Louisiana lol


How would you feel about all schools being required to post the code of Hammurabi? Much guidance there, with regard to enforcing behaviors that are good for society. it first established the idea of innocent until proven guilty. If even promotes a lot of eye-for-an-eye justice.

But , no. That's unacceptable. They are specifically trying to spread a Christian Nationalist ideology, one that would make the founding fathers CRINGE.
One thing you are not thinking about is how Christianity has been a plus for Western Culture. I would even point out the Reformation as it grew helped society. The feudal system soon went by the wayside. Why? It's because as more people came to have faith in Jesus they realized that all people are made in the image of God. Therefore it meant something. Now your mention of the Code of Hammurabi points out something very important. The rule of law in a society is paramount to peace. What is the opposite of peace? It is anarchy where the strong trounce the rights of the weak. My question would be this. If Hammurabi understood some of these things and the biblical writers understood them then where did they get these ideas? They got them from God.
Religion has positive teachings but no religion should be propped up or enforced by the government. We accept all religions or those that don't follow a religion
To Accept is true. If you (not you specifically) are an atheist then I don't think you should be thrown in jail etc. But I also don't think your belief system should be propped up as a moral equivalent. Like I said before the Founders just propped up the idea of God being the Creator and that He was moral. Therefore we should be a moral and just people. If we are not moral and just then what are we? I find it terrible that many people today don't even believe in an intrinsic right and wrong. They are so lost in their morals and thoughts they can't take a stand on anything. It saddens me actually because those who think this way don't treat people as well. They don't stand up to injustice because what is injustice really?
To Accept is true. If you (not you specifically) are an atheist then I don't think you should be thrown in jail etc. But I also don't think your belief system should be propped up as a moral equivalent. Like I said before the Founders just propped up the idea of God being the Creator and that He was moral. Therefore we should be a moral and just people. If we are not moral and just then what are we? I find it terrible that many people today don't even believe in an intrinsic right and wrong. They are so lost in their morals and thoughts they can't take a stand on anything. It saddens me actually because those who think this way don't treat people as well. They don't stand up to injustice because what is injustice really?
Never said anyone should be propped up. That's the whole point. Government has no business in religion. One of the issues the founders had was the Church of England.
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your mention of the Code of Hammurabi points out something very important. The rule of law in a society is paramount to peace. What is the opposite of peace? It is anarchy where the strong trounce the rights of the weak. My question would be this. If Hammurabi understood some of these things and the biblical writers understood them then where did they get these ideas? They got them from God.
Some of the commandments are indeed focused on important principles and the rule of law: like... don't lie, cheat, steal, covet, or commit adultery. In general, don't be a Trump.

Indeed you can take part of it as good morality rules for everyone.

But then, other Commandments are instructions as to how one must worship: keep that Sabbath day holy, have no God before me (the one true God), and don't you even dare misuse my name.

if you want all of the commandments posted, you are telling the students how they ought to worship. That is very problematic.
If on the other hand you want to teach the 10 Commandments in the context of history /social contracts / morality, along with (say) the Mayflower Compact, the code of Hammurabi, and undoubtedly many other historical documents from around the world, by all mean go for it.
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Some of the commandments are indeed focused on important principles and the rule of law: like... don't lie, cheat, steal, covet, or commit adultery. In general, don't be a Trump.

Indeed you can take part of it as good morality rules for everyone.

But then, other Commandments are instructions as to how one must worship: keep that Sabbath day holy, have no God before me (the one true God), and don't you even dare misuse my name.

if you want all of the commandments posted, you are telling the students how they ought to worship. That is very problematic.
They should post the Mittvah instead - all 613 Commandments. Hell, one of them is "Men must not wear women's clothing." They must have missed that one in Louisiana.

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Never said anyone should be propped up. That's the whole point. Government has no business in religion. One of the issues the founders had with the Church of England.

If you are a teacher in a classroom with the 10 Commandments posted, will you be trained on how to answer questions concerning the commandments?

Just how will teachers be expected to respond?

Can anticipate a teacher simply saying, "I am not qualified to answer your question". What would parents think upon hearing the teacher knows nothing about the commandments ?

Then again, some teachers might unveil a long lecture about their religious views which may or may not be appropriate to all parents, or school authorities, or even the legislators who passed the bill.

Sounds like they have openned a can of worms from the pew where I am sitting.
One thing you are not thinking about is how Christianity has been a plus for Western Culture. I would even point out the Reformation as it grew helped society. The feudal system soon went by the wayside. Why? It's because as more people came to have faith in Jesus they realized that all people are made in the image of God. Therefore it meant something. Now your mention of the Code of Hammurabi points out something very important. The rule of law in a society is paramount to peace. What is the opposite of peace? It is anarchy where the strong trounce the rights of the weak. My question would be this. If Hammurabi understood some of these things and the biblical writers understood them then where did they get these ideas? They got them from God.
The end of feudalism had nothing to do with Jesus. It was economics.
If you are a teacher in a classroom with the 10 Commandments posted, will you be trained on how to answer questions concerning the commandments?

Just how will teachers be expected to respond?

Can anticipate a teacher simply saying, "I am not qualified to answer your question". What would parents think upon hearing the teacher knows nothing about the commandments ?

Then again, some teachers might unveil a long lecture about their religious views which may or may not be appropriate to all parents, or school authorities, or even the legislators who passed the bill.

Sounds like they have openned a can of worms from the pew where I am sitting.

On a positive note, can see a youngster coming home from school and asking the parents about the 10 Commandments.

Hearing this, the parents might decide to start attending church again.

"Guess we had better give Pastor Van a call", they might say.
...can see a youngster coming home from school and asking the parents about the 10 Commandments.

Hearing this, the parents might decide to start attending church again.

"Guess we had better give Pastor Van a call", they might say.
Yikes. Spreading the dumb...
I for one think it's nice that these Christians are teaching children about the Jewish faith.
The Jewish Scriptures before the coming of Jesus are the Word of God just like the Jewish Scriptures after Jesus came. Jesus said something interesting in Matthew 5:17. He did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. I believe what Jesus meant was that He came and completely fulfilled the Law in that He never broke it. So when He went to the Cross He was as John the Baptist said in John 1, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". Christ was thus a sinless sacrifice so that He could die for sinners. That is you and me by the way.
If Christianity never existed is it your opinion that the West would have progressed as it did or possibly quicker?
It's a strange argument to make, that the incredibly creative minds that drove the rise of Western civilization through innovation never would have done shit but for Christian beliefs (and many of these guys held no such beliefs)

Henry Ford
Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Samuel Morse
Eli Whitney
Ben Franklin
Charles Goodyear
JD Rockefeller
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Jonas Salk
Robert Oppenheimer
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
OIiver and Wilbur Wright
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs

100 others...
The Jewish Scriptures before the coming of Jesus are the Word of God just like the Jewish Scriptures after Jesus came. Jesus said something interesting in Matthew 5:17. He did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. I believe what Jesus meant was that He came and completely fulfilled the Law in that He never broke it. So when He went to the Cross He was as John the Baptist said in John 1, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". Christ was thus a sinless sacrifice so that He could die for sinners. That is you and me by the way.
That's interesting. So how do you pick which parts of the old testament to follow and which ones not to? Seems like a conundrum.
It's a strange argument to make, that the incredibly creative minds that drove the rise of Western civilization through innovation never would have done shit but for Christian beliefs (and many of these guys held no such beliefs)

Henry Ford
Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Samuel Morse
Eli Whitney
Ben Franklin
Charles Goodyear
JD Rockefeller
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Jonas Salk
Robert Oppenheimer
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
OIiver and Wilbur Wright
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs

100 others...
I didn’t ask you the question because you’re really dumb and I don’t care what you think 🤷🏻‍♂️

Also, per usual you mischaracterized my position and didn’t answer the question.
It doesn't stop there.

Read this article about private schools in Arizona - I think it is a similar setup to the crap going on in Indiana.

Could you imagine the outrage if liberals created a private school based on brainwashing kids into the liberal way of thinking and then sent public funds to it?

Hopefully you have not yet reproduced.

If you had, you would understand that the public schools dying and the private schools flourishing is due to actual parents believing that the private schools are producing a product that is superior to that that is being produced by the public schools.

Because I know how your little mind thinks...........lack of resources is not the issue.
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I didn’t ask you the question because you’re really dumb and I don’t care what you think 🤷🏻‍♂️

Also, per usual you mischaracterized my position and didn’t answer the question.
I don't know your religious beliefs, but my gut tells me that any religion eager to count you as a member is probably as full of shit as you are.
Hopefully you have not yet reproduced.

If you had, you would understand that the public schools dying and the private schools flourishing is due to actual parents believing that the private schools are producing a product that is superior to that that is being produced by the public schools.

Because I know how your little mind thinks...........lack of resources is not the issue.

I don't think you're smart enough to determine the issue. Obviously the school system failed you ;)
Indiana's own Kurt Vonnegut had a great quote about conservatives and their long-standing fight to put the 10 Commandments in public buildings. Vonnegut was a self-described "Christ-loving atheist" who felt that many conservative Christians weren't actually interested in the caring-for-your-fellow-man messaging Jesus taught:

“For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. 'Blessed are the merciful' in a courtroom? 'Blessed are the peacemakers' in the Pentagon? Give me a break!”​

If someone posted the Beatitudes or the Sermon on the Mount you'd be among the first to bitch about it.
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Again you're wanting to care for those born children with someone else's money. Just not your own.

lol. Republicans are all about tax breaks for the wealthy but everyone else is every man for themself. Campaign contributions/bribes are working perfectly.

And most people don't have enough money to fix stuff on their own. but nice meaningless jab