MAGA sounds great on the surface. It was a typical political slogan that gained traction and was a general movement. Unfortunately it’s morphed into some weird white power nationalistic nonsense now. If the Republican Party wants to be relevant again it needs to disappear
MAGA sounds great on the surface. It was a typical political slogan that gained traction and was a general movement. Unfortunately it’s morphed into some weird white power nationalistic nonsense now.
That’s just lazy and dumb. The party has never been less white.
If the Republican Party wants to be relevant again it needs to disappear
The Republican Party wasn’t relevant in 2008. The issue is Trump is a blowhard who cant stay on message and won’t shut up. And loves stepping on his own crank. They need a DeSantis type to take over and they’ll do fine.
MAGA sounds great on the surface. It was a typical political slogan that gained traction and was a general movement. Unfortunately it’s morphed into some weird white power nationalistic nonsense now. If the Republican Party wants to be relevant again it needs to disappear
Are you saying Republicans don't want the black vote? To be honest I want everyone to have the opportunity to achieve goals they set. Not all of us have the same idea of what success is. So what we should want is an America which affords us the opportunity to try with all our hearts to achieve something. What I am talking about is far different than those in our culture who talk about equality of outcome. That is impossible unless you lower everyone's expectations to what is even possible.
That’s just lazy and dumb. The party has never been less white.

summer interns in the Trump administration

almost as white as Casper the friendly ghost

1 see 2 or 3 POC out of ~150

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MAGA sounds great on the surface. It was a typical political slogan that gained traction and was a general movement. Unfortunately it’s morphed into some weird white power nationalistic nonsense now. If the Republican Party wants to be relevant again it needs to disappear
What makes you say this? I mean, what’s your evidence?
MAGA sounds great on the surface. It was a typical political slogan that gained traction and was a general movement. Unfortunately it’s morphed into some weird white power nationalistic nonsense now. If the Republican Party wants to be relevant again it needs to disappear
That’s hogwash. MAGA hasn’t changed, All you’ve said is what Democrats think of MAGA.

Check out some MAGA rallies on YouTube that theory of a new meaning will quickly vanish.
yeah...this would be like Gerry Dinardo or Cam Cameron saying every year they were coaching IU football that their expectation was a national title and anything else would be unacceptable. It sounds like a nice aspiration until you actually went to a game and realized the absolute shit show the program was.
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MAGA sounds great on the surface. It was a typical political slogan that gained traction and was a general movement. Unfortunately it’s morphed into some weird white power nationalistic nonsense now. If the Republican Party wants to be relevant again it needs to disappear
MAGA has nothing to do with white power.
Please post him saying he thinks it was an inside job. I think you may have fell for MSM propaganda again.
He has clearly supported the "controlled demolition" nonsense:

Kennedy’s podcast interview was with Peter Bergen, host of In the Room and author of books including The Rise and Fall of Osama bin Laden and Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad.

Bergen first asked if Kennedy “bought” the official explanation of 9/11, as established by the bipartisan 9/11 commission, which concluded that al-Qaida was responsible for the attacks of 11 September 2001, in which planes were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, while another airliner crashed in Pennsylvania. The attacks led to an immediate death toll of 2,977 (and thousands of related deaths since) and stoked more than two decades of war.

Kennedy said: “I don’t know what happened on 9/11. I mean, I understand what the official explanation [for 9/11] is, I understand that there is dissent...

Bergen said: “So there’s doubt in your mind that al-Qaida was responsible?”

Kennedy raised a well-known 9/11 conspiracy theory, that 7 World Trade Center, a building close to the twin towers, did not fall because of the attack nearby.

He said: “Well, I know … there’s strange things that happened, that don’t seem … One of the buildings [in New York] came down that wasn’t hit by a plane, so, you know, was it building seven or building 10?”

Bergen said: “That collapsed because two of the world’s biggest buildings collapsed on top of it.”

Before entering the political scene, Kennedy was an environmental attorney who worked on cleaning the Hudson River.

He said: “No, they didn’t collapse on top of it. My offices were down there [at the bottom of Manhattan]. My offices were closed and you know … there’s pictures of it collapsing. There’s nothing collapsing on top of it.
That’s hogwash. MAGA hasn’t changed, All you’ve said is what Democrats think of MAGA.

There is a kernel of good intent in the idea of 'making America great again.'

That said, the MAGA crowd wears those stupid hats and 'Let's Go Brandon' shirts as big F-U to anyone who disagrees with them.

It's more about pissing off the people they think are 'elite' or 'liberal' than any of that BS RFK Jr was spouting off.
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MAGA has nothing to do with white power.
but it has EVERYTHING to do with Christian nationalism

"I’m a God-fearing Christian. I love our country and its people. This is why I’m a proud Christian Nationalist."

MAGA has nothing to do with white power.'s a passive aggressive thing. There's little doubt who white supremacists are voting for in November and king MAGA knows he can't piss them off. They're definitely an important part of the MAGA voting block. They're not implicitly spoken about on the campaign trail (at least not publicly), but the MAGA Republicans toe that line .
He has clearly supported the "controlled demolition" nonsense:

Kennedy’s podcast interview was with Peter Bergen, host of In the Room and author of books including The Rise and Fall of Osama bin Laden and Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad.

Bergen first asked if Kennedy “bought” the official explanation of 9/11, as established by the bipartisan 9/11 commission, which concluded that al-Qaida was responsible for the attacks of 11 September 2001, in which planes were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, while another airliner crashed in Pennsylvania. The attacks led to an immediate death toll of 2,977 (and thousands of related deaths since) and stoked more than two decades of war.

Kennedy said: “I don’t know what happened on 9/11. I mean, I understand what the official explanation [for 9/11] is, I understand that there is dissent...

Bergen said: “So there’s doubt in your mind that al-Qaida was responsible?”

Kennedy raised a well-known 9/11 conspiracy theory, that 7 World Trade Center, a building close to the twin towers, did not fall because of the attack nearby.

He said: “Well, I know … there’s strange things that happened, that don’t seem … One of the buildings [in New York] came down that wasn’t hit by a plane, so, you know, was it building seven or building 10?”

Bergen said: “That collapsed because two of the world’s biggest buildings collapsed on top of it.”

Before entering the political scene, Kennedy was an environmental attorney who worked on cleaning the Hudson River.

He said: “No, they didn’t collapse on top of it. My offices were down there [at the bottom of Manhattan]. My offices were closed and you know … there’s pictures of it collapsing. There’s nothing collapsing on top of it.
lol…nope. Try again. Post a video of him saying 9/11 was an inside job like Marvin claimed. You can’t, because he never said that.
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MAGA crowd wears those stupid hats and 'Let's Go Brandon' shirts as big F-U to anyone who disagrees with them
Mostly agree. Thats what all partisans do, especially during campaigns ( which are now 24/7/365) So what?
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but it has EVERYTHING to do with Christian nationalism

"I’m a God-fearing Christian. I love our country and its people. This is why I’m a proud Christian Nationalist."

There is absolutely nothing 'Christian' about these 'proud Christian Nationalists.'

When was the last time Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Trump, or any MAGA Republican evoked or even brought up Jesus or His teachings? Kind of hard to be Christian when you leave out Christ.
lol…nope. Try again. Post a video of him saying 9/11 was an inside job like Marvin claimed. You can’t, because he never said that.
Are you actually claiming that some brain wormy idiot arguing that the USA government set up or allowed a controlled demolition is somehow not arguing that the the USA government had a direct role in it, i.e., it was an inside job?

His position is quite clear, whether he uses the words "inside job" or not
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Mostly agree. Thats what all partisans do, especially during campaigns ( which are now 24/7/365) So what?
Well, that's not really 'what Democrats think of MAGA.' It's more of what the MAGA cult has co-opted whatever the original intent of the phrase or slogan might've been.

It's arguable that MAGA as it relates to Trump was ever anything type of good or positive message to start. There is no question that it's divisive and combative by nature now.

And I'd also say all partisans don't do this type of thing. Having a Harris/Walz yard sign is worlds different than throwing a MAGA hat. One is supporting a ticket you're voting for. The other is doing the same, but adding in a fair amount of being a dick.
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Are you actually claiming that some brain wormy idiot arguing that the USA government set up or allowed a controlled demolition is somehow not arguing that the the USA government had a direct role in it, i.e., it was an inside job?

His position is quite clear, whether he uses the words "inside job" or not
Here You Go Fran Healy GIF by Travis

I appreciate the tap out.
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Are you actually claiming that some brain wormy idiot arguing that the USA government set up or allowed a controlled demolition is somehow not arguing that the the USA government had a direct role in it, i.e., it was an inside job?

His position is quite clear, whether he uses the words "inside job" or not
ha...I'm glad you posted this. I couldn't believe someone could read even the excerpt of what you posted from that RFK Jr interview and not plainly see what he's talking about.
Well, that's not really 'what Democrats think of MAGA.' It's more of what the MAGA cult has co-opted whatever the original intent of the phrase or slogan might've been.

It's arguable that MAGA as it relates to Trump was ever anything type of good or positive message to start. There is no question that it's divisive and combative by nature now.

And I'd also say all partisans don't do this type of thing. Having a Harris/Walz yard sign is worlds different than throwing a MAGA hat. One is supporting a ticket you're voting for. The other is doing the same, but adding in a fair amount of being a dick.
Wow. The Democrats and never-Trumpers turned MAGA into a pejorative. Turning what you disagree with into a pejorative is so common these days that it should be undisputed. A MAGA hat isn’t any different than an IU hat or any other identifier. If you think me saying I’m MAGA, (Which I am) is being a dick, that’s on you. I say it because I mean it and I believe like three-quarters of Americans that America is on the wrong track. And we are picking up speed on that wrong track with Kamala poised to be president. She is a far left whack job on every important issue.
Are you actually claiming that some brain wormy idiot arguing that the USA government set up or allowed a controlled demolition is somehow not arguing that the the USA government had a direct role in it, i.e., it was an inside job?

His position is quite clear, whether he uses the words "inside job" or not
he’s a contrarian. Has been and always will be. I think that is an important voice.

Brain worms (Parasites) are a real thing and shouldn’t be made fun of any more than you would make fun of somebody with MS.
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Brain worms (Parasites) are a real thing and shouldn’t be made fun of any more than you would make fun of somebody with MS.
There is one important difference. People don't get MS by choosing to eat undercooked wild boar, apparently obtained from a road kill accident. And I don't see evidence that I was "making fun of him" but merely accurately describing him and his extensive collection of bizarre views.
Wow. The Democrats and never-Trumpers turned MAGA into a pejorative. Turning what you disagree with into a pejorative is so common these days that it should be undisputed. A MAGA hat isn’t any different than an IU hat or any other identifier. If you think me saying I’m MAGA, (Which I am) is being a dick, that’s on you. I say it because I mean it and I believe like three-quarters of Americans that America is on the wrong track. And we are picking up speed on that wrong track with Kamala poised to be president. She is a far left whack job on every important issue.
I don't doubt that you wholeheartedly believe the last two to three sentences you wrote.

I think the problem is that, regardless of what you believe, I highly doubt you'd grab your MAGA hat over an IU hat for a trip into Denver for the day. And we crossed that line a long time ago. Anyone who willingingly wears a MAGA hat or a 'Let's Go Brandon' shirt out in public knows how decisive it is, doesn't care and wants to poke the bear.
Wow. The Democrats and never-Trumpers turned MAGA into a pejorative. Turning what you disagree with into a pejorative is so common these days that it should be undisputed. A MAGA hat isn’t any different than an IU hat or any other identifier. If you think me saying I’m MAGA, (Which I am) is being a dick, that’s on you. I say it because I mean it and I believe like three-quarters of Americans that America is on the wrong track. And we are picking up speed on that wrong track with Kamala poised to be president. She is a far left whack job on every important issue.

Any chance I can search the board for you using "liberal" or "Democrat" as a pejorative?
he’s a contrarian. Has been and always will be. I think that is an important voice.

Brain worms (Parasites) are a real thing and shouldn’t be made fun of any more than you would make fun of somebody with MS.
I agree. Brain worms are a serious issue that can impact neurological function, just like getting old can. Do we really want people who aren't dealing with full mental capacity in charge of the country? RFK Jr did the right thing in ending his campaign and should just walk away from politics altogether. Same with Trump.
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Well, that's not really 'what Democrats think of MAGA.' It's more of what the MAGA cult has co-opted whatever the original intent of the phrase or slogan might've been.

It's arguable that MAGA as it relates to Trump was ever anything type of good or positive message to start. There is no question that it's divisive and combative by nature now.

And I'd also say all partisans don't do this type of thing. Having a Harris/Walz yard sign is worlds different than throwing a MAGA hat. One is supporting a ticket you're voting for. The other is doing the same, but adding in a fair amount of being a dick.
This is a pretty ridiculous take. You’re presenting your opinion as objective reality.
I don't doubt that you wholeheartedly believe the last two to three sentences you wrote.

I think the problem is that, regardless of what you believe, I highly doubt you'd grab your MAGA hat over an IU hat for a trip into Denver for the day. And we crossed that line a long time ago. Anyone who willingingly wears a MAGA hat or a 'Let's Go Brandon' shirt out in public knows how decisive it is, doesn't care and wants to poke the bear.
My wife has a MAGA hat. She wears it occasionally.

She doesn’t wear it because she wants to be a bitch. She wears it to show support for Trump.

Millions of people support Trump and are nowhere near the caricature of them you’ve created in your head.
This is a pretty ridiculous take. You’re presenting your opinion as objective reality.
Another opinion of mine is that this is a willfully ignorant or naive take.

I don't believe anyone wears MAGA gear thinking, 'golly gee, I like that Trump feller and I'm gonna just wear this hat down to the feed shop.'

In 2024, anyone who wears MAGA gear knows exactly the type of response it'll get in the general public.
Well, that's not really 'what Democrats think of MAGA.' It's more of what the MAGA cult has co-opted whatever the original intent of the phrase or slogan might've been.

It's arguable that MAGA as it relates to Trump was ever anything type of good or positive message to start. There is no question that it's divisive and combative by nature now.

And I'd also say all partisans don't do this type of thing. Having a Harris/Walz yard sign is worlds different than throwing a MAGA hat. One is supporting a ticket you're voting for. The other is doing the same, but adding in a fair amount of being a dick.
You hear what you want to hear and given where you live it evidences your bubble. Cross the border throughout Appalachia etc. maga was about returning to a time where we produced. When manufacturing and production was here and you didn’t have to be a software engineer to afford the American dream. When life was easier. That’s what drew in the blue collar. Trump captured that. It’s a false bill of goods from trump but that’s what it is.
Another opinion of mine is that this is a willfully ignorant or naive take.

I don't believe anyone wears MAGA gear thinking, 'golly gee, I like that Trump feller and I'm gonna just wear this hat down to the feed shop.'

In 2024, anyone who wears MAGA gear knows exactly the type of response it'll get in the general public.
With all due respect, that is idiotic.

Millions and millions of people will vote for Trump in November, whether he wins or not. Those people won’t have that reaction.

People in your orbit may have that reaction but outside of your bubble, a whole hell of a lot of people don’t.