Maybe Ive missed it, Anyone heard from Zeke?

it wasn't a 1-1 situation.

10+ people were giving her shit at once, so many that she couldn't possibly respond to all of them, even if she only focused on the most vile rudeness. Now and then she would take 2 or 3 of them down and make them look foolish, then 10 others would come at her even more crudely.

Sometimes you just have to realize that you're in a place with far too many losers for your own good.

Like my niece with an LGBTQ adult offspring, who fears for her safety, and today messaged me for advice about any states I know of that are less hate-filled than Indiana.

I sent here a link to this map. The worst states, appropriately, are in red. The best are dark green.

LBGTQ+ tolerance:

I’d try to find a city known for mental health specialists for her to help her with paranoia.
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Maybe she slithered away in shame for her despicable behavior & all of the awful things she said about people she doesn’t know.🙂
She would be the first around here then. Too bad a few others don't have that self-awareness and choose to double down. ;)
I thought about suggesting that, but her inclination is to leave Indiana. They are already in Indy, so nominally a blue area.

Illinois is the closest blue state, but Chicago is certainly pricey. Know much about Champaign-Urbana?

There's a point where wisdom overcomes the will to argue with morons and a person realizes that and stops engaging with them. What's the sense...
Cry more.
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Correct. I’ve become addicted to the tears of the vanquished these past few days. That & I really enjoy those little yarns Outside Shooter keeps spinning…
Fair enough. I've been enjoying the MAGA tears for the last 4 years (8 really), so knock yourself out.
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Red or blue state doesn’t matter. Individuals matter and there are good and bad people everywhere. This sounds like a drama play due to the outcome.
Definitely a drama play just like the idiots threatening to leave the country.

Hopefully leaders step up in the democrat party and try to work with Trump where they can to make the country better. If they continue this “Hitler” “Fascist” stuff they are going to stay right where their going to be the next four years.
Remember MSNBC feeds the left a similar level of BS as FOX does to the right. Both are destructive and divisive.
The actual news people on Fox do a good job shooting straight. The entertainers are one sided.

MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, & CBS make no effort to be fair. NO WAY ANYONE CAN DEFEND THIS:

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Good grief. Where do the leftists come up with this crap? Gay marriage is the law of the land. So is gay sex. So is gay employment rights. There is no state “tolerance” differences. I spent some time with a gay guy a year or so ago who was convinced that Florida really did have a “don’t say gay” law. No matter how much I explained that the label was hyperbole constructed by left wingers he refused to believe it. I really feel sorry for all the gay people like that guy and your niece who run their lives based upon imagined intolerance. . The gay guy I talked to was really invested in that whole marginalized thing. He just didn’t understand that the vast majority of people just don’t give a shit. His partner is much more normal.
Remember MSNBC feeds the left a similar level of BS as FOX does to the right. Both are destructive and divisive.
The difference is Fox News has a straight news hour called Special Report anchor is Bret Baier. I's on M-F, They are very moderate right. The opinion shows on both these channels are strictly entertainment. If you want fair news information, I suggest Fox News Special Report, News Nation, and the Dispatch which is online.
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The difference is Fox News has a straight news hour called Special Report anchor is Bret Baier. I's on M-F, They are very moderate right. The opinion shows on both these channels are strictly entertainment. If you want fair news information, I suggest Fox News Special Report, News Nation, and the Dispatch which is online.

I think Baier is one of the best out there, and I lean right.
Fuc k you. Seriously, Fuc k you.
Why so mad, bruh?

You're the one posting the stuff to which I'm referring. I just happen to remember it since you post it over and over like it means something to anyone else.

TV showed only bigger, rowdier protests. The majority, in many places, practiced social distancing. My daughter protested maybe 10 times in NYC. She sent me pictures with EVERYONE wearing masks and with EVERYONE staying several feet away from one another. These were 100% peaceful protests that included drum circles and sing-a-longs. No cops, no violence, no nothing.

Depends on who is protesting and whether the protestors think that mask wearing and social distancing are two key elements of a secret communist agenda. My daughter went to a dozen drum circles, candlelight marches, meditations, and other events in NYC where not a thing was thrown, not a face was uncovered, and people at least tried to not be elbow to elbow.

NYC seems to have no post-protest spike. Is there a secret antiviral salve that only communists use?

Nothing wrong with street demonstrations. My daughter particpated in about 12 street demonstrations in Brooklyn, NY. Most involved drum circles and candles. All involved mask wearing and social distancing.

They were about as close to "rioting" as you are, when you find out 10 minutes after going through the drive-through that the kid at the window gave you a Whopper with no cheese, and, damn it, you distinctly asked for CHEESE.

How in the world can you not have a peaceful demonstration? My daughter participated in dozens of them this past summer, masked up and distanced. Drum circles, candlelight marches, all over Brooklyn. These were of the daytime variety. These were not the evening ones where the outsiders elbowed their way in front of the network cameras and the legit protestors had gone home.

Her (eventual) preferred candidate won the election, easily. so... Maybe the effort was effective.

I would suggest such peaceful efforts be used by the Duck Dynasty folks.

I was told that George Floyd protests were inherently violent and that anyone who went to them suddenly abandoned any notion that COVID-19 was dangerous. I never participated in any such protests, but my daughter had finished her undergrad degree at Columbia in 2019 and stayed in NYC afterwards. Not a great place to be during the pandemic. But indeed she attended some peaceful protests and people were encouraged to wear masks and social distance, even outside. Pretty bizarre, and not something recommended by Fauci
Why so mad, bruh?

You're the one posting the stuff to which I'm referring. I just happen to remember it since you post it over and over like it means something to anyone else.
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@zeke4ahs. Election is over. Come back soon. FYI despite a rocky road with my daughter this last six months we settled on a show. We’re both hooked. Love on the Spectrum!!! If you haven’t checked it out do. Fantastic!

Okay winter shows firing up soon. Make your return when the dust settles
He can't even keep his story straight. At one point it's candle light vigils and the next thing you read it's daylight only.

I'm surprised he wasn't killed by anti-mask trumpers in a Publix.
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When you post about another person's screen name, you might as well just put this up...

Because, you got nothing. 🤣
Lol...hmmm...first time I have ever heard this line of reasoning. It's a coincidence,I'm sure.'s not my fault that you don't understand,that in this world(internet),your screen name is what makes the first impression on people. It is the very first place,where they get to see what kind of choices/decisions you make. You chose that. It speaks volumes. Do you have a purple mohawk? it would look stupid and and tell everyone else immediately,that you are stupid. That's what you did with your name. Be mad at you,not me.
Why so mad, bruh?

You're the one posting the stuff to which I'm referring. I just happen to remember it since you post it over and over like it means something to anyone else.
Just catching up, but this appears like you were performing a Root Canal on Shitter, without any dumbing medicine.. He got a bit sensitive. How odd is that... NOT ... muahahaha
Send her to Bloomington. It's been a gay oasis since the 70s. Fifty years ago was considered the best place for gays to live only behind San Fransisco. And believe it or not, nowadays little ol' Spencer has become a haven.
Jonathan is a very good organizer for the rump rangers. Very good! To turn Spencer into rainbow warriors, is not a small feet type achievement!
When you see queers and the cloven hooves doing shots together… it’s like watching a Hallmark movie in real time!
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I wasn't going for THAT small of "feet", but I see that you picked up where I was going with it.
But, Jonathan moved behind enema lines and set up camp. Agree with his lifestyle or not, he's got Walz!
I hope enema was not a mistake
I hope enema was not a mistake
Intentional, and will be played out further in the full screenplay. Brokeback Spencer.
But doing what Jonathan has done, where he has done it (meaning Spencer, not an anatomy reference) takes strength. I have to give him credit for his achievements.
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@zeke4ahs. Election is over. Come back soon. FYI despite a rocky road with my daughter this last six months we settled on a show. We’re both hooked. Love on the Spectrum!!! If you haven’t checked it out do. Fantastic!

Okay winter shows firing up soon. Make your return when the dust settles
Love on the Spectrum is great TV.

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