Man Trump is really scared of Stormy...


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
What's it called when a batter strikes out in 3 straight plate appearances? It's only Wed and already, this very evening Trump has struck out in his third attempt to get the Stormy trial sidetracked or delayed.

My guess is the fact that on two seperate occasions Judge Merchan sought advice from the Appeals court over whether or not they felt he should recuse himself and both times they answered NO, is a pretty good indicator that Trump continuing to whine about Merchan not recusing himself is a non-starter with the Appeals Court.

No doubt Trump will continue to attack Merchan, the same Judge who in case of a conviction will hold Trump's fate in his hands. In that context most sensible people would likely not continue to engage in the kind of deterimental behavior Trump exhibits. But that is undoubtedly a contributing factor as to why his cult loves him...

Will Trump succeed in getting the trial delayed? He'll undoubtedly continue to throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks. Maybe something will, he's got 4+ days until jury selection kicks off.

Kind of strange how Trump (who is supposedly an innocent man) seems so invested in avoding the oppty to prove his innocence to a jury of his peers. Guessing Trump never had too many concerns about the rights of accused felons prior to joining their ranks.

In fact I imagine in earlier times Trump would have detested an accused criminal who employed all of the methods Trump has used here to try and escape justice. Hell he continued to berate those kids in the Central Park case and insist that they were guilty, even after they were exonerated by both DNA evidence and someone else confessing to the crime. So I guess this is sort of a reversal of fortune...

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My guess is the fact that on two seperate occasions Judge Merchan sought advice from the Appeals court over whether or not they felt he should recuse himself and both times they answered NO,
Good lawyers and judges will tell you if you feel conflicted enough to ask another party’s advice, you are conflicted and need to step aside.

Merchan wants this case because we wants Trump. The case should have been tossed. It’s abusing law on steroids. That is a bad sign for administration of justice. The case is garbage.

You obviously don’t know what this case is about.
Good lawyers and judges will tell you if you feel conflicted enough to ask another party’s advice, you are conflicted and need to step aside.

Merchan wants this case because we wants Trump. The case should have been tossed. It’s abusing law on steroids. That is a bad sign for administration of justice. The case is garbage.

You obviously don’t know what this case is about.
Getting law from mass media articles is a disaster. Leads to claims the the southern district is a gop conservative court
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Good lawyers and judges will tell you if you feel conflicted enough to ask another party’s advice, you are conflicted and need to step aside.

Merchan wants this case because we wants Trump. The case should have been tossed. It’s abusing law on steroids. That is a bad sign for administration of justice. The case is garbage.

You obviously don’t know what this case is about.

Blah blah blah. Merchan and Erdogon are paritisan operatives while Cannon is a distinguished jurist. What a fvcking hack.
Blah blah blah. Merchan and Erdogon are paritisan operatives while Cannon is a distinguished jurist. What a fvcking hack.
oh please the case is absurd. it's totally political. he mischaracterized checks in his records so it didn't look like he was paying off porn stars. you know how many celebrities are paying off hotel visits. anyone surprised that trump was sending checks to chicks he's banged and called it business expenses or anything else should have their head examined. tethering it to "undermining the election" is laughable. like anyone thought trump was anything other than a guy who would pay stormy d....
If you combo that with paying strippers, pornstars, or escorts, the number probably drops to 97%. 😄
If giving topside value of properties on your PFS's are a crime, 99.5% of American RE Investors are guilty.

If you combo that with paying strippers, pornstars, or escorts, the number probably drops to 97%. 😄
And what is wrong with this stormy d?! I thought strippers/escorts had a code. This has to be a black mark on the industry and impact revenue
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I read this title and thought I was going to see stuff like this:

Donald Trump Hero GIF by Faith Holland

Let down.
All trump’s shit 🤣🤣. Lol. I’d love to be there every time he gets hit with something. His Smithers. And to think he could have just played golf and hooked up with chicks but he wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. FOR US!! For all of us. #selfless. #american. #patriot.

Did you see they’re coming for Rocky? I guess he came on the set of Tulsa king and said all the extras look “****ing awful.” “Why can’t they get some pretty young girls” 🤣. That generation lol. But that’s Hollywood. And trump was Hollywood adjacent.
All trump’s shit 🤣🤣. Lol. I’d love to be there every time he gets hit with something. His Smithers. And to think he could have just played golf and hooked up with chicks but he wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. FOR US!! For all of us. #selfless. #american. #patriot.

Did you see they’re coming for Rocky? I guess he came on the set of Tulsa king and said all the extras look “****ing awful.” “Why can’t they get some pretty young girls” 🤣. That generation lol. But that’s Hollywood. And trump was Hollywood adjacent.
I love how he knows he's nailed, denies it, and then starts ripping on their appearance. 😄

Yeah...about the only thing I'd likely believe, if I even cared, was that he doesn't drink (other than a random champagne or whatever at a party). He seems just dorky/focused enough to be a teetotaler.

I could see that.
CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎊🎈🍾 by spelling teetotaler right you have entered the top 5 percent of posters thereby unlocking new features
What's it called when a batter strikes out in 3 straight plate appearances? It's only Wed and already, this very evening Trump has struck out in his third attempt to get the Stormy trial sidetracked or delayed.

My guess is the fact that on two seperate occasions Judge Merchan sought advice from the Appeals court over whether or not they felt he should recuse himself and both times they answered NO, is a pretty good indicator that Trump continuing to whine about Merchan not recusing himself is a non-starter with the Appeals Court.

No doubt Trump will continue to attack Merchan, the same Judge who in case of a conviction will hold Trump's fate in his hands. In that context most sensible people would likely not continue to engage in the kind of deterimental behavior Trump exhibits. But that is undoubtedly a contributing factor as to why his cult loves him...

Will Trump succeed in getting the trial delayed? He'll undoubtedly continue to throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks. Maybe something will, he's got 4+ days until jury selection kicks off.

Kind of strange how Trump (who is supposedly an innocent man) seems so invested in avoding the oppty to prove his innocence to a jury of his peers. Guessing Trump never had too many concerns about the rights of accused felons prior to joining their ranks.

In fact I imagine in earlier times Trump would have detested an accused criminal who employed all of the methods Trump has used here to try and escape justice. Hell he continued to berate those kids in the Central Park case and insist that they were guilty, even after they were exonerated by both DNA evidence and someone else confessing to the crime. So I guess this is sort of a reversal of fortune...

Trump's CFO is a convicted felon. His General Counsel is a convicted felon. The Trump Organization itself was found guilty on 17 counts of fraud and other financial crimes. He's the boss of a corrupt, criminal enterprise, it's now his turn to face the music, and he's scared out of his mind.

I think it's 50-50 at best that this case goes to trial on Monday. He's got to be careful because of the political implications, but I could see him suddenly coming down with an illness, or developing chest pains or some other acute medical condition over the weekend that requires following up testing and/or some procedure that makes it impossible (or so his attorneys will argue) for him to appear in court. Of course, the bullshit condition can't be anything that can't ultimately be "fixed" because the Super Hero myth must continue.
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Trump's CFO is a convicted felon. His General Counsel is a convicted felon. The Trump Organization itself was found guilty on 17 counts of fraud and other financial crimes. He's the boss of a corrupt, criminal enterprise, it's now his turn to face the music, and he's scared out of his mind.

I think it's 50-50 at best that this case goes to trial on Monday. He's got to be careful because of the political implications, but I could see him suddenly coming down with an illness, or developing chest pains or some other acute medical condition over the weekend that requires following up testing and/or some procedure that makes it impossible (so his attorneys will argue) for him to appear in court. Of course, the bullshit condition can't be anything that can't ultimately be "fixed" because the Super Hero myth must continue.

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No walkers. Nothing that makes him appear infirm.

We might be getting the Weinstein look if he wasn't running for president.
I could see Trump walking into court each day with a walker like that, acting as if he's on death's doorstep.

Then, after the trial proceedings each day, walking out to the courthouse steps, throwing the walker aside, and proudly talking about how it was all a ruse to trick the jury. "I'm a winner and I do what it takes to win. Next question."
What's it called when a batter strikes out in 3 straight plate appearances? It's only Wed and already, this very evening Trump has struck out in his third attempt to get the Stormy trial sidetracked or delayed.

My guess is the fact that on two seperate occasions Judge Merchan sought advice from the Appeals court over whether or not they felt he should recuse himself and both times they answered NO, is a pretty good indicator that Trump continuing to whine about Merchan not recusing himself is a non-starter with the Appeals Court.

No doubt Trump will continue to attack Merchan, the same Judge who in case of a conviction will hold Trump's fate in his hands. In that context most sensible people would likely not continue to engage in the kind of deterimental behavior Trump exhibits. But that is undoubtedly a contributing factor as to why his cult loves him...

Will Trump succeed in getting the trial delayed? He'll undoubtedly continue to throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks. Maybe something will, he's got 4+ days until jury selection kicks off.

Kind of strange how Trump (who is supposedly an innocent man) seems so invested in avoding the oppty to prove his innocence to a jury of his peers. Guessing Trump never had too many concerns about the rights of accused felons prior to joining their ranks.

In fact I imagine in earlier times Trump would have detested an accused criminal who employed all of the methods Trump has used here to try and escape justice. Hell he continued to berate those kids in the Central Park case and insist that they were guilty, even after they were exonerated by both DNA evidence and someone else confessing to the crime. So I guess this is sort of a reversal of fortune...

I don’t know that I’d be scared of her, just the herpes she probably has.
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You know as well as I do that our nation’s legal system will only be fair when it’s filled with MAGA from top to bottom.
From all of their complaining of bias, not a peep about a Trump appointed judge hearing a case with Trump as the defendant. No conflict there whatsoever....and that judge has already had multiple decisions overturned by judges from the same party.
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From all of their complaining of bias, not a peep about a Trump appointed judge hearing a case with Trump as the defendant. No conflict there whatsoever....and that judge has already had multiple decisions overturned by judges from the same party.
She's a mess.

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So she got the decision right. But she changed her decision, so she's a mess. Got it.
No because she tries to be biased whenever she can get away with it.

The judges that MAGA sheep complain about haven't had a decision overturned yet (except for lowering the bond Trump had to come up with while he appealed the decision in NY) nor have they been backed into a corner.

There is only one judge in Trump's cases that have shown to be partisan hacks so far and it is the one MAGA likes to ignore or even praise.
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No, you clearly don't get it.

Because she’s slow it’s a demonstration of impartiality lol. Please. Good luck with that. Speedy trial belongs to the accused. F this Jack smith and his hurry. That’s not his right. It’s not his life on the line. And nothing in the local rules prohibits her from bringing up jury instructions now.

Wait until Jack sees the jury pool. He’ll really cry then. They will hate him
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