Louisiana lol

Military chaplains do a great job of uniting rather than dividing. They specialize in their own religions but do an awesome job at emphasizing that Muslims, Christians, and Jews all worship the same God and when they do prayers for events, that’s what they do. See the pre-race prayers at the Indy 500 every year. They’re great examples.
I was fascinated when I learned that Jesus is a major Islam figure. Not the GOAT for them, but one of their major prophets.
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Correct me on what I am ignorant about. I said Christianity (and perhaps the clarification is, “in the name of Christiananity”) was arguably responsible for the most deaths over the course of human kind.

Would you put “in the name of Christianity “ caused deaths in the top 20 over the course of history? Is that not reasonable?

Alas, my point , and me getting caught up in this argument furthers it…. Mixing Religion with the day to days of general society has never shown to be the great benefactor for everyone that it affects.

I just don’t like mixing biblical history with the general public. Not everyone is Christian. My version of Jesus would be embarrassed if we feel like we need to put posters and flyers up around public schools telling everyone that Christianity is top dawg. My version of Jesus is too humble for that, it’s not the right platform.
What is “my version” of Jesus?
Word. Sorry I riled us up. If they want to put like 5 of the commandments up that are more fitting for grade school, and call them the “golden rules” , I’d have no issue.
I did have issues with it before school choice became a law in Indiana. I don’t think governments should be allowed to take people’s money and force them into state sponsored schools. It’s an injustice to one’s personal rights and freedoms. Thankfully, more and more states are moving towards school choice, which is an appropriate compromise.
It's not the idea you have to he a Christian to be successful today. It's the idea that the basic tenets of the religion are what helped most of that list of people by giving them opportunities to be big thinkers instead peasants trying to subsist.

I had no idea what point you're trying to make about Lew Alcindor.
That's an insane idea. Almost none of the important Western thinkers were ever in danger of being peasants. Even at the beginning, when Christianity was still for outsiders, the big thinkers - bishops, monks, scholars, etc. - were almost always children of the handful of rich early converts, rather than peasants. There is absolutely nothing about the history of Christianity to support the idea that its "basic tenets" somehow helped important Western "big thinkers" get where they were by, I dunno, pulling themselves up by their bootstraps? Or something like that?
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That's an insane idea. Almost none of the important Western thinkers were ever in danger of being peasants. Even at the beginning, when Christianity was still for outsiders, the big thinkers - bishops, monks, scholars, etc. - were almost always children of the handful of rich early converts, rather than peasants. There is absolutely nothing about the history of Christianity to support the idea that its "basic tenets" somehow helped important Western "big thinkers" get where they were by, I dunno, pulling themselves up by their bootstraps? Or something like that?
How much can the big thinkers accomplish if the rest of us plebs aren’t buying into a religion or ideology? If you could prove to me there is 100% not a God, my behavior would drastically change.
I did have issues with it before school choice became a law in Indiana. I don’t think governments should be allowed to take people’s money and force them into state sponsored schools. It’s an injustice to one’s personal rights and freedoms. Thankfully, more and more states are moving towards school choice, which is an appropriate compromise.
Carmel is still standing.

Didn't know Gary Roosevelt High School had closed in 2019 until reading this thread and Googling.

Remember playing basketball against Roosevelt as a high school freshmen. Envied their having a swimming pool.

Have a classy neighbor who is a successful ladies clothing designer and a proud Roosevelt graduate. We have served together on the neighborhood board of directors since it was formed.
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Didn't know Gary Roosevelt High School had closed in 2019 until reading this thread and Googling.

Remember playing basketball against Roosevelt as a high school freshmen. Envied their having a swimming pool.

Have a classy neighbor who is a successful ladies clothing designer and a proud Roosevelt graduate. We have served together on the neighborhood board of directors since it was formed.
My heart is broken at the loss of Roosevelt, Beckman Middle School, and David O Duncan Elementary. I lived across the street from both Roosevelt and David in the Delaney projects which is no more. They totally flatten the projects.
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School choice is only for the privileged few.
I agree. That’s why you should be for school vouchers following the child. It opens up school choice for middle, working, and poorer classes. Oh, by the way this will disproportionately help minorities more than whites, as well. So make sure you thank your local State GOP member the next time you see them for improving the lives of minorities.
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I agree. That’s why you should be for school vouchers following the child. It opens up school choice for middle, working, and poorer classes. Oh, by the way this will disproportionately help minorities more than whites, as well. So….. make sure you thank your local State GOP member the next time you see them for improving the lives of minorities.
I live in Indiana, the state gop do not give a damn about minorities. Only a few can benefit from charter schools. What about the majority? They only accept so many.
I agree. That’s why you should be for school vouchers following the child. It opens up school choice for middle, working, and poorer classes. Oh, by the way this will disproportionately help minorities more than whites, as well. So….. make sure you thank your local State GOP member the next time you see them for improving the lives of minorities.
gop does nothing.
Or much more likely, the environment and privilege that the families have that send their children to private schools have all the advantages that public schools do not. That and the fact that they get to CHOOSE which children they will accept.
Just as important is they get to choose which children to expel.
How much can the big thinkers accomplish if the rest of us plebs aren’t buying into a religion or ideology? If you could prove to me there is 100% not a God, my behavior would drastically change.
Why would your behavior change if you knew there wasn’t a God?
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There is no morality then. No good. No evil. I assume I’d be much more selfish.
Why would you assume that? Lots of people throughout history have lacked belief in God or gods, and they've behaved much like everyone else. If the only thing keeping you from being immoral is fear of God, then that probably means there's something quite wrong with you.
There is no morality then. No good. No evil. I assume I’d be much more selfish.
Really? I heard Trump say something like that too. I try not to be selfish and to be kind and compassionate and help others and it has nothing to do with whether there is a God or not. I do it because it’s the right thing. I don’t need the promise of Heaven or hell to try to be as good a person as possible.
Why would you assume that? Lots of people throughout history have lacked belief in God or gods, and they've behaved much like everyone else.
My answer is there is God and we’re all designed in his image is why they behaved that way.
If the only thing keeping you from being immoral is fear of God, then that probably means there's something quite wrong with you. there being no God, but there is something wrong with me if I don’t behave the way you deem moral.
My answer is there is God and we’re all designed in his image is why they behaved that way. there being no God, but there is something wrong with me if I don’t behave the way you deem moral.
Then why in the world would your belief in the matter have any effect? I don't think you understand what you're saying here.
My answer is there is God and we’re all designed in his image is why they behaved that way. there being no God, but there is something wrong with me if I don’t behave the way you deem moral.
Well I agree that there is something wrong with a person if the only reason they try to be a good person is fear of retribution. That’s childlike behavior. You need a punishment or a bribe to behave?
Well I agree that there is something wrong with a person if the only reason they try to be a good person is fear of retribution. That’s childlike behavior. You need a punishment or a bribe to behave?
It's like my dog expecting a belly rub and treat for good behavior.

Good boy, snarl, good, good boy, not stealing even ONCE today!
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Really? I heard Trump say something like that too. I try not to be selfish and to be kind and compassionate and help others and it has nothing to do with whether there is a God or not. I do it because it’s the right thing. I don’t need the promise of Heaven or hell to try to be as good a person as possible.
Assuming there was no God, you would just be doing what you deemed the right thing to do. Im fine with that by the way. I was laughing at the notion of someone else judging another person’s “right thing”.
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Well I agree that there is something wrong with a person if the only reason they try to be a good person is fear of retribution. That’s childlike behavior. You need a punishment or a bribe to behave?
I never said that’s how I act. Also, just so we’re clear you believe in God and you know how you would behave if there wasn’t a God? I personally don’t.

You don’t think his teachings drive why you try to do the right thing? The fact you’re made in his image isn’t part of the reason? I was just trying to admit, I’m not sure how I would act and I do assume most of my goodness comes from God.
There is no morality then. No good. No evil. I assume I’d be much more selfish.
That would mean that atheists have no morals. They would commit more crimes than Christians. Which ISN'T TRUE. does the raising of upstanding, moral children work without prayers at mealtimes and morality lessons at Sunday school? Quite well, it seems. Far from being dysfunctional, nihilistic and rudderless without the security and rectitude of religion, secular households provide a sound and solid foundation for children, according to Vern Bengston, a USC professor of gerontology and sociology....

nonreligious family life is replete with its own sustaining moral values and enriching ethical precepts. Chief among those: rational problem solving, personal autonomy, independence of thought, avoidance of corporal punishment, a spirit of “questioning everything” and, far above all, empathy.

For secular people, morality is predicated on one simple principle: empathetic reciprocity, widely known as the Golden Rule.

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