More Positive Covid Info - Sorry American Media

Sorry, his extra special posts are just like a trumper. Easy to get them confused with one another when they both exhibit similar stupidity.

I can't speak for what he meant, but some of the lockdowns are flat out stupid (e.g., boarding up parks and playgrounds, banning walks, etc.). Other restrictions are very sensible (e.g., indoor dining, bars, sporting events)
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Perfect thread.

Non-political British physician discusses the facts and science which have been true since Adam, as applied to Covid, based on real facts and math, and the usual propaganda puppets on the Cooler bitch at and about ME for posting it - by ... wait fer it .... pointing out that the math and science is true, and/or pointing out that people have died from Covid, and/or that it's “real” - even though neither me nor the doc said otherwise.

Attack the messenger even when you agree with message. Typical Cooler.

Talking about how the human body is reacting to Covid and the vaccines, and how it’s consistent with virus behavior throughout all time, is portrayed as downplaying Covid and denying the facts and defending Trump.

As usual, politicizing Covid has again been more important than the math and science.

WHO says it has again been more important than what was said.
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Not intentional just inept.

How is it not intentional?

It seems rather obvious that he knew about the dangers and decided intentionally to mislead the public.

The only argument would be his reasoning. Seems pretty clear he was mostly worried about covid ruining his re-election chances, since one of the first accusations was that it was a hoax created by dems to get him out of office. Of course, if he would have put on his big boy pants from the beginning, then he probably would have been re-elected.
Trump told Woodward he knew this thing was deadly, while telling the public it was no big deal. That's intentional. The WHO may have been incorrect in their early pronouncements, but I've not seen evidence they intentionally misled people.

Then they are so incompetent that they aught not be trusted or funded by Western countries. You really think the WHO didn't have similar access to understand the implications? It's supposed to be the World's health watchdog.
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How is it not intentional?

It seems rather obvious that he knew about the dangers and decided intentionally to mislead the public.

The only argument would be his reasoning. Seems pretty clear he was mostly worried about covid ruining his re-election chances, since one of the first accusations was that it was a hoax created by dems to get him out of office. Of course, if he would have put on his big boy pants from the beginning, then he probably would have been re-elected.
was referring to the who
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Trump and his sheep since you're too stupid to realize what he is referring to. ;)

Your IQ is lower than an inbred trailer family in rural MS. Not only did zeke clearly spell it out, but zeke is a SHE! Why don't you do everyone a favor and disappear as quickly as you recently appeared out of nowhere?
was referring to the who

ah, sorry

Your IQ is lower than an inbred trailer family in rural MS. Not only did zeke clearly spell it out, but zeke is a SHE! Why don't you do everyone a favor and disappear as quickly as you recently appeared out of nowhere?

You would be the expert in inbred trailer families. Why don't you go back to your mama and cry to your lover?

People don't put their gender next to their names, so excuse me.
Aren't you the one living in IN?
He's not from Hickory. He is from Terhune. Making this virus political is such a shameful thing to do. But if the President points out it came out of Chi-Nah then the left flips on their proverbial lids. So the only politics which can be linked to this virus is against Conservatives/Republicans. Commie pinkos are exempt.
Cause personal freedom is more important than other people's health/lives. As long as those people aren't in your family right?
Actually, yes, an equilibrium must be sought between not destroying the professional and personal lives of those likely to be unaffected while protecting the lives of those that can be affected.

We’re there or at least better in some states and not there in others. Yet you place no accountability at the hands of anybody other than an orange buffoon. And that makes you someone whom is not to be taken seriously.
Perfect thread.

Non-political British physician discusses the facts and science which have been true since Adam, as applied to Covid, based on real facts and math, and the usual propaganda puppets on the Cooler bitch at and about ME for posting it - by ... wait fer it .... pointing out that the math and science is true, and/or pointing out that people have died from Covid, and/or that it's “real” - even though neither me nor the doc said otherwise.

Attack the messenger even when you agree with message. Typical Cooler.

Talking about how the human body is reacting to Covid and the vaccines, and how it’s consistent with virus behavior throughout all time, is portrayed as downplaying Covid and denying the facts and defending Trump.

As usual, politicizing Covid has again been more important than the math and science.

WHO says it has again been more important than what was said.
Don’t complain about it becoming political when you made it political in your heading.....that’s a bit hypocritical, wouldn’t you say?
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He's not from Hickory. He is from Terhune. Making this virus political is such a shameful thing to do. But if the President points out it came out of Chi-Nah then the left flips on their proverbial lids. So the only politics which can be linked to this virus is against Conservatives/Republicans. Commie pinkos are exempt.
This is dumb. The virus is political. It’s being mishandled by most politicians nationwide. Lives are being destroyed by a virus only likely to harm certain demographics and while we cannot ignore that risk, it can be better managed and it’s not. Because we have idiots running much of the country - and those idiots wear both jerseys.
That's just the media scaring everybody.
It's a combo of things: morans getting their healthcare from the ER, the media not explaining how to treat this at home under their doctors care, and that most people survive covid 19. The last place I'd want to recover from Covid is a hospital hallway.
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It's a combo of things: morans getting their healthcare from the ER, the media not explaining how to treat this at home under their doctors care, and that most people survive covid 19. The last place I'd want to recover from Covid is a hospital hallway.
hillz. morons.
Mayo Clinic is advising that anyone who has had Covid wait at least 90 days before getting the vaccine.
They dont need the vaccine. See goat's immunity post above.
It makes sense. Some conferred immunity has to be assumed. Best to let those who presumeably have no immunity get in line ahead of those who do, even if the amount/level of immunity is uncertain.
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Don’t complain about it becoming political when you made it political in your heading.....that’s a bit hypocritical, wouldn’t you say?

I am not surprised that I have to explain this. My post was not political.It was critical of the media. The responses were then typical of this place. They were personal insults and further politicization of Covid, portraying me and my post as Covid denial.

The only thing that happens on this board now is personal insult. Otherwise, it is a thought cemetery.
I am not surprised that I have to explain this. My post was not political.It was critical of the media. The responses were then typical of this place. They were personal insults and further politicization of Covid, portraying me and my post as Covid denial.

The only thing that happens on this board now is personal insult. Otherwise, it is a thought cemetery.

The media has covered immunity extensively. How is this news to you. If immunity did not happen the vaccine would be worthless.
The media has covered immunity extensively. How is this news to you. If immunity did not happen the vaccine would be worthless.
Why is anything which can be considered positive news regarding Covid met with so much resistance? Mark gets to the point above, that recovered people move to the back of the line so higher risk people get the vaccine first. It also makes proof of diagnosis just as valid as a vaccination record where work, travel and school requirements are concerned, at least till we know otherwise.
Everyone is glad when there is positive news. The political part was acting like the Amercian media got it wrong. This news isn't new and the media has already broke this story.
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The media plays dumb with how long immunity lasts.
Does it? The CDC still says at least 90 days.

I was reading a site I did not mark but it suggested repeated exposure to the virus continues antibody production. It might be that it is 90 days post last exposure.
This is dumb. The virus is political. It’s being mishandled by most politicians nationwide. Lives are being destroyed by a virus only likely to harm certain demographics and while we cannot ignore that risk, it can be better managed and it’s not. Because we have idiots running much of the country - and those idiots wear both jerseys.
Ok, so you say it is political. Then why does the press ignore Cuomo putting covid patients in nursing homes and killing 1,000's and then blame Trump for covid deaths? Yes, it is political but those who are making it political are picking and choosing who they blame. You say the whole world and its leadership is screwing up, then why does the Left not attack France or Germany? Why do they single out Trump?
It's a combo of things: morans getting their healthcare from the ER, the media not explaining how to treat this at home under their doctors care, and that most people survive covid 19. The last place I'd want to recover from Covid is a hospital hallway.
Are you thinking people are choosing to recover in a hospital rather than at home?
Ok, so you say it is political. Then why does the press ignore Cuomo putting covid patients in nursing homes and killing 1,000's and then blame Trump for covid deaths? Yes, it is political but those who are making it political are picking and choosing who they blame. You say the whole world and its leadership is screwing up, then why does the Left not attack France or Germany? Why do they single out Trump?

Didn't realize France or Germany was responsible for our response. Learn something new everyday.