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I think they are right in stating that it is just as likely Crean leaves for another job as get fired. There isn't any way Glass can extend his contract after this year. Crean has to view that as being put in an impossible situation. Recruiting will be difficult, assistant coaches will begin to leave, current roster may churn more than normal so with so many openings, why not jump to another long-term contract and get a fresh start.
He may leave for another school to make it appear he left on his own terms. I'd fire him as soon as the last game is over. I wouldn't give him the opportunity to resign. The buyout is worth him having to say he was fired. I'm vindictive like that.
I'm unhappy as well but we have nobody to blame but our University. They hired him, gave him a contract extension, stood by him when he had kids in trouble that would have gotten most other coaches fired, etc. I don't see the need to end this in anger now but it is time for both parties to go their own way.
I hope he leaves on his own to save face. And that money can then be used to hire the top available coach.
Not interested in the Politically Correct coaches search comittee. Just let AD talk to the candidates and make the right hire. No outside consulting firm please!
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