More Positive Covid Info - Sorry American Media

Non-politicized Covid info from across the pond:

Infection produces immunity.

The list of things about which the politicizers of Covid have been wrong is loooooong.
History will treat them harshly.
If you survive it.

Besides, I don't think anyone's challenged the notion that infection produces immunity . . . it's just that we don't know what the immunity is against or how long it lasts.

Like all straw men, yours is weak . . . .
Non-politicized Covid info from across the pond:

Infection produces immunity.

The list of things about which the politicizers of Covid have been wrong is loooooong.
History will treat them harshly.
We are losing about the same number as Antietam every day. Nothing to see here, move along.
Don't we have to assume 90 days? That means 4 vaccine cycles per year if we want to live without fear. A shot every 6 weeks. Forever.
Not necessarily. It may be longer than 90 for both, we do not have good data. Viruses tend to mutate toward less damaging, so that eventually gets it.
Don't we have to assume 90 days? That means 4 vaccine cycles per year if we want to live without fear. A shot every 6 weeks. Forever.
One more thing, immunity means one thing. It may be that we are not immune after 90 or however many days but our body still fights it much better. So instead of killing one it becomes a bad cold.

Non-politicized Covid info from across the pond:

Infection produces immunity.

The list of things about which the politicizers of Covid have been wrong is loooooong.
History will treat them harshly.
History will also treat harshly, and likely more so those who lied to us and told us it was a hoax when they knew how deadly it was. There is a difference with someone making a mistake about ever evolving viruses and people knowingly lying to the public.
We are losing about the same number as Antietam every day. Nothing to see here, move along.
Wasn’t the death toll in Antietam around 3500? Are you saying the excess deaths per day are around Antietam figures? That’s probably a more accurate way to look at it.

To be fair (or unfair), we’re also putting people into unemployment lines and utterly destroying life savings and mental health. But the jerseys don’t talk about that - they view it all as a unilateral problem. Because we have the government we deserve.
History will also treat harshly, and likely more so those who lied to us and told us it was a hoax when they knew how deadly it was. There is a difference with someone making a mistake about ever evolving viruses and people knowingly lying to the public.
Probably. I think history will also (note that’s an “and” not an or) show that we completely mishandled it in many places with unnecessary intense lockdowns and unnecessary eliminations of personal freedoms. History will show how inept ALL of our leaders are on average.

I’m sure that’s what you meant, right?
The CDC website says we have no idea.
CDC is overly conservative - which is fine with me. Journal pubs as of November think 5-7 months or likely longer.

Probably. I think history will also (note that’s an “and” not an or) show that we completely mishandled it in many places with unnecessary intense lockdowns and unnecessary eliminations of personal freedoms. History will show how inept ALL of our leaders are on average.

I’m sure that’s what you meant, right?
Nope. I meant the leader who purposely lied to us.
CDC is overly conservative - which is fine with me. Journal pubs as of November think 5-7 months or likely longer.

Survivors of SARS 1 have retained their immunity. As usual, I will have to be optimistic enough for everyone.
CDC is overly conservative - which is fine with me. Journal pubs as of November think 5-7 months or likely longer.

Thanks, I was really answering whether having COVID or getting the vaccination gives longer protection.
Non-politicized Covid info from across the pond:

Infection produces immunity.

The list of things about which the politicizers of Covid have been wrong is loooooong.
History will treat them harshly.
Infection produces immunity? REALLY? Oh my f*cking God! Thank you for bringing us this breaking information from 1754!!!!

Back in the real world, a guy today told me the Parkview system is falling apart. His wife, a nurse, told him that they are now treating patients in hallways because they have run out of rooms.
Infection produces immunity? REALLY? Oh my f*cking God! Thank you for bringing us this breaking information from 1754!!!!

Back in the real world, a guy today told me the Parkview system is falling apart. His wife, a nurse, told him that they are now treating patients in hallways because they have run out of rooms.

LA County appears to be a disaster right now (well, more than it typically is). But you are correct, even here in Indiana the hospitals are slammed.... rooms are filled, and many relegated to hallways. But better than 6 hours sitting in an ambulance line:

Non-politicized Covid info from across the pond:

Infection produces immunity.

The list of things about which the politicizers of Covid have been wrong is loooooong.
History will treat them harshly.

Yeah, Trump downplaying it will be written in the history books and him not giving a shit about the number of people that have died will be in the history books.

Yea, don't worry, Trump will be remembered as a shit president.
That's just the media scaring everybody.

Here’s the conclusion I’ve come to for those still downplaying Covid. They don’t want to do what is required to address the virus. They don’t want to eat at home anymore. They want to go to holiday parties. They want to go on vacation. And by God they are going to “live their lives”. Deep down they know that this is wrong so they have to justify their disregard by saying it’s no big deal. Hell, I watch certain extended family members do it all the time.
Probably. I think history will also (note that’s an “and” not an or) show that we completely mishandled it in many places with unnecessary intense lockdowns and unnecessary eliminations of personal freedoms. History will show how inept ALL of our leaders are on average.

I’m sure that’s what you meant, right?

Cause personal freedom is more important than other people's health/lives. As long as those people aren't in your family right?

Trumpers really are a special kind of dumb and that is the nicest way I can put it ;)
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Infection produces immunity? REALLY? Oh my f*cking God! Thank you for bringing us this breaking information from 1754!!!!

Back in the real world, a guy today told me the Parkview system is falling apart. His wife, a nurse, told him that they are now treating patients in hallways because they have run out of rooms.

wouldn't you rather just get covid for your immunity rather than the safer vaccine?

We can let the republicans test the whole herd immunity through getting infected. I'll take the vaccine.
LA County appears to be a disaster right now (well, more than it typically is). But you are correct, even here in Indiana the hospitals are slammed.... rooms are filled, and many relegated to hallways. But better than 6 hours sitting in an ambulance line:

It's an incredibly localized problem in many cases, even within states with major outbreaks. Overall, IN is on the higher end, but well below CA, AZ, AL and NV.


Also, things change rather quickly. Only a month or so ago, MN, WI, etc. seemed to be overwhelmed, but it subsided.
wouldn't you rather just get covid for your immunity rather than the safer vaccine?

We can let the republicans test the whole herd immunity through getting infected. I'll take the vaccine.
There's actually something to be said for loosening things up quickly as soon as the most vulnerable have been vaccinated and actually allowing a combination of vaccine induced immunity and natural immunity to be achieved.
History will also treat harshly, and likely more so those who lied to us and told us it was a hoax when they knew how deadly it was. There is a difference with someone making a mistake about ever evolving viruses and people knowingly lying to the public.

I have to assume the WHO is on your list of liars and misleaders?
The fact that you implied @INRanger27 a Trumper shows just how stupid you are

Sorry, his extra special posts are just like a trumper. Easy to get them confused with one another when they both exhibit similar stupidity.

I'm sorry dumbasses such as yourself can't fully recognize stupidity in others.
Trump told Woodward he knew this thing was deadly, while telling the public it was no big deal. That's intentional. The WHO may have been incorrect in their early pronouncements, but I've not seen evidence they intentionally misled people.
Not intentional just inept.
Trump told Woodward he knew this thing was deadly, while telling the public it was no big deal. That's intentional. The WHO may have been incorrect in their early pronouncements, but I've not seen evidence they intentionally misled people.

I don't think they can understand the distinction. There is definitely a comprehension issue here.