Nah, Woody has a mega ego. He is accustomed to dealing with poor seasons and isn't going anywhere voluntarily. This is a cushy gig that pays 4x+ what he could make anywhere else. He's still got powerful friends around, though maybe some of them are waning in support, I don't know.
A podcast with two annoying people just released another episode with a former left-handed IU great. More alarming stories. People can believe them or not, but if you know enough people around the program you'll know most of what they've been saying is true. The recruiting and on-court results align with the stories.
I doubt our fans are going to exert much pressure in person -- people will get frustrated online but in person they're almost always nice Midwesterners. We have to hope Scott can win the politics battle behind the scenes. Hopefully he can.
At this point, the best move is to let the season play out. Even if the season gets REALLY bad, and we lose a fair bit more of our B10 games than we win... getting rid of him mid season isn't a great idea.
1. There's no benefit, timing wise, as any coach we'd be considering to replace him would be finishing out their own there couldn't be any sort of open interviewing process.
2. Woodson, in all his fake macho glory, with his senior day comments last season, established/furthered the narrative that our fan base is unrealistic, bad, etc... So canning him mid season, for Dolson, would come across like he's caving to a toxic fan base.
3. As has been pointed out, firing him and appointing an interim coach can be dangerous. Mike Davis is a good example of what could happen. Now make that person Calbert Cheaney...and that decision gets exponentially more difficult if he'd get the guys to play better under his watch.
Nope, let the season play out...
-Continue to vet replacement candidates over the next couple months
-Through back channels, gauge interest of these candidates
-Establish an interview list
-Fire Woodson very quickly after our last game
-Move through interview process quickly, name the replacement by late March hopefully, so he can have a chance to maximize the portal.