Many of us are thrilled to see the outcome of

Exclusions and waiting periods for pre-existing conditions also have drastic impacts on coverage under the Medicare Backup plans.

I know someone that was covered by a backup plan for a couple years but then had a heart attack. He said he then found it virtually impossible to switch to a more favorable backup plan due to prohibitive costs or outright exclusions of coverage. He was stuck with his original plan (selected when he had no heart
problems) which didn't cover very much.

Navigating Medicare, the backup plans and the Part D drug plans is so difficult that I'd guess 80-90% of the adult population can't do it effectively. You really can't predict the coverages and benefits until you actually have a specific injury and claim. Not many of us are Medicare experts.
I get 3/8” books on Medicare insurance … it’s less work to just keep working than read them.
this election. I am concerned about the pubs taking the house on a couple of issues. Most importantly healthcare. It would actually provide an opportunity to dump Obamacare. As sope has found out and many of us who have considerable experience in the healthcare system know it’s a broken mess. At every level. From the cost of insurance to care.

One godsend in this boondoggle has been coverage for pre-existing conditions. I would hate to see us go back to pre Obamacare days and put that worry on so many.

We’ll see
They don't have the votes to do it. It's been good for some but a disaster for others. People I know self employed pay through the nose now. My wives insurance is horrible now at a small company vs pre obamacare. Luckily mine is better but still worse than before. The people who make out great are like my bum brother in law who doesn't work. He gets it all for free and boy dies he use it.

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