The one and only ACE Hall of Famer Gold Member Dec 21, 2001 21,325 7,718 113 Wednesday at 8:09 PM #1 Are playing on TV that we may be considering, that way we can compare and contrast styles of play and demeanor Reactions: Kellerdog, mohoosier, GThomas and 1 other person
Are playing on TV that we may be considering, that way we can compare and contrast styles of play and demeanor
surjay All-American Gold Member Apr 29, 2009 9,364 13,644 113 Indianapolis, IN Wednesday at 8:13 PM #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: mohoosier, GThomas, The one and only ACE and 1 other person
GThomas All-American Gold Member Feb 26, 2002 5,054 9,398 113 Wednesday at 9:46 PM #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: UncleMark and jestyles