You missed their boycott of Disney.Wouldn't that same logic hold true for the right wing boycotts of:
Apple: Donald Trump called for a nationwide boycott of Apple unless the company purposely weaken its phone encryption. Later, Conservatives called for a boycott because Apple wouldn't allow Parler on their App Store
Amazon: Because the Washington Post published articles which were critical of Donald Trump, and the Post is owned by Amazon's CEO, Jeff Bezos, Trump called for a boycott of Bezos's primary company, Amazon
AT & T: Donald Trump called for a boycott of the communications company in hopes that it would encourage AT&T to cancel CNN.
Bank of America After the company turned over account records for people involved in the January 6th Capitol insurrection, various Conservatives called for a boycott
Banks in general: Republicans in multiple states created bills that would force their state governments to end all business with any bank which mentioned climate change.
Barbie: Conservatives called for a boycott of the 2023 Barbie movie. Some even burned Barbie toys.
Bud Light: When the company announced a partnership with a transgender person and temporarily added rainbows to their can design, Republicans called for their followers to never drink the beer again. Conservatives even bought cases of the beer just so they could shoot them
Budweiser: After the company released an ad briefly showing the hate the company's immigrant founder received when he arrived in the USA, Republicans called for a boycott
Cisco: The company was one of many who spoke out against Georgia's racist anti-voter laws, and one that Republicans boycotted.
Coca-Cola: After Coke spoke out against Georgia's racist anti-voter laws, Conservatives called for the company's boycott. Trump also called for a boycott, but kept drinking Coke. Republicans also called for a boycott of the company because they prevented a law that would allow for religious discrimination in Georgia
There are other examples.
Arson, destruction of property, etc should never be allowed and should be punished. But there is awful lot of moral relativism lingering around
Yes, arson, property destruction, etc should be punished regardless of political motivations.