Mistaken Identity


Hall of Famer
Aug 7, 2003
I got a letter from Superior Court with my name listed as being sued and my attendance was requested in court. While I didn't know the other plaintiff listed, it was a little unnerving. I don't have a common last name but there are two others in town with the same first and last name.

I called just before the court office closed and the clerk confirmed I was not the right person. This is not the first time I had to answer for one of these other people. The first was right after I moved to town and opened a membership at a video store. They refused me at first because "I" had overdue videos. It was my first time in the store.

About a year later (after my name was published in the phone book), I got a strange call with a little girl talking while someone in the background was telling her what to say. I got a similar call the next year. I told the girl to give the phone to her mommy. I asked the person who she thought I was. When she heard my voice she said, never mind and hung up. A deadbeat dad with my name was my conclusion.

I few years ago I received a letter about a scooter registered to me that was impounded. When I called the sheriff, he asked if my middle initial was "P". I said it wasn't and he said "that's good!"

I found this person on Facebook. I know it is him because the other plaintiff in the lawsuit is all over his page. I want to tell him to grow up! He has been causing trouble for 30 years, but I would rather he not know I exist. I considered the douchebag might try to pass his shit off on me. Anyone else have an evil namesake?
A guy goes to the municipal authorities asking to change his name.
- You, Sir, need to have a serious reason to change your name, what's yours?
- Well, my name is John Shitson.
- Oh, I see, it's a valid reason. So, what do you want to change your name to?
- Peter Shitson.
A friend of mine who was also our county Sheriff was given notices several times about collections and charges because a guy in the neighboring city was a dead beat with the same name. After talking to him a few times I know what you’re going through. My original response to your question was going to be “no not me” isigned John Smith’ but after remembering what he went through I decided better of it.
My wife has a very common name (she kept her name after marriage) and she runs into this type of situation frequently, at least once every few years. The only helpful suggesion, I guess, is to always include your middle initial on every account, everywhere, including credit cards.
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I feel you. I was an early adopter of gmail, so my email is just my name at, and donks that also have my name are always signing me up for stupid shit. For awhile I was getting some guy's pay stub.
I feel you. I was an early adopter of gmail, so my email is just my name at, and donks that also have my name are always signing me up for stupid shit. For awhile I was getting some guy's pay stub.
When I was a yahoo mail user a hundred years age, a guy in NC with the same name was an active member in the local Kiwanis club and I got regular updates for a couple of months. When they sent over some financial info that I had no business seeing, I finally tried to let someone know. That turned into an argument of all things. "if you don't want to be on the committee, just tell us instead of trying to worm your way out of it with this excuse." Turns out I had a dot between first and last name and he had an underscore. That asshole Greg never did apologize to me.
Speaking of last names, a woman I used to work with had a last name starting with S. She first married another guy with a last name beginning with S, then she divorced him and married a friend of mine who also had S as his first letter of the last name. I guess when you have monogrammed clothing you don't want to have those be outdated!

The final part to that story is the last time she married she divorced him, but they still live together. I didn't want to pry and ask my friend the reasoning behind that.
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I got a letter from Superior Court with my name listed as being sued and my attendance was requested in court. While I didn't know the other plaintiff listed, it was a little unnerving. I don't have a common last name but there are two others in town with the same first and last name.

I called just before the court office closed and the clerk confirmed I was not the right person. This is not the first time I had to answer for one of these other people. The first was right after I moved to town and opened a membership at a video store. They refused me at first because "I" had overdue videos. It was my first time in the store.

About a year later (after my name was published in the phone book), I got a strange call with a little girl talking while someone in the background was telling her what to say. I got a similar call the next year. I told the girl to give the phone to her mommy. I asked the person who she thought I was. When she heard my voice she said, never mind and hung up. A deadbeat dad with my name was my conclusion.

I few years ago I received a letter about a scooter registered to me that was impounded. When I called the sheriff, he asked if my middle initial was "P". I said it wasn't and he said "that's good!"

I found this person on Facebook. I know it is him because the other plaintiff in the lawsuit is all over his page. I want to tell him to grow up! He has been causing trouble for 30 years, but I would rather he not know I exist. I considered the douchebag might try to pass his shit off on me. Anyone else have an evil namesake?
When I was at the military processing station (MEPS) in Indianapolis to enter the Air Force I was told that the computer spit up someone with my description who was wanted in Illinois. I was not told what the man did. At the station I was told to not worry about it. 2 1/2 yrs later while stationed at Grissom AFB IN I was brought in and asked about this same situation. Then I had to have so many people verify I was who I was, going back 10 yrs. Luckily I was remembered by a lot of people and not very many of them were really mad at me.
My wife has a very common name (she kept her name after marriage) and she runs into this type of situation frequently, at least once every few years. The only helpful suggesion, I guess, is to always include your middle initial on every account, everywhere, including credit cards.
I’ve never met either one of you but I don’t blame her. 😂
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I checked and saw an entry in the case that stated that I called to report falsely receiving notification. It listed my name and address. I'm not thrilled that was included in the record. I then realized without his middle initial on the legal documents, all his douchebaggery could be attributed to me. if someone checked. The current lawsuit (of many) actually originated in 2010 and began as a $2,400 judgement.

I wish there was a way to include his middle initial or include something to distinguish him from me. If my name was Mike Smith (I know 3 of them), I wouldn't care. People wouldn't believe there are two of us here. There are actually 3!