PK was out at the bars a lot, even in season. Dude could put 'em down too! Didn't always put 'em down heavily, but when he did, he went hard. And was pretty generous on picking up rounds for others (with his dad's money, of course).And typical non answer from you. Iu has a culture problem in basketball. Laziness, discipline issues, lack of leadership.
You think Ballo is at the bar the night before a game if RMK is coach?
You're living in a fantasyland if you think everyone was all prim and proper under Knight. It was just pre-social media and Knight had a good relationship with the po-po and his best friend was the sports editor, so you knew nothing bad was going to come from that direction.
Richard Mandeville literally shoved a girl through a sliding glass door at the apartments out off of John Hinkle Place during a party. Did he get arrested? No. Did Knight have him up running stairs for months (literally) afterwards? Yes. And I know managers that were assigned to get up early with him and make sure he did it.