Official Biden Speech Thread


Too bad he's such a lousy public speaker. This was his chance to make a defining statement that would resonate across history, and he couldn't pull it off.

I'm grateful to Biden for removing Trump from power. I hope beyond hope his successors can keep him out. Our future depends on it.
Good speech so far. The subtext of "saving democracy is more important" is unavoidable, but at least he's not making it explicit.
Funny the democracy used to get rid of him. What a hypocrite. He’s still a chickenshit to tell us what happened in 24 hour period to kick him out. “I am staying in the race!” 😂 I guess God came down and told him to slink away.
Good speech so far. The subtext of "saving democracy is more important" is unavoidable, but at least he's not making it explicit.
Saving democracy by voiding all primary votes and abandoning the only democracy in the Middle East after lying to the American people about a President with dementia.

The Demohypocritic Party.

Too bad he's such a lousy public speaker. This was his chance to make a defining statement that would resonate across history, and he couldn't pull it off.

I'm grateful to Biden for removing Trump from power. I hope beyond hope his successors can keep him out. Our future depends on it.
How did we ever survive 2016-2020....

"Future depends on it", is so hyperbolish, and reaks of desperation. This country has survived 46 presidents---Yet Trump is the one that will bring this country to its knee's? My goodness.

And FTR, wtf is so great about this country now? What is so different NOW, than 2020? Asides from higher gas, groceries, inflation, etc??
2020 called and said we told ya
It doesn’t say too much for Trump that there were two debates in 2020 and all the post-debate polls showed most Americans (60 percent, give or take a little) thought Biden won both of them.

Biden’s physical and mental decline accelerated in the past several months to a year. It comes for most of us if we live long enough. It’ll come for Trump too. Hopefully not while he’s President. Or you can believe that a mentally “sharp” Trump lost two debates to 2020 Biden with dementia. Your choice.
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How did we ever survive 2016-2020....

"Future depends on it", is so hyperbolish, and reaks of desperation. This country has survived 46 presidents---Yet Trump is the one that will bring this country to its knee's? My goodness.

And FTR, wtf is so great about this country now? What is so different NOW, than 2020? Asides from higher gas, groceries, inflation, etc??
What would have happened if JD were VP 4 years ago rather than Pence? Would the transfer of power been peaceful?
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What would have happened if JD were VP 4 years ago rather than Pence? Would the transfer of power been peaceful?
How "peaceful" was the transfer of Power to DJT won in 2016? People crying in the streets...protesting...threatning to leave the country...Dems crying Russia collusion...Still crying that. Clinton calling Trump supproters, "deplorables.".

But when DJT questions the legitemency of an election, we get statements like this.
It doesn’t say too much for Trump that there were two debates in 2020 and all the post-debate polls showed most Americans (60 percent, give or take a little) thought Biden won both of them.

Biden’s physical and mental decline accelerated in the past several months to a year. It comes for most of us if we live long enough. It’ll come for Trump too. Hopefully not while he’s President. Or you can believe that a mentally “sharp” Trump lost two debates to 2020 Biden with dementia. Your choice.
I don't care for either---Trump, nor Biden. But to see what is happening to Biden is very sad. What pisses me off, is how it was overlooked for many months....if not years. He should have been removed a long time ago.
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How "peaceful" was the transfer of Power to DJT won in 2016? People crying in the streets...protesting...threatning to leave the country...Dems crying Russia collusion...Still crying that. Clinton calling Trump supproters, "deplorables.".

But when DJT questions the legitemency of an election, we get statements like this.
You are intellectually dishonest. We are talking about the acts of the president specifically. Not about rioters. Name another President that encouraged his VP not to certify.

I'm done arguing with you. You are another cult member.
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You are intellectually dishonest. We are talking about the acts of the president specifically. Not about rioters. Name another President that encouraged his VP not to certify.

I'm done arguing with you. You are another cult member.
And it begins....
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How did we ever survive 2016-2020....

"Future depends on it", is so hyperbolish, and reaks of desperation. This country has survived 46 presidents---Yet Trump is the one that will bring this country to its knee's? My goodness.

And FTR, wtf is so great about this country now? What is so different NOW, than 2020? Asides from higher gas, groceries, inflation, etc??
Some have their eyes open Bordo (you) and some don’t. The reason why? You’d have to ask them. The problem is - they think you can’t see properly.

ie, Joe, and many on here, say the economy is great, best America we’ve ever experienced, border is closed (Mayorkas), mutilating children is wonderful and crime is non-existent.
You are intellectually dishonest. We are talking about the acts of the president specifically. Not about rioters. Name another President that encouraged his VP not to certify.

I'm done arguing with you. You are another cult member.
"cult member"?----Here is the funny part. Guys like you make fun of people who support DJT. Even make fun of the name calling DJT dishes out, along with his supporters.

But then do the same thing youself. "Cult member"? "Trumpsters" Even support a President who has called his opponent a "sucker", dictator, loser...compared him to Hitler. But you defend that. Yet chastise others for doing so.

Kamala Harris still stirs protesting from 2020...

You turn a blind eye to this. Act as if the Democratic party is w/o fault.

Trump is not a politician---And that bothers people. I don't like the guy----but I liked how the country was, when he was President. I could actually afford groceries and gas----IN THE SAME WEEK.

Now go back, and read every single post I have made. Show me where I have called any Biden/Democratic supporter, a name?

"Cult"? Da ****? What has this country come to man? Because we see differently politically, I'm in a cult---or support one? COuld not I not say the same about your political party of choice?
Some have their eyes open Bordo (you) and some don’t. The reason why? You’d have to ask them. The problem is - they think you can’t see properly.

ie, Joe, and many on here, say the economy is great, best America we’ve ever experienced, border is closed (Mayorkas), mutilating children is wonderful and crime is non-existent.
Never been a political guy, guru, etc...First time I heard, "right winger", thought it was some sort of casual/business shoe. I'm not republican, nor democrat...And TBH, I wouldn't really know if I was, or wasn't. At the end of the day, we have to look at the state of the country. Where is it?

Right now----its not very good. And anyone who says differently, is fukin delusional. Cost of living across the board is through the rood...Economy is a mess. Border is a free for all. Unrest over seas, i.e. Israel, Russia, Urkarine, etc, etc..Country is as divided as ever. Administration encouraging our kids to pick their gender...WTF?

I don't need to be a politicial mainstray to know^^^^^^THis is ****ED UP
I am dropping out to defend democracy and The Republic, also I plan to rewrite the rules of the Supreme Court.
Hearing Biden saying that about the court made me wonder “What happens if Trump wins and goes forward with implementing Biden’s vision?”

What would the Dems say “We didn’t mean for you to do it, Donnie! That was only something for if we won.”
You are intellectually dishonest. We are talking about the acts of the president specifically. Not about rioters. Name another President that encouraged his VP not to certify.

I'm done arguing with you. You are another cult member.
Updude from TMP, you’re on to something. Puff your chest out and be proud.
It doesn’t say too much for Trump that there were two debates in 2020 and all the post-debate polls showed most Americans (60 percent, give or take a little) thought Biden won both of them.

Biden’s physical and mental decline accelerated in the past several months to a year. It comes for most of us if we live long enough. It’ll come for Trump too. Hopefully not while he’s President. Or you can believe that a mentally “sharp” Trump lost two debates to 2020 Biden with dementia. Your choice.
Past several months my ass..