More Positive Covid Info - Sorry American Media

Yup. That’s why trump was voted out
Yup. And it may also be the reason Perdue and Loeffler get voted out too.

Trump is a stable campaign genius. He really knows how to win hearts and bring those voters to the polls, and win by landslides.

Why are you reading my post as me downplaying Trump’s incompetence? I’m absolutely not doing that. His incompetence was glaring at the beginning and then his lack of leadership paved the way for the incompetence at the state level.

I’m saying there is mismanagement of this things all over the place - and every day that goes by and we learn something new - we should be making more informed decisions yet our incompetent leaders don’t. The blue jerseys and media cannot push any blame past Trump and the red jerseys cannot put any blame on him.

Im trying to look at it objectively - are you?

You forget with whom you are dealing.
Today's open-minded liberals consider you an enemy when you agree with them 99.5%.
You failed to toe the party line.
Dear Leader has taken note.
Expect to be canceled.

Do you have a cemetery plot picked out?
Unlike the Stalinists and Moaists and Pol Potters, the modern US liberal is mostly peaceful.
They will let your family have your ashes.
He's not from Hickory. He is from Terhune. Making this virus political is such a shameful thing to do. But if the President points out it came out of Chi-Nah then the left flips on their proverbial lids. So the only politics which can be linked to this virus is against Conservatives/Republicans. Commie pinkos are exempt.

So the virus came out of China. And in July Trump cut the budget and removed an American epidemiologist that had been embedded in China and whose job description was to keep US officials advised on any possible outbreaks in China.

This was a US CDC employee that had been embedded within the Chinese medical community since at least 2007. That means the role was established by Bush, maintained thru Obama, and then cut by Trump about 6 mos prior to Covid emerging in China.

So is Trump just terribly unlucky or is he to blame and responsible for his decision to evict the CDC's eyes and ears from China right before a deadly pandemic broke out? How come Bush and Obama were too smart to leave the US without an observer in China but Trump wasn't? Since you're so focused on China...
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During IU's weekly Zoom on its response to COVID, the Dr in charge said that we really do not know how long vaccine immunity will last but there is evidence with other coronaviruses that the immunity will last at least 2-3 years. Hopefully it is like measles and is permanent, but there just isn't any idea given the short amount of time people have had vaccinations.
During IU's weekly Zoom on its response to COVID, the Dr in charge said that we really do not know how long vaccine immunity will last but there is evidence with other coronaviruses that the immunity will last at least 2-3 years. Hopefully it is like measles and is permanent, but there just isn't any idea given the short amount of time people have had vaccinations.
Do they have plans for faculty to be immunized?
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Do they have plans for faculty to be immunized?
Yes, but. They kept saying they have no control over when. They will have to follow the state guidelines on who gets shots when. So once we get to high risk, people who work at IU who are high risk will be allowed to schedule an appointment to get the vaccine following the flu shot model. Then whenever the young and healthy get approved by the state, the same will happen. But at this moment no one has any idea when that will happen.

So IU will get the vaccine and will do the shots whenever that is. He noted that everyone (including Indiana) is behind the pace they expected. He mentioned the stat about percentage of vaccine delivered so I looked it up and found this site. https://www.beckershospitalreview.c...entage-of-covid-19-vaccines-administered.html. The Dakotas are doing well.
Do they have plans for faculty to be immunized?

He just answered the question of how they will know who is a high risk to get in the early shots. He said there is no way, privacy laws prevent them from asking health questions. So it is going to be an honor system. He said in his view this question is like a previous one on masks, having more people vaccinated or wearing masks is better than fewer people wearing better masks or fewer people but the truly high risk getting vaccines. Speed outweighs the need to really buckle down on the rules.
Just got back from voting for the eleventy-second time. Still close . . . .

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Do they have plans for faculty to be immunized?
And again he hit on the question, teachers will get vaccines earlier than most but it is doubtful that faculty will qualify. If they do, IU will do it early. But he said the states desperately want K-12 open, far more than college. So he believes the current thinking is that faculty will not get an early entrance like teachers.
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And again he hit on the question, teachers will get vaccines earlier than most but it is doubtful that faculty will qualify. If they do, IU will do it early. But he said the states desperately want K-12 open, far more than college. So he believes the current thinking is that faculty will not get an early entrance like teachers.
That was the question I had, whether IU faculty got "extra credit" for being faculty.
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Some not the best news...

BIL got his second shot (Pfizer version) yesterday and he and several providers that also got it were not feeling great, had to go home early, etc. Nothing major from what I could tell. Will try and get an update today on if there were any serious lingering effects.

Doesn't sound like there was nearly as much of a problem with the first dosage, though my MIL was wiped for the rest of the day (pushing 70 yo though).
Some not the best news...

BIL got his second shot (Pfizer version) yesterday and he and several providers that also got it were not feeling great, had to go home early, etc. Nothing major from what I could tell. Will try and get an update today on if there were any serious lingering effects.

Doesn't sound like there was nearly as much of a problem with the first dosage, though my MIL was wiped for the rest of the day (pushing 70 yo though).

Feeling tired and slightly ill sounds better than COVID, but still not fun. Interested to hear how things progress for them and hope they're doing well.
Feeling tired and slightly ill sounds better than COVID, but still not fun. Interested to hear how things progress for them and hope they're doing well.
My wife got her 2nd earlier today, so we’ll see how it goes. She did have some VERY mild symptoms after the first, but not enough to keep her from working, but she does mostly work from home...
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My wife got her 2nd earlier today, so we’ll see how it goes. She did have some VERY mild symptoms after the first, but not enough to keep her from working, but she does mostly work from home...

I've felt lousy after flu shots and other vaccines too, that's entirely normal. Fingers crossed that these reports are simply the very common side effects of your immune system appropriately reacting to the vaccine.
Don't we have to assume 90 days? That means 4 vaccine cycles per year if we want to live without fear. A shot every 6 weeks. Forever.
Do you make this up while you're typing? There have not been sufficient studies done to determine how long vaccine will last.

In all fairness I'm just regurgitating but I have read and heard. I suppose it depends what TV channel one is tuned into
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How are you feeling?
Normal. Never a fever. Stuffy nose finally cleared up. Never low O2.

I got exposed to COVID-19 5 days after getting vaccinated in a clinical trial by Janssen. Maybe I got the real thing, not the placebo, and fought it off.

Feeling lucky. My 24 yo daughter still has weakness, fatigue, and brain fog 7 days after testing positive.
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