I came home tonight to a completely empty bag of training treats. Not a little bag either but a large almost full bad of those rich little high value pieces of heaven to dogs. This dog is the smartest dog I've ever had, but he's constantly getting into shit and causing trouble. I've never had another pooch that figured out how to open gates. He figured out how to unlock the little latches at the bottom of the gate. He also thinks he's a cat. I'll come home and he's laying down on the kitchen table just hanging out. There's no food there to tempt him, he's just chilling out. Anyways he's been shitting all night and whining from his crate so looks like I'll be up most of the night until he feels better.
I guess I may as well make myself useful around here.
And some bitches
I guess I may as well make myself useful around here.

And some bitches