Yeah, Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev were all pretty good too.
Transparency at the highest levels of any government seems to be a problem. Leaders lie, distort, etc. I live by this credo:
Even at a corporate level most conversation is constructed to try and gain something, or to at least not risk losing too much. Guess what - nobody's telling the WHOLE truth. The smart ones understand that and recognize the playing field.
With rare exceptions, outside of my house (and even in it), I don't expect the full truth. There's always reading between the lines and discerning what somebody is trying to convey through the message they deliver. Often you learn more by recognizing the lie and what they are lying about.
yes, the problem in the US is the same as the problem in Russia regarding this.
it's that the media doesn't do it's job calling out the liars on their lies.
instead, they reinforce the lies, as the same Wall St that owns the govt, owns all media as well..
except in Russia that problem is theoretically fixable, while in the US it isn't.
that's because in Russia, the media still has human control, whereas in the US, it effectively doesn't.
in the US all media is corporate owned, thus has no long term human control.
only a human figurehead we see as in control, but ultimately isn't long term.
any publicly held corporation with no single person or family controlling 51% of the voting shares, doesn't have a human steering it, but is being completely controlled by an inanimate amoral algorithm, the capitalism algorithm, no different than an artificial intelligence would be, with no human being able to over ride the algorithm long term.
the human figurehead can only push the buttons the algorithm tells them to.
if they don't, the algorithm will have them replaced with someone who will.
crazy, i know. unfortunately true.