On another note...what the actual f--- are you doing Tucker?

I liked the 'we can't really talk about this yet, because it's too soon' types of statements.

Basically saying "I can't come out and directly blame anyone else, like Jews or Churchhill, but after more generations have passed, we can do that".

I can't wait to hear how the US forced Japan to bomb Pearly Harbor.
Yeah, it was pedestrian scholarship. Like I could read the undertones of where he was going early on but he kept it at a level that most people/historians would not argue about early. "Ya know, from the German POV they felt they had a reason to react the way they did because of what was done to them after WW1 and how awful the Weimar Republic was....but we can't talk about that." Yeah we can. That is talked about on every single dive into Hitler's rise I have ever seen. Hitler screamed about that all the time and nobody has hid that was his beef.

You knew you were getting to crazy town though when he dropped the "Churchill was the villain" and this gem, "You know, the Germans were just so successful and had so many prisoners they didn't expect and they just couldn't feed them all. So the humane thing to do was to kill them now." Nah bruh. Your guy wrote a book about this about 15 years before it happened. This wasn't just an unfortunate accident. And as to Churchill, he didn't become Prime minister until after Hitler had gobbled up Western Europe and Norway. "The Brits ran propaganda to get the US in the war!" Yeah and the Germans did to try and keep us out. He also leaves out that it wasn't Churchill who ultimately convinced us to join. No Hitler's allies bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7th, we declared war on Japan and Germany informed us on December 11th that they viewed themselves at war with the US. So technically ol' Adolph and the Nazis were complicit in dragging the US into that affair as well.

It really is just shitty scholarship. I don't begrudge Tucker having people like this on. On the contrary, I think it is helpful to have idiots on as long as you challenge them in an intellectually honest fashion. Carlson just kind of laughs and says, "Interesting...." and let's him spout off easily verifiably wrong analysis of facts. A high school social studies teacher would have ripped that apart because the "myth" around WW2 is about as close to reality as anything. Yeah Great Power politics were at play and bad things happen in war but the Nazis were evil and Hitler drove that conflict, not the other way around.
Listen. I am about as right wing as they come. The fact that so many people on our side of the aisle are jumping into this nonsense isn't a good thing. The Allied powers (namely England/Chamberlain) bent over backwards for Hitler. Yeah, there didn't need to be a war as long as France and England were willing to keep sacrificing countries to Hitler....until the point where there was a need for a war because of his insatiable appetite for conquest.

Hitler broke treaties and reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936. No war.

Germany completed Anschluss with Austria in March of 1938. No war.

The Sudetenland annexed in October of 1938. No war again, mainly because Chamberlain had gotten Hitler to pinky swear he was done with the Sudetenland and had secured "Peace in our time". The French and English were willing to surrender parts of Central Europe that were mostly Germanic in an attempt to avoid another continental war.

Hitler repaid that by occupying the Czech part of Czechoslavakia in March of 1939 and the Slovak part was divided up mostly to Hungary. Still no war.

Then September of 1939 rolls around and Hitler blitzes Poland. The French and English had a standing agreement to defend the Poles and finally came to their senses and said, "You know what, this Hitler guy's word is for shit and he is gobbling up countries left and right."

So yeah, I guess war could have been avoided had France and England just let Hitler run over Europe. As it was, he did that anyway even with them opposing him and then he launched a war into Asia and took over the Italians' fight in North Africa as well.

And this short history lesson is all to say that this whole avoidable war and maybe the Allies were some of the baddies in WW2 "history" is one of the largest crocks of shit to ever be lobbed out there. It's ****ing stupid. Tucker was stupid for not staring that guy in the face and challenging him on his bull shit. Instead he played along with the dumbassery.

My Grandfather fought in WW2. He was a pretty solid Republican voter for most of his adult life. This strain of contrarianism and outright revisionist Nazi sympathizing would have him rolling in his grave. Some of these jackasses are becoming the West, America hating douchebags that they themselves used to rail against just a few years ago. Anybody who thinks Winston freaking Churchill was the bad guy in WW2 isn't somebody I want on my team. **** that "historian" and **** Tucker for going along with that stupid shit.
Is Nazi Lives Matter the new Black Lives Matter?
Yeah, it was pedestrian scholarship. Like I could read the undertones of where he was going early on but he kept it at a level that most people/historians would not argue about early. "Ya know, from the German POV they felt they had a reason to react the way they did because of what was done to them after WW1 and how awful the Weimar Republic was....but we can't talk about that." Yeah we can. That is talked about on every single dive into Hitler's rise I have ever seen. Hitler screamed about that all the time and nobody has hid that was his beef.

You knew you were getting to crazy town though when he dropped the "Churchill was the villain" and this gem, "You know, the Germans were just so successful and had so many prisoners they didn't expect and they just couldn't feed them all. So the humane thing to do was to kill them now." Nah bruh. Your guy wrote a book about this about 15 years before it happened. This wasn't just an unfortunate accident. And as to Churchill, he didn't become Prime minister until after Hitler had gobbled up Western Europe and Norway. "The Brits ran propaganda to get the US in the war!" Yeah and the Germans did to try and keep us out. He also leaves out that it wasn't Churchill who ultimately convinced us to join. No Hitler's allies bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7th, we declared war on Japan and Germany informed us on December 11th that they viewed themselves at war with the US. So technically ol' Adolph and the Nazis were complicit in dragging the US into that affair as well.

It really is just shitty scholarship. I don't begrudge Tucker having people like this on. On the contrary, I think it is helpful to have idiots on as long as you challenge them in an intellectually honest fashion. Carlson just kind of laughs and says, "Interesting...." and let's him spout off easily verifiably wrong analysis of facts. A high school social studies teacher would have ripped that apart because the "myth" around WW2 is about as close to reality as anything. Yeah Great Power politics were at play and bad things happen in war but the Nazis were evil and Hitler drove that conflict, not the other way around.
Carlson definitely went off the deep end when he left Fox. He's making a lot of money off his current schtick.

It's too bad, because he had guests on that, while sometimes nutty, occasionally were interesting. I don't give him the time of day anymore.
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I do ascribe to the view that stupid people should be able to say stupid things so we can point and laugh at them, but if you are going to platform the person, you have to actually do a little of that pushing yourself.
The most incredible thing about this thread is that it wasn't just every single poster on this forum nodding heads and agreeing with you. That anyone even had the wherewithal to jump in and try to spin this narrative in a pro-Tucker direction is both telling and depressing.
The most incredible thing about this thread is that it wasn't just every single poster on this forum nodding heads and agreeing with you. That anyone even had the wherewithal to jump in and try to spin this narrative in a pro-Tucker direction is both telling and depressing.
Take the universal agreement as a win. We still got that going for us.
What has gotten into you?
Nothing. I've never been a Kennedy fan and have always thought he's cuckoo for coco puffs.

I realize a lot of Trump supporters like him - mainly because they don't really know what he stands for and because he likes to stick it to Democrats. But I'm not one of them.
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15 years ago, Republicans kept saying stupid stuff about rape. Now it appears to be WW2. Minnesota Senate candidate said, "The bad guys won WW2."

I don't get why someone would seriously entertain that thought.

The farther away we get from WWII, the more it becomes an abstract thing. Fewer people are affected directly by it and even relatives killed in it aren't known - the relatives who kept their memories alive are gone themselves.

It's a sad thing, but there are always going to be crazies who promote such whacked out ideas. Just because the guy is Republican doesn't, he's not representing Republican views. After the Squad's pronouncements about Israel, I would think you wouldn't want to paint with such a broad brush.

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