. Not what we did.

As a Presbyterian now, I guess it’s okay to admit it.

If Jesus didn’t want us to drink he wouldn’t have made the water into wine. And, now, we’re using God’s gifts to make bourbon and beer.
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That’s what we said, when I was a Methodist. Not what we did.

As a Presbyterian now, I guess it’s okay to admit it.

If Jesus didn’t want us to drink he wouldn’t have made the water into wine. And, now, we’re using God’s gifts to make bourbon and beer.

When I became Methodist, the minister that led by class said that drinking and gambling weren't viewed as sins. Rather Methodism was rooted in the rugged interior where most people just didn't have extra money. Drinking and gambling were seen more as a frivolous waste than a sin.
Well, he is Presbyterian.

Methodists are Baptists who can read. Presbyterians are Methodists who drink.
I once saw a man about to jump from a bridge.

I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What denomination?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist."

I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"

He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region."

I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912."

I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.
Without breaking any confidences and HIPAA deals, Steve is going in tomorrow morning for some testing.

I told him there is strength and power in numbers and that even though he hasn’t been around for a while he is the one among us who has burned the fewest bridges.

We need his loquaciousness around here. He can skewer any of us with his rapier wit with the deftness of a pickpocket and we need that back.

So, use any power you have and get some good energy headed to Atlanta.

He is absolutely one of the good guys...hang in there buddy!
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Without breaking any confidences and HIPAA deals, Steve is going in tomorrow morning for some testing.

I told him there is strength and power in numbers and that even though he hasn’t been around for a while he is the one among us who has burned the fewest bridges.

We need his loquaciousness around here. He can skewer any of us with his rapier wit with the deftness of a pickpocket and we need that back.

So, use any power you have and get some good energy headed to Atlanta.
Steve may be rejoining us soon. Really appreciates all of the support, given it’s from freakos, weirdos and bebops (and one hopelessly lost and eternally confused Boiler). May come in with a PSA type of announcement. Said he would be okay if I did it but I said he should share the details. I don’t want him to sue my ass if I get a word wrong . . .
Steve may be rejoining us soon. Really appreciates all of the support, given it’s from freakos, weirdos and bebops (and one hopelessly lost and eternally confused Boiler). May come in with a PSA type of announcement. Said he would be okay if I did it but I said he should share the details. I don’t want him to sue my ass if I get a word wrong . . .
Hope to see Soap Creek back soon! Love that handle name.
Steve may be rejoining us soon. Really appreciates all of the support, given it’s from freakos, weirdos and bebops (and one hopelessly lost and eternally confused Boiler). May come in with a PSA type of announcement. Said he would be okay if I did it but I said he should share the details. I don’t want him to sue my ass if I get a word wrong . . .

I went by his old Columbus homestead last Wednesday and thought I hadn't seen him in a while and was planning to ask about him. Of course then I forgot. Really, what could go wrong if we were allowed to post while driving?
Now that you’ve broken the ice after several years, you should come back more often. You’re a valuable contributor, with well-developed and interesting viewpoints,

Besides, you’re the only person here to ever use “insouciance” in a post. We can’t lose that.
I did? I don't remember that -- but it does sound like something I'd say. :)

Every so often I check in to what's being discussed here. And it just so happened that this time I read about Sope's situation. I felt compelled to chime in for him, for whatever that's worth. He's a good dude and I hated hearing of his struggle.

But, for me, the WC just got filled with too much rancor -- which has sadly become commonplace almost everywhere in political discourse. Everybody's got opinions, of course. But so many have lost the art of being able to have them, express them, defend them, engage competing ones, etc. without just losing themselves in ad hominems and worse. And, for me, that will always be a helluva drag and something I just don't care to get involved with.

** I should add: this certainly wasn't (and probably still isn't) the case for everybody here. There absolutely were posters who seemed capable of having a contentious discussion without letting their emotions get the better of them. But there were too many of the other kind that it stopped being enjoyable for me.
I did? I don't remember that -- but it does sound like something I'd say. :)

Every so often I check in to what's being discussed here. And it just so happened that this time I read about Sope's situation. I felt compelled to chime in for him, for whatever that's worth. He's a good dude and I hated hearing of his struggle.

But, for me, the WC just got filled with too much rancor -- which has sadly become commonplace almost everywhere in political discourse. Everybody's got opinions, of course. But so many have lost the art of being able to have them, express them, defend them, engage competing ones, etc. without just losing themselves in ad hominems and worse. And, for me, that will always be a helluva drag and something I just don't care to get involved with.

** I should add: this certainly wasn't (and probably still isn't) the case for everybody here. There absolutely were posters who seemed capable of having a contentious discussion without letting their emotions get the better of them. But there were too many of the other kind that it stopped being enjoyable for me.
I understand, but I would urge you to reconsider. I’d wager that those to whom you refer have moved on, one in particular. There’s still crap slinging but you just have to ignore that and focus on the valuable conversations. I learn a lot from those as there are some pretty smart people around here. Then there are the funny threads and posts from which I steal lines to use at a later date.

Without blowing smoke, your posts were filled with information and data. It was unfortunate that some responded with one or two word insults. Try again, and if you get some of this from the usual suspects let it slide. You’ll get valuable input from people like CO, Marvin, Brad, Aloha and others - including, as we’re hopeful, Sope. By no means is that an all-inclusive list. And then there is the handful you can just ignore, rather like IPAs.

Just don’t discuss soccer (s*****), at the risk of fines from The Kangaroo Court.
Get to feeling better @Sope Creek, you pu#%y 😁. I kid, I kid. I wish you the best of luck and hope everything turns out great for you. Cheers to good health.

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