Russia is far more fascist than communist. Communism was the removal of classes and worker ownership of the means of production. But Russia has a different model. Sure, government partly owns. But that existed in Germany. But wealthy individuals take control and make huge profits. Oligarchs. Much closer to Germany and Italy. Oligarchs are not to exist in communism. It has been learned that allowing oligarchs allows much deeper loyalty to the leader than having a simple government bureaucrat.
Plus communism was the elimination of nationalism, workers of the world unite. A worker's true brother was another worker no matter where in the world. Putin preaches nationalism, not an international brotherhood.
As to liberals having fewer children, don't we call that "freedom"? I don't care how many kids people have.
Fascism, as started by Mussolini, was a revolt against socialism and communism. The peasants, the workers, were the enemy. Mussolini was very pro industrialist, he did not realize how quickly the middle would love his message that the low paid workers were the problem.
Putin has no problem killing Russian peasants by the hundreds of thousands in Ukraine.