Ok. Starting to look like one of these...

Archie , Alford, Then WAY down the list...==================================================================================> Like WAY ========================> Keep going ========================================> is Bennet...
Cmack is unmentionable
Well my heart tells me that Archie is the one I like but my mind (just guessing) tells me that Tony is the safest choice and the one IU is more likely to select.

But IU may select someone other than these two . . .
I guess I was trying to gauge what you see in Miller that makes you so high on him? I have not seen him
much so really do not know what to think.
4. Archie M, Chris M , Alford or Tony Bennett. If you have to choose one, who is it?

1. Archie, but feeling let down
2. Bennett, with great disappointment
3. Find a new team to root for

It's been said many times this past week, but this hire defines Glass' legacy and is likely our last chance to return to national prominence. If this is what it comes down to he has failed. Miserably.
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If it was Archie, wouldn't we know by now? He cannot command as complicated a contract as a current NBA coach. Maybe same thing for any other college coach not still playing in the NCAAT. So, we're looking at someone still coaching at some level, as I see it.
I don't think any of those will come to IU ( Archie, Bennett, Mack, Alford, Marshall, Donovan). They would all be leaving better programs the past decade and going to a program in disarray and with indecisive leadership at the AD level, president levels and board level

Time to go to a new , young , up and coming coach and give them time to build. No quick fix is out there.

Georgetown now becomes major competitor which complicates the situation.